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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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On 9/10/2024 at 8:43 AM, RedTwoster said:


Gunther is absolutely brilliant as World Champion. My guess is that he drops the title to John Cena at Wrestlemania, but I hope that doesn't happen. I'd love to see him add value to the World title in the same way he did the IC title. At the moment it's still a struggle to view it as anywhere close to being on the level of Cody's belt. 

Bronson Reed has really turned it around for me. I struggled to care about the guy up until recently, but now I'm really looking forward to his eventual match with Strowman. If they keep building him up well Gunther/Reed could be an intriguing match to run (even if they are both heels). 



Yeah, Gunther has been a world class talent for some time, but he's still managed to massively up his game and grow into this role, he could not be a better fit for World Champion right now. Consistently surprised and delighted by how good his promos are and how much of a wind up merchant he is, on top of the confidence and physical charisma/presence he had already. 

On Bronson Reed, this was bloody brilliant. So well done: 


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14 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Everyone will be thrilled to know that the bracelet is back on WWE Shop only with the names 'Larry' and 'AJ' removed, replaced with a simple 'CM Punk'. 

Which, whilst still an odd thing to pay a tenner for, is probably better than the original idea.

This has to be the oddest route to a Hell in a Cell match.

He wanted ice cream bars back, then he rewatched the Hogan/Tugboat friendship bracelet bits and thought “Fuck it, I could get that over.” It’s nearly time for foam fingers, lads. Although personally I’d prefer a Rhea Ripley one than Punks.

Edited by air_raid
dream-came-trued it for ya
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A really good promo from Punk this week, probably his best work since the feud with MJF in AEW. Although I’ve not loved the matches with Drew (or hated them…they’ve been OK, but not as good as the build) I’m looking forward to seeing them face off in the Cell. Hopefully this’ll give the feud the blow-off match it needs. I’m curious as to what they’ll do with Punk next. I’d like to see him move to Smackdown and feud with Cody for a while - Cody’s title reign hasn’t been great, through no fault of his own. He needs an interesting opponent to liven things up, and Punk would provide that more than Orton would. They could frame it as being Adam Pearce returning the favour for Aldis letting Orton appear on Raw, it doesn’t even have to be a permanent trade if they’re set on the Rollins match.

The Gunther/Zayn feud is really good, so effective that I feel enormously invested in Zayn actually winning. I really hope he gets a world title run at some point. I’m not sure there’s a wrestler out there who I want to see win a world title more than Sami. He has a rare quality about him that just makes you want good things for him. 

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Punk/Cody sounds good somewhere down the line, but don't think that happens yet.

I imagine Punk comes out on top against Drew and is lined up as Gunthers next opponent, for Survivor Series maybe.

More curious to see what they do with Drew next really.

Edited by The King of Old School
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Just now, The King of Old School said:

Punk/Cody sounds good somewhere down the line, but don't think that happens yet.

I imagine Punk comes out on top against Drew and is lined up as Gunthers next opponent, for Survivor Series maybe.

Yeah, I don’t think it will either. I imagine they view the Bloodline story as being enough to carry Smackdown through until Wrestlemania. I disagree, though. 

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40 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

They did, and I forgot about that already!

What a come down that is though after the year or so Drew has had, a feud with a commentator!

Hey, don’t write that off as a concept just yet 

12 hours ago, Supremo said:

I can forgive all the potholes, just for the way he delivers, “FRAGILE COUNTDOWN!”

Hater of the year.


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47 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

They did, and I forgot about that already!

What a come down that is though after the year or so Drew has had, a feud with a commentator!

If that’s the route they take - and it’s a big ‘if’ - I can’t say I agree with you here. Barrett is an ex-wrestler, who was active fairly recently - it’s no different than the likes of CM Punk, Nigel McGuinness, Edge, Christian and others returning to the ring after lengthy retirements - an interesting feud is an interesting feud, and McIntyre arrogantly underestimating and going after Barrett after losing to Punk could make for some interesting television. Barrett definitely has some firey babyface promos in him as he prepares to return to the ring, and the match itself could be a lot of fun. I personally, I think this would be a good path to take if it is indeed the plan.

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6 minutes ago, RedTwoster said:

If that’s the route they take - and it’s a big ‘if’ - I can’t say I agree with you here. Barrett is an ex-wrestler, who was active fairly recently - it’s no different than the likes of CM Punk, Nigel McGuinness, Edge, Christian and others returning to the ring after lengthy retirements - an interesting feud is an interesting feud, and McIntyre arrogantly underestimating and going after Barrett after losing to Punk could make for some interesting television. Barrett definitely has some firey babyface promos in him as he prepares to return to the ring, and the match itself could be a lot of fun. I personally, I think this would be a good path to take if it is indeed the plan.

I dunno, Barrett last competed in 2016, and was hardly a top guy like some of those you mentioned (not Mcguinness).

There was no reaction at all from the live crowd when Drew starting talking to him, and when Wade stood up to him either.

I don't think there is a clamour for Wade Barrett to wrestle in 2024 like there was for the likes of Edge, Christian and Punk to return.

Just seems a waste to me after the last year Drew has had, but looking through the Raw roster I don't know what else he does.

At least it's not another feud with Sheamus I suppose.

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2 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

I dunno, Barrett last competed in 2016, and was hardly a top guy like some of those you mentioned (not Mcguinness).

There was no reaction at all from the live crowd when Drew starting talking to him, and when Wade stood up to him either.

I don't think there is a clamour for Wade Barrett to wrestle in 2024 like there was for the likes of Edge, Christian and Punk to return.

Just seems a waste to me after the last year Drew has had, but looking through the Raw roster I don't know what else he does.

At least it's not another feud with Sheamus I suppose.

Out of the people I mentioned, Christian is probably a fair comparison - granted, he had a longer run at the top than Barrett, but he just kind of existed towards the end of his WWE run. And let’s be honest, when Punk arrived in WWE, was anyone clamouring for a match with McIntyre? Drew’s character work was superb, and the build-up made their initial match as anticipated as it was. We know that Drew can cut a great promo, and we know Barrett can too. And who doesn’t love an underdog story, if they were to frame it that way? Barrett humming and hawing about stepping back into the ring as Drew goads him, before Drew crosses the line and Barrett cuts an impassioned promo accepting Drew’s challenge…I can absolutely see how that could make must-see television. And for those who don’t know Barrett, they can use footage of him in the ring with Cena, Orton and others - and of the Nexus debut showing how dangerous Barrett can be. Wade would likely lose the feud; but it could result in some brilliant television, I reckon. 

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Decided to give this a proper go this week rather than just highlights and yeah they've definitely got a lot more enjoyable things going on than Smackdown at the moment.

Joe on commentary is surprisingly good already. A real authentic sound but also an enthusiasm that's really infectious. Definitely adds to the product which is what you're looking for. Makes it all feel more big time.

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