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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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Seems to be the game the console finally couldn't handle - it killed my original white 360 after all.


Still, totally worth it. Sharks can kiss my arse though, fucking cunts.


Just did a total Tomb Raider rip-off mission, it was pretty shit but quite amusing the way they just threw it in there.

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I've done the unthinkable (for me at least). I've turned from PES to FIFA after 8 years. I've always thought FIFA's presentation wasn't important to me because PES had got the gameplay right, which at the end is all that matters. However, I've given in to FIFA's pull, mainly because their gameplay has improved a hell of a lot in recent years, and combined with its already brilliant presentation/commentary/licenses/handballs/live updates, it ended up being a bit of a no brainer.


Farewell Pro Evo/PES, it's a shame we couldn't be together forever. Now.. onto finding out what the fuss is about with Ultimate Team...

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I'd say things are the other way around these days. PES looks so much nicer graphically and more attractive (albeit with very little licensed compared to FIFA), whereas FIFA's gameplay is much better IMO. FIFA players still look a bit cartoon-ey, PES models are more realistic.

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Was playing Far Cry on Xbox until my disc reader died and it wouldn't load. Thankfully other games load after a while so looks like it's the disc. Brilliant game thus far.

Mine is doing the same with the exact same game. Some games, like GTA4 and Assassins Creed 2 run without a problem. But others like Far Cry 3, Batman and Red Dead require a bit of faffing first- open and closing the tray, resetting the machine etc. It won't even play FIFA at all.


So aside from the ten minutes it's taking to start paying, Far Cry 3 is bloody great so far. Finely living up to the hype in my eyes. Unlike other games I've played in recent years, it actually distills fear into me and makes me nervous. If the pirates aren't driving around in 4x4's trying to fuck me up, then there's tigers. Or snakes. Or when I try to get a blue plant,a fucking crocodile just lying there in the water. Oh and of course, sharks. Makes the cougars and bears in Red Dead seem quite tame.


Does Far Cry 3 have that mode where you can create a map? I loved that mode from Instincts Predator, I think that was the one?

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I'd say things are the other way around these days. PES looks so much nicer graphically and more attractive (albeit with very little licensed compared to FIFA), whereas FIFA's gameplay is much better IMO. FIFA players still look a bit cartoon-ey, PES models are more realistic.

I forgot to mention this. This is the main problem with FIFA for me. Some players look nothing like the real thing, and it's not even players that play for smaller teams. Valencia looks ridiculous, which is irritating as he isn't exactly unknown.

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Currently going through Sonic racing transformed. It's a beautiful game, very colourful and easy to pick up. I can see why people say it's better than Mariokart. It's highly addictive and sometimes frustrating.

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Does Far Cry 3 have that mode where you can create a map? I loved that mode from Instincts Predator, I think that was the one?

Not that I'm aware of, I haven't seen the option or mode to do that anyway.


It's in, I think it's under the Map Editor option in one of the Multiplayer menus.

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Currently splitting my time between a few games:


Ni no kuni is such a magical game and right up my street as its essentially a next-gen version of all those classic JRPG's that used to come out in the 1990's. Plus Mr Drippy is one of the best characters in gaming!


What I've played of Dead Space 3 has been pretty decent but doesn't feel as solid as they other games. Plus shooting at humans and zombie like enemies doesn't have the same effect IMO. Not sure if this changes the further I get into the game.


Alien: Colonial Marines has got to be one of the biggest missed opportunities ever. While I don't think it's as bad as people are making out, it is at best an average to decent PS2 game. Such a shame.

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