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I've just watched a South Korean film called Brotherhood. Not to get all pretentious on you, as it's subtitled obviously, but it's really magnificant film. The score is fantastic(maybe a little OTT, but the film suits it) and the fighting scenes are some of the best(if not the best) i've seen. It's about two brothers fighting during the Korean war. I bought it on a whim as I hadn't even heard of it before, I'm glad I did! Anyone else seen this?

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3-Feb-2008I too watched Vantage Point this weekend. I'm quite confused as to why people are complaining about the structure of the movie. The trailer and the title left me expecting nothing else but the same event being viewed for several different, wait for it, vantage points. If they'd have just opened each new perspective with the person's name and not done the rewinding sequence I doubt it would have bothered people half as much. People walked out of the cinema where I was too. Totally ridiculous, I'd love to see what they'd make of Memento.


If you're going to complain about it, I reckon everything Dai is listing would do. I don't object to the PDA thing quite as much as most, but the little sniper scope shooting game was very very silly even for an action movie. And yes, it was cliche-tastic, but I tend to be slightly more forgiving of that when watching throwaway action films.


I agree with Frank about the main flaw too, I'd have sort of justified it if he hadn't have shot the bound guy in the head without a second thought earlier in the movie because you could say he's a coward who's only willing to hurt people if he doesn't have to witness it firsthand, but yeah, totally ridiculous and a very unsatisfying conclusion.


Aside from that, it was an entertaining enough watch. Some good action sequences, the early intrigue was good before it fell apart and I always have time for Forrest Whitaker and his googly eye. 6/10 as a cinema movie, probably considerably lower on DVD, not that I'd be inclined to watch it again anyway. As an aside, I was really looking forward to the intial shooting because on a DVD trailer I saw for it months ago, the guy gets popped in the head in truly spectacular fashion. Balls to them for putting it down to a 12A and denying us that scene from all those different viewpoints.

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my problem with Vantage Point wasn't so much the fact that they kept showing things over and over, as that was i was expecting...i think they just did it too many times, where the film just stopped and rewound every 10mins it was like 'ahhh fuck, not again'.

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I've just watched a South Korean film called Brotherhood. Not to get all pretentious on you, as it's subtitled obviously, but it's really magnificant film. The score is fantastic(maybe a little OTT, but the film suits it) and the fighting scenes are some of the best(if not the best) i've seen. It's about two brothers fighting during the Korean war. I bought it on a whim as I hadn't even heard of it before, I'm glad I did! Anyone else seen this?

It was released at the cinema but i'm pretty sure it came out as Tae-Guk-GI. Very good and touching film, a little melodramatic at times but the important question is

Did you cry when he gets the shoes? :sad face:

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I've just watched a South Korean film called Brotherhood. Not to get all pretentious on you, as it's subtitled obviously, but it's really magnificant film. The score is fantastic(maybe a little OTT, but the film suits it) and the fighting scenes are some of the best(if not the best) i've seen. It's about two brothers fighting during the Korean war. I bought it on a whim as I hadn't even heard of it before, I'm glad I did! Anyone else seen this?

It was released at the cinema but i'm pretty sure it came out as Tae-Guk-GI. Very good and touching film, a little melodramatic at times but the important question is

Did you cry when he gets the shoes? :sad face:


I love this film. Really great action and I didn't get bored with it at all.Yes I did have a little tear in my eye :DIt's really a smash 'em up car crash of a movie, great if you like things like Saving Private Ryan but wished the action scene at the beginning lasted a longer :D
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The Orphanage

Here is my review for this film,


This film will really shit you up.


Go and see it. I want to talk about it but not until every last person that likes film has seen it. lol

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I saw Funny games at the cinema 3 days ago. I had never heard of the German version, what drew it to me were the 2 actors playing the disturbed young men in the golf gear. Brady Corbet was magnificent in Mysterious Skin as this loaner who was rigidly nervous and I liked Michael Pitt's dopey, always drugged out of his mind character in Bully.Anyway, I thought it was a so so movie that kicks off with the most unartistic opening credits and continues on with pathetically bland dialouge. There's no humour, no family arguments which the audience could possibly relate to, its actually too flat and dull to be believable for most people. The 2 young men show up who at first exchange cordial gratitude for being given the 4 eggs and for being granted a go with a golf club. However, things quickly (too quickly really, the film could have played on the awkwardness of expressing irritation towards 2 gentlemen you initially hit it off with) get uncomfortable when the 2 guys refuse to leave and persist in asking for the replacement of 4 eggs (the first 2 batches of eggs were broken by accident) And from there things get worse and worse as the 2 disturbed young men start a series of games which will decide the fates of the small family.*spoilers coming up here*The film sort of goes against the grain with the family standing no chance. Most films I can think of this this category would involve the victims fighting back and always standing a chance on keepin their lives, which in fact would be the probable ending. In this film though, the mother's attempts at trying to beg were shot down in flames, in fact they weren't even addressed, Brady Corbet's character simply said "Stop, don't you have any dignity?" The situation was hopeless. The film was very commercial however in the sense that we had 2 soft spoken villains, romancing up the tone. The son is the 1st one murdered, and from there the film feels pretty pointless. What are the parent's possibly fighting for now, their son is dead, can their lives really get any shittier from here on if they can somehow survive this ordeal? Well, after some time, including an excruciatingly long scene with the mother turning off the television, Naomi Watts's character manages to grab the shotgun and shoot one of the men fatally through the stomach, only for the his partner in crime to grab the remote control and rewind the scene... my jaw hit the floor, where the fuck did this come from? See it at your own risk, I wasn't bothered by the film at all myself, the torturing wasn't as bad as I was lead to believe and if you've seen enough mordern films, like the Saw trilogy for instance, you'll be desensitized to the gruesome content.On youtube I watched a film called Canvas. The film gets its name due to the mother's hobby. She's an avid painter. However, she suffers from schizophrenia, and as a mother and a wife, her problem spills in to her family life which creates some rather nasty situations for the husband and son. Frankly the film ends up being more like a kid's film with the son getting the most screen time where we see him interacting with bullies at school and a love interest. All the sub characters are very 2 dimensional and the film also throws in some cliches, but its OK and has some nice music in it. And I just watched In to the wild on DVD. I essentially sat with the hauteur depiction of the story, not enjoying it a great deal. But, when I made it to the wonderful ending I felt it was worth it.*spoilers* What hit me was one of the last shots in the film, the one being the wishful thinking being played with the narration of "If I could run in to your arms, would you see what I see?" The expressions of joy and relief from the parents, and the tear rolling down Marcia Gay Harden's face, its profoundly sad.

