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The Notorious v Money


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8 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Conor's going to end up being the most famous man on the planet

Steady on!

the best thing for me is his swagger and confidence are not in the slightest bit forced and is completely natural. He is having the time of his life there on the biggest stage he has had. It's wonderful to see Mayweather and his hokey shtick look so amateur and forced. Mayweather is getting taken to the cleaners in the verbals. It's beautiful. 

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Just now, Noah Southworth said:

What they're selling is different but the ultimate goal in both cases is the same thing; draw money.

Then Conor is worlds ahead of Flair & Dusty, if that's the comparison that someone wants to make. Worlds apart.

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10 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Steady on!

Yeah - Conor's by far the most famous MMA star in the world, possibly ever, but even with the masses of money that entails, every article on him in the tabloids still has to carry a little "who is Conor McGregor?" section. He's not a household name yet, because MMA as a whole is still a bit of an unknown to the majority of people; my parents spend half their waking life watching Sky Sports, yet I doubt they could pull Conor out of a line-up, or tell you what "MMA" or "UFC" were - maybe the old man would have a chance if you called it "cage fighting".

As for the apples and oranges, McGregor vs. Cena or McGregor vs. Dusty/Flair thing, no wrestler has ever made the sort of money Conor makes per fight. But would Conor be able to draw as consistently as a Dusty or a Flair if he was having to do these sort of promos to sell a fight every week? He benefits from a Conor McGregor fight being an event. It's just two completely different ball games. That said, I'd say Conor is the best promo in the world right now, because he's quick to respond and adapt, and he's compelling enough that you just have to keep watching and listening, regardless of what he's saying.


I loved Frankie Boyle's take on this; something about how much he respects someone trying to beat the best boxer of his generation at boxing just by being a pure mad bastard.

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I know it isn't scientific, but from my personal perspective this is connecting on a much greater level than anything Conor has done before. My cousin is a forty year old woman. Her son is twelve. They were both talking about this fight yesterday. It blew my mind. It's all over my social media, with people who've never mentioned UFC or even boxing before talking about it. Friends I haven't seen since high school have invited me to viewing parties. The YouTube numbers are bananas too. This is so fucking huge.

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7 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

That's because it's Mayweather. He's the mainstream athlete here.

Whilst true, it's clear already that Conor has used this rub to send himself into the stratosphere. Mayweather has brought the attention, but it's Conor who's done the most with it. 

EDIT: Has it been confirmed that they're doing a 24/7 series for this fight as well? That'll be incredible if they do.

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4 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Whilst true, it's clear already that Conor has used this rub to send himself into the stratosphere. Mayweather has brought the attention, but it's Conor who's done the most with it. 

Absolutely. That's the only way to tell this story, it isn't marketable unless the guy with no chance can convince people to want to watch it anyway. The stage has been set for McGregor here, it's on him to sell it. The job they are doing is phenomenal, it's pro wrestling done right.

I can't wait to see the casual fan reaction once it's over.

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There's not much I can add to justify how incredible Mcgregor was last night. Completely made up for the shite from the previous night. My personal highlight was Mcgregor's tirade towards Showtime's Espinosa as that it was a truly 'What the fuck' moment. It also seems evident Mcgregor has in his contract he can't talk about Mayweather's criminal past. 

Coming into day 3 however, I sincerely hope they change the format for New York to avoid a repeat of Toronto. Ideally you want each leg to be unique to avoid what would be essentially repeating the same stuff. Unfortunately I don't think they will. 

For anyone not following MMAFighting's coverage, Ariel and Mark Raimondi give their take of the each night of the tour shortly after each one has ended. Below is toronto's.



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Unfortunately, I suspect the fan reaction will be very similar to the reaction from Mayweather/Pacquiao.

I said it earlier in this thread, but the casual fan wants one of two things out of a fight - a Rocky underdog story, or a big, flashy knock-out. They're the narratives that you can understand without knowing a thing about the sport. We're not likely to get either from this fight - we'll most likely get a very deliberate, Mayweather-paced fight.

And, like Mayweather/Pacquiao, the casual audience will come out of it saying that it was boring and rubbish.


It's a minor miracle that Floyd has pulled this off, though - I remember having a conversation after the Pacquiao fight that the sheer numbers that fight drew proved that pay-per-view still has life left in it if you can present a genuine "event" fight, and a friend of mine felt that it was actually pay-per-view's dying gasp; a major event that cost (and drew) a lot of money, but didn't live up to most people's expectations, and people would be unlikely to take the risk again. But they've gone and done it. This is drawing in everyone from the blinkered UFC super-fans who think McGregor has a chance, to the morbidly curious, to those who have never watched UFC before but are getting caught up on the hype train, and even us cynical ones who know it's all a bit of a circus, and a total freakshow fight, but are going to watch it anyway. It's extraordinary.


Now, it's all going to come down to how well McGregor can capitalise. He's looking like an absolute star at the moment, but if he goes out there and Mayweather makes short work of him, it could be all for nought, and he could just come out of it with the public perception of being a mouthy cunt who can't deliver. But he's a fighter who seems to deal with defeat pretty well, if he loses and manages to channel it into something, he could still see his stock rise exponentially.

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40 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I know it isn't scientific, but from my personal perspective this is connecting on a much greater level than anything Conor has done before. My cousin is a forty year old woman. Her son is twelve. They were both talking about this fight yesterday. It blew my mind. It's all over my social media, with people who've never mentioned UFC or even boxing before talking about it. Friends I haven't seen since high school have invited me to viewing parties. The YouTube numbers are bananas too. This is so fucking huge.

Even so, it'll hardly make him the most famous man on the planet, will it?  Not even the most famous sportsman, but that might have something to do with the limited time he will have in this massive Mayweather spotlight.  You're absolutely right about how he has taken the bull by the horns and made himself the superstar and the one everyone is talking about regarding this fight.

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8 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Just watch. He'll be president one day. It won't even matter that he's not a US citizen. You're all going to eat your words. You'll do nothin. 

Oh fuck, him V Arnie would be the thing that makes life worth living.  Can you imagine it?

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