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6 minutes ago, herbie747 said:

MMA mongos are bad enough - imagine MMA & Boxing mongos combined? It'd be like Youtube.

I like Butch's theory that he could get positive rep on Sherdog by only ever posting "WAR BOETSCH".  As with all combat sports, you can spot the people who haven't had a days training in any discipline whatsoever a mile off.

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I had thought Cormier vs Jones might avoid being ignored by the hoopla surrounding this fight, due to coming a month before it, but now I think it's going to struggle much more than I originally thought. Business/Ratings/Viewers etc on all combat sports shows are bound to take a huge hit from now until possibly mid October.

In the lead up it'll be almost the only topic of discussion on all media fronts, and the aftermath will be like the post-christmas day comedown for kids. Unless Conor manages to beat him of course. Then it would be like Santa Claus himself turning up on boxing day for turkey and stuffing sandwiches. 

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I'm the dictionary definition of a causal fan but I'm so fucking psyched for this. I KNOW that the chances of anything but the usual Mayweather situation are less than slim to one..but I'm so suckered in that that tiny glimmer of a chance that he will rock him is shining so bright. I know, he's not a boxer, against one of the best pound for pound and possibly best defensive boxer ever...but.... if be connects...if...I mean...just imagine. These pressers are just getting me so excited, I've got nothing to add to the conversation but... fuck, that bastard knows how to sell tickets.

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Do you reckon that means anything in terms of where the actual fight will air?

It's one thing we haven't really discussed in here yet? Where's this fight going to land? I mean it's next bastard month!! There's surely got to be an announcement within the next week or so, right? 

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In terms of ITV, they've been favourites for  a few weeks. From what I've been told, they see it as potentially being the proper launch of the box office channel, hence why they'd be happy to outbid other broadcasters.

Plus, if ITV want it badly enough, only Channel 5 could stop them really. 

Also, on another point, as great as Conor can be, his lazy use of gender/race/national stereotypes has always been a weakness. I thought the 'boy' thing was much ado about nothing, as we don't really have that association with that phrase over this side of the water, but he's done himself no favours in the way he's addressed it. This shit might be something he can get away with in the UFC, but when the mainstream media is really watching, you've got no chance.

Plus, it really fucks the narrative of him as the arrogant, brash but lovable babyface against the evil, boxing establishment heel. If he gets himself properly hated then he could blow the whole thing. Heel vs Heel should never headline Mania, baby.

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The sound issues were fucking dire for that. Their material was awful too. Let's hope they were holding something back for the last presser or something because that one was bollocks. Daz is right as well, Conor, in the way he addressed the whole racial question actually made it a bigger deal. 

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