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Video Game Idents and Intros


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I've shamelessly nicked this (with permission) from Butch, but his quality Idents thread got me thinking on a different path, and just how there will never be a better startup jingle than the PS1.
Despite being a Nintendo fanboy now to almost pathetic levels, I was never really a huge Nintendo fan when I grew up. I had a NES and a SNES and absolutely loved games like Starwing, Mario and Shadow Warriors, but I was always a Sega guy; the Mega Drive was my jam.

One of my favourite things on the Mega Drive was how every single game had its own unique ident for the Sega logo. The most iconic arguably being the Sonic ones "SEEEEGAAAAA".
But for a 7 year old me, it was Eternal Champions that grabbed my attention. I'd sit for ages trying to get a different character to come out and kick fuck out of the logo.


Then when the N64 came out, I never bothered and got a PS1. A lad over the road had a Saturn and it was a massive sack of wank, I wouldn't have dared, so I jumped ship like the fickle kid I was.
Being able to chip it and play cheap CDs on it was probably also a bonus too, as my Mum was the one forking out for it and I don't think she'd be much up for shelling out £60 for a cartridge of Glover.


So come Christmas, me and my brother got a PS1 and we had to pick 3 games off a list on a folded up bit of A4 paper. We had no idea what half of them were but I remember we got Spyro The Dragon, Tomb Raider 3 and then another one I forget but I'm sure was either Three Lions, Fighting Force or Future Cop LAPD.
I turned that bad boy on Christmas morning and was hit in the face with a sound that honestly still gives me chills.



That low bass-y hum was unlike anything before it. NES had nothing, SNES and Mega Drive both had varied openings that depended on the game you played, but this was in a league of its own. No matter what shite I put in that console, being greeted by this always made me feel like what I was about to play was cool as tits. What made it even better was sometimes it would be cool as tits and I'd be met with a ball tingling opening like this -



or this -



I was chuffed when the PS4 had the whole anniversary deal and you could get the jingle on PS4, but a combination of it having the PS4 jingle play over it, and it then loading to a dashboard and not a blocky Alan Shearer smashing one into the top left to Ocean Colour Scene left a shitty taste in my mouth.


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Glad you brought up Soul Blade, superb game.


You also reminded me of these other Namco beauties:




Tekken games ruled the roost in my house, I was only around 5 when I played Tekken 2 for the first time and the series has left such an impression on me that I'm seriously considering getting a Yoshimitsu tattoo one day. Without going off-topic too much the soundtracks contain some of the best video game music ever. Devil and Kazuya's themes from T2 and the big beat influences on the T3 music are just magnificent to listen to.

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If we're talking Tekken 2 soundtracks, it has to be this for me -



But you're right about the Tekken openings. Absolutely quality.

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Love this thread already. Late 90's/early 2000s material should win out a lot here and that's pretty much my wheelhouse.



I didn't even get a PlayStation until two years after this game came out, but I remember Thomas Scott from down the road had this game and its intro pretty much blew my mind. That plus the fact that you could edit your kit and indoor football pretty much convinced me, but it took another couple of years to persuade mum and dad.

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Love this thread and Soul Blade was fantastic.


I remember Crash Bandicoot 3 having an absolutely tremendous intro with big chords building up to the fantastic Crash Bandicoot bass, Casio Keyboard xylophone effect and bongo drum combo.


Oh lord, just saw the PS1 intro for the first time in a decade. SHHHHHHHHWOOOOOOO, DUUUUN, DUUUN, DOOON.

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The original PS intro music sounds almost sinister. Especially to a 13 year who just put the Resident Evil disc in.


Great memories!


That Capcom ident is aces, with the plinky tune and the cubes all connecting together.

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Another one for the 'mildly creepy but awesome' collection:



This will always remind me of the original Metal Gear Solid. Immense and immersive, and this was what came before even the opening cinematic.

Ah this beauty!


IIRC this jingle is a nod to Policenaughts, another Kojima game.


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