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I've been simultaneously re-reading both Bret and Shawn's books on the loo (crossing over to read each mans version of certain events) and I found the whole chapter about Bret's sabbatical after WrestleMania XI, negotiations with Bischoff (which at the time I had no idea had happened) and eventual WWF comeback fascinating so I had to dig this out, his return interview from the 21st October 96 Raw :




Amazing how much of what Bret says here is rooted in truth rather than a "wrestling promo," great watching Vince's reactions, and while I'd remembered what Bret said about WcW, HBK and Steve Austin, I'd completely forgotten that he told that story about his nephew Matt on tv.

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I got sent that link from a (non-wrestling fan) mate of mine in Australia. I had to warn him not to bother with any of CZW's other shite though! It is truly fantastic though. :thumbsup:


And you call yourself a wrestling fan... :laugh:

Yes I do...what's not to like about it? It's hugely entertaining.

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I don't like CZW or Chikara, or anything like that but it was brilliant. Non wrestling fans who've been passed the link have more reason to slate wrestling for being 'gay' and 'not real' but who cares!


It might not look very good on a TV show in a major promotion,but if you attended that show you'd go home happy based on that alone.


Also, that Booker T promo video, wow, I remember him and his "WHO?" gimmick trying to outshine Austin. Brilliant.

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