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This sounds mental:


Translated cliff notes from the Sherdog forum:


Story about Mass Brawl at Tiger Muay Thai involving Mark Hunt and Petr Yan

- There were sparrings at Tiger Muay Thai, and Petr Yan was sparring with someone (probably a chechen), who had an injury and he asked to not use kicks.
-But at a certain moment Yan threw a highkick
-This guy got angry and apparently it escalated
-One guy from Mark Hunts Team pushed this chechen guy
-Then the Askhabov Twins (chechen MMA fighters) attacked Hunt's friend (a big guy), kicked him down and all started to hit him.
-Suddenly everyone started to fight and a mass brawl broke out
-The trainers intervened,pulled them apart and yelled at them.
-So everything went back to order and training continued
-Then 3,4 Heavyweights came from outside, sat down and stared angrily at the twins and the other guy.
-After Training one of this HW´s asked: Who hit my brother? One of the twins responded
- Trainers intervened again (before it escalated), everyone talked with each other, shook hands and went their own ways.
-The Askhabov brothers went out to eat with a chechen from vienna.
-Mark Hunt and his friends saw them on the streets
-Hunt tapped Magomed (the chechen from vienna) on the shoulder and threw an overhook
-Magomed was able to dodge the hook but got a kick from another guy
-The chechens ran away
-They called for support (including Isamel Naurdiev and Nasrat (Haqparast?))
-They also looked for weapons and stones in a workshop (because Hunt and his guys were much bigger)
-They searched Hunt and his team and found them in the gym
-They waited for them at the backdoor of the gym.
-The Chef of this Gym saw them and told them that he has a video, from when they were looking for weapons and that if they start something he will use his contacts and put them in jail.
-The Chef gathered them all together and held a speech.
-At the end Mark Hunt offered his excuses


Edited by jimufctna24
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Fucking hell. Disappointed to hear of Hunt and Yan being involved in something like this. You put a load of Russian and Samoan fighters together though and that’s a powder keg waiting to explode. Hopefully they’ll all calm the fuck down and move past this. 

What’s Hunt doing anyway? Is he training to fight somewhere or is he just in the gym scrapping for a laugh? He’s not signed to any promotion is he? I’d have thought Bellator or ONE would’ve got him by now, to be honest. Even at his age. He’s a name with a fan friendly style and those promotions don’t exactly have strong Heavyweight rosters so he’d be a boost. Imagine the carnage Hunt could cause in Bare Knuckle? Sweet Christ. 

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Hunt's lawsuit against the UFC was dismissed a few months back. The UFC are now chasing him for attorney fees. 

Hunt should still be worth a few bob though. He was the 7th best paid fighter in the UFC during the 2010s. His fight purses totalled over 6 million, and that doesn't include additional earnings, such as undisclosed bonuses and sponsorship deals. 

I'm not sure if he will fight again. But I hope he doesn't turn up in Bellator. They have enough old codgers as it is. 

Edited by jimufctna24
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Remember Paul Kelly? The Liverpool-born fighter who came into the UFC in 2008, going 5-5 before being released in 2012? He fought the likes of Cowboy Cerrone, Pat Healy, Jacob Volkmann, Denis Siver and Marcus Davis.

Well, he's making a comeback to MMA at the age of 35 after being absent from the sport since 2013. The reason? He was jailed for 13 years for heroin trafficking, and was released last year.

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Last I heard of Branch, he was being choked out by Shlemenko in Russia. 

Which left us with:

Moose > Shlemenko

Shlemenko > Branch

Moose > Santos

Branch > Santos

Jones = Santos 

Therefore, we can confidently say that Mousasi is better than Jones, and the best of all-time. 



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As mental as it sounds, the look Branch has can be attained naturally. He's probably got a low as hell bodyfat percentage which helps him look as cut. What I would say is that such a physique will do him no favours in an actual MMA fight. He'll be breathing out his arse within a minute or two.

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Considering he was released from the UFC for taking a form of human growth hormone just over a year ago, is suspended in the US until 2021, is nearly 40 years old and had has decided to start fighting in Russia. I'd wager that Dave Branch is on some shit.

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7 hours ago, jimufctna24 said:

This is brilliant. 


That’s great. But why’s it titled ‘Fedor Emelianenko Pride Victory theme’. Didn’t that play after most fights?

While we’re on the subject of Pride music, remember when they used to use the WCW Thunder music for between rounds?



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