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What's your Ice Cream Van?


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We have a couple round here. They only come out during the winter or (if it's hot), after 7pm when you're settled for the night.

We have Stewy's Ices which I think is a franchise as there's a few vans that pop up and some are Stewy branded, some Mr Whippy and a couple of others. The best one is the ones covered in Simpsons artwork you'd see spray painted onto the side of a fairground ride.


Their usual ones are more your standard fare, nothing gaudy on the artwork and plays the Match of The Day theme. A look on their Facebook and they oddly only follow a few pages, including The Isle of Man TT Race group, a Premier shop in Bolton, and Freddie Starr.

They have loads of photos of kids and families enjoying these fantastic looking desserts which surprised me because a couple of years ago when one of them came out during the warm summer weather for a change, I got us a couple of 99s with Flakes and sauce and had to get it on a Pay in 3. I'm sure they get so few requests for actual ice creams it just confused him. God knows how much ones of these big desserts costs.
Years before that I got a Zzap lolly, an old favourite, and like everything else I think they've took all the sugar out of it and it tasted beige.

I don't know at what point I stopped getting excited about hearing the ice cream van and just started being confused or suspicious but it was probably after that Zzap, or maybe when they stopped selling the ones shaped like Mario's face.


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I feel its only fair I post this again in this thread.

Our one comes down our road every Sunday (and Bank Holiday Monday) at around 7pm and I'm not sure what it looks like, but I know the kids take a tenner and I never get any change 😆

That van is fantastic and I too love a Zzzap, or a Cider lolly. Cherry brandy made us feel well grown up when younger as well.

I'll always favour a lolly as I think Mr Whippy style ice cream is shit.

Edit: @FLips They only come out in the winter???

Edited by SuperBacon
Feasts. I also like feasts.
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3 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Edit: @FLips They only come out in the winter???

I was exaggerating as you rarely see them when it's sunny and only when it's pissing down, freezing or night time.

Edited by FLips
I also like feasts
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Just now, FLips said:

I was exaggerating as you rarely see them when it's sunny and only when it's pissing down, freezing or night time.

There was that period a few weeks back when it just seemed to piss it down for weeks and our ice cream van randomly came down the road as it was half term. It was genuinely gale winds and I thought I was hearing things. 

Text from 11yo 1 minute later: Can we get an ice cream? Ffs.

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Theres one that comes down by my work every Friday lunchtime, rain or shine in the winter. I always wondered why it's coming onto an industrial estate in the middle of winter to sell ice creams, and why only ever goes as far as the workers who smoke at the entrance gate of the paper recycling plant because they can't be that much demand for ice creams at that time of year with that demographic.

Then I remembered that like most ice cream vans you see in odd places at odd times of year - they're selling cocaine.

Edited by wordsfromlee
Calippo apologist
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We’ve had the same Ice Cream van man around here for at least 30 years. He’s called Carl and he’s a fucking vampire who looks exactly the same as he did when I was 10. His trademark is that he calls everybody “Boss” and when a kid asks “What can I get for this?” be it pennies and pocket lint he never sends them away empty handed. He’s not even a nonce. 

There were the glory days way back when that we’d have two ice cream vans, Carl with his whippy style and some other fella with his soft scoop style. Then a new guy tried to muscle in on the scene with his ‘Candy Man’ van and he’d show up 5 minutes before the soft scoop guy every day until it culminated in a kick off that the entire estate witnessed. Not Carl though, he was too classy for all that.

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When I lived in Manchester we had the Sivori's ice cream van. He did bags of crisps and cans of pop as well. The ex was obsessed with this knickerbocker glory thing he did, which looked like you could get it from Farmfoods for a quid. His prices were pretty reasonable though. Occasionally as a treat I'd get myself a plain ice cream. The chimes played the Frank Sinatra classic Strangers In The Night. 

Now I'm back in Blackburn our local "icky van" as they used to be called around here for some reason has the theme from Match Of The Day as its chimes. I've not had any experience with it, although I did walk past it last night on my way home from my college interview. 

I remember reading the laws about Ice Cream vans. You're not supposed to play your chimes for more than 4 seconds, and a certain amount of time apart. All kinds of weird rules. 


Edited by Jazzy G
March of the day sounds like an altogether different show.
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We have a red van and a blue van. When the red van enters the estate, people at the entrance do a decent job of letting everyone on the residents’ WhatsApp group know. When the blue van comes, nothing.

Red van serves up a thick and creamy whippy, the blue van waters everything down.

When I was a kid, we had a yellow Walls van that sold yellow vanilla ice cream off the block in a cone. The bloke used to lick the knife between each slice.

Edited by Scratch
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I remember the yellow Walls van back when I was a kid. Used to play Greensleeves as it drove down my Granny’s road.

It was an expensive do, that. My Aunt (Granny’s daughter) and my two cousins lived with them but my Uncle (Granny’s Brother) used to also live next door, so the Fridays we stayed round there my other cousins also stayed next door. At one time there must have been 8 kids between two houses all playing in the garden and who’s ears all pricked up when Greensleeves started blasting down the road.

It was an ideal situation for my Uncle to be fair because he was well into his woodwork and he used to collect ice lolly sticks and make things out of them. He made an entire dolls house for my cousin once. 

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Currently there’s a legit ice cream van and a rip off ice cream van going round the estate. Leading to outrage on the local Facebook group. Some poor bastard just parked up in an old estate car was also accused of not being a legit ice cream man and confronted by local residents as he had parked in an “ice cream van spot”. 

I’ve yet to come across the non licenced one. But I am hoping for both ice cream men to have some kind of showdown at some point



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