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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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The impression I got was that the Hungarian had himself reported it, no?




Yeah, that's what I thought.


On a slight aside, I watched Borat for the first time in years this week and found it quite uncomfortable. I'm relatively sureĀ I'll look back at that film a bit like how I look back at 'Sickness and In Health' and other stuff from the 70's/80's that's now beyond the pale.

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The impression I got was that the Hungarian had himself reported it, no?


That's what I thought at first, but then the update from Brabquey made it sound like it was someone else that reported it, someone that had it in for our Branquey in the first place. Perhaps I misread.

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Haven't seen a thread for it anywhere so can i safely assume it isn't just me that thinks the Olympics is mostly boring shite? I apparently watched a world record being broken earlier in some cycling event and it was really very tedious.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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I just don't get it. I got a BBC breaking news push notification the other day, a feature mainly used to inform me about terrorist atrocities, telling me some guy had won a gold medal in canoeing. And that's cool and all, I guess, but I don't really see how that is something anyone other than the canoeist, his parents and maybe his best mate should care about.


EDIT: I suppose it's the same as anything though. Some people don't like football or rugby or cricket or whatever. It's just that it's such a large collection of what appear to be mostly terrible events from a spectator standpoint.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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Cycling road race was the best part. Planners made a totally unsuitable, unsafe course, which led to a Dutch woman going flying through the forest at a bend. Lucky she was basically alright. BBC blurred it when it happened, so they must have it on a few seconds delay.


ADDED: You just can't cycle on sand too, what's planner let that through?

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I'm with Riot. I can't get into the Olympic sports as much as I try. Like Riot said, it's almost a collection of non spectator sports.


I appreciate the level of talent and dedication into what they're doing but it's really not for me. Having said that, there are plenty of people who do enjoy it so fair fucks.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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Right guys, I need to talk about hair. I've had the odd grey hair poking through every now and then for about 5 years. Only a couple at a time though so nothing a pair of tweezers can't keep on top of. Over the last month or so the number of grey hairs above my ears has shot up. To the point a few people have commented on it. I can live with that though.


But for the first time I'm noticing a load of hairs on the bottom of the bath every time I get a shower. There were a load of hairs in the sink last night, couldn't work out where they were from until I remembered I wet my hair in there before work in the morning (need it to be damp to gel it).


Hoping this is a bit of temporary moulting but I'm worried it's the start of a receeding barnett. FFS.

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