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5 minutes ago, no user name said:

And marketable is different from being good. Brittany spears is marketable but there are much better singers than her.

He's big, a bit scary looking and can do the monster heel formula well enough. Isn't that what you really need? He can talk reasonably well but he's got a mouth piece and that does the job.


He may not pull off good TV matches such as AJ Styles but that's not what he's there for. 


This all depends on what you think a good wrestler does. It's why people like Jeff Jarrett are under rated. People often underestimate the importance of a good heel getting the face over.

Edited by westlondonmist
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Just now, Merzbow said:

Adele is the only woman to have three songs in the top ten at the same time, also 21 definitely sold more than any Britney album so..

Plus she's only worked about 10 nights in the last 2 years.

Acknowledge her.

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1 minute ago, westlondonmist said:

He's big, a bit scary looking and can do the monster heel formula well enough. Isn't that what you really need? He can talk reasonably well but he's got a mouth piece and that does the job.


He may not pull off good TV matches such as AJ Styles but that's not what he's there for.

Fair enough. At the end of the day of people want to watch you then that's what wrestling is about. I mean I said a few weeks ago I didn't like Anthony agogo.  But the other week at the revolution rumble he was presented as this monster heel who chucked everyone out the ring. It was great to see him get eliminated. It doesn't matter why people want to see you of they want to see you and will pay to that's all that matters 

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Just now, no user name said:

I watched the match against cody and I thought it was good but a lot of it seemed to be cody doing the work. But then again then again I have found the more you learn about wrestling the more you learn what makes a match great. 

That’s funny, because I found that it’s a cycle. First you learn that wrist locks and 630 moonbombs and “workrate” make people better wrestlers, then eventually you learn that actually you were right first time and having favourites to cheer for and the results mattering to you is what makes the wrestling most enjoyable.

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4 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

Adele is the only woman to have three songs in the top ten at the same time, also 21 definitely sold more than any Britney album so..

Well just did a quick Google search and Brittany has sold 150 million records adele has sold around 120 million. It doesn't matter anyway the point is there are better singers than Brittany spears who haven't sold as many records.

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12 minutes ago, air_raid said:

That’s funny, because I found that it’s a cycle. First you learn that wrist locks and 630 moonbombs and “workrate” make people better wrestlers, then eventually you learn that actually you were right first time and having favourites to cheer for and the results mattering to you is what makes the wrestling most enjoyable.

I agree mate. I'm just saying that I don't understand what makes reigns so great but I'm probably wrong. It's largely subjective and you can understand what makes someone a great wrestler it just might not be your thing. But you have to understand it. You can't just say its shit because you don't like it. You have to understand the style and understand if it's being done well to be able to give a vallied opinion 

Eddie Kingston would be a great example. Don't always like that kind of style. But he's one of my favoute ever wrestlers. Because I love the character 

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2 minutes ago, no user name said:

Well just did a quick Google search and Brittany has sold 150 million records adele has sold around 120 million. It doesn't matter anyway the point is there are better singers than Brittany spears who haven't sold as many records.

Better singing is subjective. You'll go mad trying to work out who the 'best' people are and how to get them on top.

It's not how wrestling works. @air_raid is bang on... it's a form of mystical alchemy, and some people make you feel something even if on the surface they don't have the wrestling ability of Bret Hart or the promo ability of The Rock.

That's all wrestling is, trying to make people forget that it's a show and make you feel something.

Speaking of which...


Heyman had the front two rows feeling all sorts of things. Could spend all day looking at the invidiual reactions.

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33 minutes ago, Jacko said:

So dominic mysterio then 😜

Fantastic worker. Reasons he was Punks first opponent back.

On 12/26/2023 at 2:15 PM, air_raid said:

Funnily enough the week after he came back a mate at work asked me who his first match should be against. I said a clear and definite heel who he probably doesn’t have to work too hard to beat, and equally doesn’t lose much by losing to him. We agreed the obvious candidate was Dom.

He’s awesome at being a shit.

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On Roman, specifically, the idea he can't talk is absurd.

Prior to him being little brothered by The Rock's overwhelming starpower, he was doing some of the best acting work the WWE has ever seen.

His promos carried a leval of menace very few main event stars have got near to. He wasn't wild eyed, or screaming, he was the supremely confident mob boss who could have you taken out with a nod of his head or a click of his fingers. His mannerisms were subtle and perfect. Everything was on point.

Acknowledge him (after you've finished acknowledging Adele).

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, no user name said:

Well it's largely subjective. There are many things that make a match great 


Tell that to the fella that brought up 'in ring skill' in the first place.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Thread is getting dangerously close to that shit, overused "People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, Jeremy" meme. 

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