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2020-2021 WWE Highs/Lows


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Now that the pandemic era appears to be at a close, and with crowds due back at the end of the week, thought a good time to look back on the last 12-15 months, and rekindle our love/hate of what has gone well/terribly.

Looking back I’m really struggling to come up with much positives either pre-Thunderdome, or during Thunderdome. I’m not as much a hater of it as some, but the content on the shows just hasn’t been great has it?

Lets hope that some of you can have more of a positive input into this than I can come up with currently..

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The introduction of cinematic style matches (well more than they'd done in recent years) especially Taker Vs AJ was good. Excellent in some cases, I really enjoyed Money In The Bank for example.

It's kinda helped some people more as well. Roman not getting cheered for the heel turn would be a good example of using a bad situation to its best effect.

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6 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

You've nailed the low point.

Wyatt and Strowman was officially the point where I wanted it to end, but things like Stadium Stampede, Boneyard, Money In the Bank, to a degree you could put the Best Friends vs Santana and Ortiz street fight in there too were all great.

WWE wise of course they did do them to death and badly in a lot of cases, but I got to see nWo Cena so I love it.


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4 minutes ago, Perry said:

You can't suspend disbelief with cinematic style matches, it just drives home that they are actors.


Edited by Devon Malcolm
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I keep banging the drum for him but Drew McIntyre has been THE high for me. Despite going from the phenomenal fan response winning the rumble to winning the title in an absolutely nothing match against Lesnar, he carried the show and was, in my opinion, consistently good with his promos and match quality.

He still deserves better than the crap they're giving him at the moment but still.

The only low point worth mentioning is the Fiend/Orton feud. Disgustingly bad.

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Like with football, the empty/restricted crowds leave me completely cold, so I haven't been able to stomach too much over Covid times, but Omos at Mania was my favourite debut in ages. A simple but excellently structured tag match to showcase him and that death-sell from Kofi was perfect. Let him squash Brock some time in the near-future and we're on to a winner here.

Never mind 2020/21, the Cena/Wyatt dream/movie might be the low point of WWE ever. What a load of shit.

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