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You think your commute to work is bad? Fuck that.

That is fucking incredible. Imagine getting to the top and remembering you'd left your butties in the car.


As everyone's said, those bastards should be getting a serious amount for that.

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I do hope they get paid an awful lot. I'd be curious to know what the fatality rate for someone doing that job is, too.

Thats exactly what I was thinking.


Theres NO fucking safety harness at the top, I got the shakes watching that. Slipping on a rung or tripping over a cable and you're fucked!

It's not even a proper ladder, and some of it they're just scrambling over the framework. I wonder if it actually would be safer for them to abseil from a helicopter onto it. Straight to the top, clip the harness to the frame, unclip from from helicopter. Reverse the process when they're done.

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Wankers have taken it down, so here it is again for anyone who's interested.




Absolutely mental. Few things that really struck me.


1) I'm guessing they check beforehand anyway, but what the hell do you do when you're that high up and all of a sudden it starts to rain?


2) I love in the narration when it says "Now we've reached the top of the antenna, it's just another 60 feet to the top!" Just ANOTHER 60 feet?! After all of that?!


3) Just the sheer lack of safety equipment and serious danger. There's a couple of bits in that video where they are basically switching platforms, like kids in a play park on a climbing frame. Surely in 2010 this could be improved somehow? The helicopter idea was pretty good I thought.

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1) I'm guessing they check beforehand anyway, but what the hell do you do when you're that high up and all of a sudden it starts to rain?

I actually noticed that when he's getting near the top the voiceover guy points out that he's checking the weather because there's no quick way down if there's a storm... wouldn't you be checking that shit BEFORE you're 1600 feet in the air and unable to get down quickly? The latest possible time to be checking the weather forecast would be as you exit the lift, any point after that is just too damned late.

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1) I'm guessing they check beforehand anyway, but what the hell do you do when you're that high up and all of a sudden it starts to rain?

I actually noticed that when he's getting near the top the voiceover guy points out that he's checking the weather because there's no quick way down if there's a storm... wouldn't you be checking that shit BEFORE you're 1600 feet in the air and unable to get down quickly? The latest possible time to be checking the weather forecast would be as you exit the lift, any point after that is just too damned late.


Exactly. I'm no weather expert, but I'd imagine depending on the length of time it takes to climb the damn thing there's a strong chance that there could a shift in the change of weather, like the wind mph could increase or it could start to lightly shower or even worse. Plus, what if their weather forecast turns out to be wrong? What the hell do you do then? I'm guessing just start climbing down at the earliest possible sign of trouble and then just gutting it out with lots of rest stops along the way?


I can safely say I'll think twice now about complaining about my working environment!

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  • Paid Members
Wankers have taken it down, so here it is again for anyone who's interested.



Am i the only person here who's thinking they'd love to do something like that?



I'm well aware that I'm a considerable spaz when it comes to agility, so if the safety harness issue was revised I'd give it a go.

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Wankers have taken it down, so here it is again for anyone who's interested.



Am i the only person here who's thinking they'd love to do something like that?



I'm well aware that I'm a considerable spaz when it comes to agility, so if the safety harness issue was revised I'd give it a go.


Its a bit like fucking a fat chick.


Its not the doing part thats the problem, its the falling off from height!

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