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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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All I remember about Thunder is a seemingly endless amount of Monty Python and the Holy Grail hidden jokes within the unlockable characters.


Clearly someone didn't pick Alex Wright. He will give you a hell of a wictory, HE PROMISED!!!

Funnily enough his is the only character selection video I remember. "Hey man, this is me- Alex Wright"

Edited by PunkStep
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All I remember about Thunder is a seemingly endless amount of Monty Python and the Holy Grail hidden jokes within the unlockable characters.


Clearly someone didn't pick Alex Wright. He will give you a hell of a wictory, HE PROMISED!!!

Funnily enough his is the only character selection video I remember. "Hey man, this is me- Alex Wright"


Kevin Nash had the best "pick me" video, you could tell he really couldn't be bothered to film it, so he told the player not to bother choosing him.


Just occured to me, he's trying to avoid doing the job even in the game :laugh:

Edited by neil is brill
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Bought all these over the past 48hrs! Will have a fun retro wrestling game week once they arrive lol


WWF Smackdown

WWF Smackdown 2

WWF War Zone

WWF Attitude

WCW vs The World

WCW Thunder

WCW Mayhem


Where's No Mercy?!?!!?!?!??!?!


Focusing on PS1 games this week lol. But i'll be getting an Everdrive and an N64 shortly. Loved No Mercy and those old WCW N64 games. I'm only missing 2 PS2 wrestling games now too, as i have all the puro releases.


All I remember about Thunder is a seemingly endless amount of Monty Python and the Holy Grail hidden jokes within the unlockable characters.


Clearly someone didn't pick Alex Wright. He will give you a hell of a wictory, HE PROMISED!!!

Funnily enough his is the only character selection video I remember. "Hey man, this is me- Alex Wright"


I remember the DDP one from Nitro.. "Hey monkey boy!"


Missing WCW Backstage Assault.


Not anymore, i picked up these today..


WCW Backstage Assault

ECW Hardcore Revolution


So i'm getting there with them. Will be tackling the puro games down the line as tghere are loads, but only have a few Euro released games left to get.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Rocksteady Games may be revealing its next Batman game in the very near future.


Kotaku reported that GameStop stores received a shipment of Batman banners this week showing the Arkham logo surrounded in flames. Such promotional materials often precede the release of a significant title. IGN verified the promotional materials with numerous GameStop stores. The story also mentions that a Dutch journalist suggested that he attended a Rocksteady press event held weeks ago, but is not allowed to publish any information from it until March.

Rocksteady is behind the ultra-popular Batman: Arkham series, though the most recent one, Batman: Arkham Origins, was developed by WB Montreal.

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Ps4/Xbone/PC this year, cannot wait.


(I'm fully aware this story is going to sound made up... but here we go...)


Met up with a friend last night who works for a game magazine here in Australia and apparently they've already got their hands on gameplay screen grabs but are under contract not to reveal them yet. Saw a few on his mobile last night and they are gorgeous.


Very similar to Arkham City, but beefed up. Unlike Arkham city, it's brighter and features more splashes of colour, and when you're gliding you can see a hell of lot more of the city. The roads are definitely wider. There was also a screen grab that showed Batman with a "wet look" when it starts to rain in the city, which looked really pretty and really showed that this is a next gen Batman game.


Finally the game mags have an image of the silhouetted villain "The Arkham Knight." He looks like a militarized version of Batman but, with the exception of glowing blue eyes, you can't make out any of the finer details.


Like KingOfMetal said, this is the game that's going to make me jump ship to PS4.

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So... they are back to the original developer then?


Cool. I didn't bother with the last one, but this is exciting!


I loved the first 2 but the last one was such a wasted opportunity, was glitchy ( so much so that the developers have already announced they aren't going to release any more patches for it) and the gameplay just seemed rushed. Hopefully this one will have a bit more time spent on it.

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I didn't bother with Origins either, even before I heard about all the bugs in it. The game just seemed liked a glorified DLC to me, not the next step. Which is what Arkham Knight sounds like. Looking at that trailer I don't know why they couldn't make a full film like that, I think it would be great. I remember a few years ago, the one for DC universe online was also great. Same with those Star Wars trailers from the same time I think. These people doing the trailers seem to get the idea better than the film makers.

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