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For some reason, I've been listening a lot to Ravishing Rick Rude's WCW theme music. As I looked for it, I came across a lovely full version of the Dangerous Alliance battle with Sting's Squadron from WrestleWar 92.



Watched it for the first time in ages today, and its a massive eye opener. What the fuck happened to wrestling? For 30 minutes, the fans are just going batty. You can hardly hear the commentators. I don't think there's a match with the crowd at a fever pitch quite like it. One thing that hits me like a sledgehammer compared to wrestlers these days is how quality the fundamentals of the wrestlers back then. There are better athletes now and the moves are more spectacular, but the moves don't mean much in this match. The selling, the fire from the babyfaces, the facial expressions and especially the bumps are incredible. Its fantastic to watch. Its no wonder most of them suffered serious injuries in their career. Austin, Windham, Rude, Arn, Dustin and Steamboat jump fly around the ring. This lot were so great back in the early 90s. Each time the buzzer goes, they get to showcase how good they are. Everyone in the match is aware of their position on the roster, their role in the match, why they are fighting each other in the first place and what their character is. Everything means something. From the opening bell when Austin and Windham tear strips off each other to the final bell when the whole babyface side drag each other to the back (even though they are the winners) because they have been in a war.


Another thing I noticed was just how great Sting was as a babyface. I know he gets deserved stick because he needed opponents to carry him to something more than half decent, but early 90s Sting had more fire than anyone. When he enters the ring, he's just smacking heels left and right as the fans cheer on their hero. Its not hard to see why all my mates had his action figure (even though they never watched WCW).


I don't watch this period of WCW nearly enough. Rude was unbelievably good. Jesse and Jim Ross are great on commentary as well.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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When I was a kid I thought that Arn Anderson was a right old bastard. He looked like a grandad compared to a lot of guys in the business, even though he actually wasn't. In that War Games match he's actually younger than John Cena is now.

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When I was a kid I thought that Arn Anderson was a right old bastard. He looked like a grandad compared to a lot of guys in the business, even though he actually wasn't. In that War Games match he's actually younger than John Cena is now.


Jesus, that's eye opening :|

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Triple H vs Shelton Benjamin


One of my favourite upsets ever. This was around the spell where HHH recovered from his 02-03 form and started having quality matches nearly every week again. Listen to the crowd during Shelton's entrance, then listen to the POP at the end. Brilliant stuff


How bland do you have to be to not kick on and become a star after a start like that?

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Triple H vs Shelton Benjamin


One of my favourite upsets ever. This was around the spell where HHH recovered from his 02-03 form and started having quality matches nearly every week again. Listen to the crowd during Shelton's entrance, then listen to the POP at the end. Brilliant stuff


How bland do you have to be to not kick on and become a star after a start like that?


Err Cleet, that's coming up as the Rock/Hogan confrontation not the Triple H/Benjamin match

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