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I saw Funny games at the cinema 3 days ago. I had never heard of the German version, what drew it to me were the 2 actors playing the disturbed young men in the golf gear. Brady Corbet was magnificent in Mysterious Skin as this loaner who was rigidly nervous and I liked Michael Pitt's dopey, always drugged out of his mind character in Bully.Anyway, I thought it was a so so movie that kicks off with the most unartistic opening credits and continues on with pathetically bland dialouge. There's no humour, no family arguments which the audience could possibly relate to, its actually too flat and dull to be believable for most people. The 2 young men show up who at first exchange cordial gratitude for being given the 4 eggs and for being granted a go with a golf club. However, things quickly (too quickly really, the film could have played on the awkwardness of expressing irritation towards 2 gentlemen you initially hit it off with) get uncomfortable when the 2 guys refuse to leave and persist in asking for the replacement of 4 eggs (the first 2 batches of eggs were broken by accident) And from there things get worse and worse as the 2 disturbed young men start a series of games which will decide the fates of the small family.*spoilers coming up here*The film sort of goes against the grain with the family standing no chance. Most films I can think of this this category would involve the victims fighting back and always standing a chance on keepin their lives, which in fact would be the probable ending. In this film though, the mother's attempts at trying to beg were shot down in flames, in fact they weren't even addressed, Brady Corbet's character simply said "Stop, don't you have any dignity?" The situation was hopeless. The film was very commercial however in the sense that we had 2 soft spoken villains, romancing up the tone. The son is the 1st one murdered, and from there the film feels pretty pointless. What are the parent's possibly fighting for now, their son is dead, can their lives really get any shittier from here on if they can somehow survive this ordeal? Well, after some time, including an excruciatingly long scene with the mother turning off the television, Naomi Watts's character manages to grab the shotgun and shoot one of the men fatally through the stomach, only for the his partner in crime to grab the remote control and rewind the scene... my jaw hit the floor, where the fuck did this come from? See it at your own risk, I wasn't bothered by the film at all myself, the torturing wasn't as bad as I was lead to believe and if you've seen enough mordern films, like the Saw trilogy for instance, you'll be desensitized to the gruesome content.

I also saw this film this week and totally disagree with you. The director, said the film was to address the use of violence in film, particulary American films like the Saw trilogy you mention. The film is almost anti-horror, as the director does not let you see any of the killing for a purpose; to show how it is not the single action which is important, but the aftermath, the suffering, the pain which the viewer is desensitised to. The film is totally blunt about what it is trying to achieve, with the two lads addressing the camera on more than one occasion, asking questions such as 'Do you want me to kill her now? No, you want the climax." In fact the only downside to the film is that at times it feels a little bit like a lecture, but this is one of the only films which I have seen that has enough guts to say 'fuck you' to the audience, to try and actually argue a logical human point to an unsuspecting audience. It could be subtler, but fuck subtlelty if you think you have something important to say. The fact that you complain it doesn't pan out like a normal horror, with the final kill being the perfect example of this, suggests perhaps you were expecting to see a conventional mindless film with killers and endless supply of corpses, each killed in a variety of 'fantastic' ways . Plus the cast were fucking great. Edited by ukedge87
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Die Hard 4


Actually really enjoyable. Okay some of it is pretty far fetched but then what Die Hard film isn't? It borders on the 'just about possible' wagon. But it is what it is, a great little action movie with one of the best characters of the last 20 or so years.


We Were Soldiers[\b]


Mel Gibson, I've not seen this before and wasn't sure what it was going to be like, I have to say it was pretty good, there were a couple of moments in the movie that just didn't make any sense but overall it's a good Vietnam film that shows elements of both sides, something that I've not really seen in a vietnam film before. Pretty bloody, Gibson's character is strong, the supporting cast sometimes lack and I think this should've been expanded upon (for example, there's no one like "Doc" from Hamburger hill etc) but solid enough for a watch or two.

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The Orphanagei really want to see this movie when is it out on dvd

I'd guess in two or three months time. It only came out on the 21st March. I'd check HMV'sWorld Cinema page for pre-ordering in a month or two's time.If i wasn't allergic to sitting with people whilst watching a film, i'd probably go and see it. Not heard a bad word against it so far.
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