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As a kind of opposite to "overdone pushes", who's had all the ingredients to be huge, only for the E (or someone else) to fuck it up majorly, beyond repair or not?


Wyatt is a popular topic in the MitB thread and he could definitely fit. He's obviously salvageable and usually engaging, decent in-ring style that fits his character well. People have suggested he brainwashes a guy like Bo Dallas or Adam Rose and turns them into cult members, that would add to Bray but I would like it if they could work something at some point in time where every title holder on the roster has been built by Wyatt and everybody answers to Wyatt. People say of course which world champ a.k.a major star is going to be in Wyatt's cult? That's the good thing, it can be any old big fucker as long as they look good. Run of the mill feuds where the result seems to mean piss all like we're seeing probably isn't going to cut it and patience will likely by lost by more and more people

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I think Wyatt could do with leaving for a few months. He's so over exposed and every feud and promo is the same thing. What could you do with him? Its the same stuff all the same. The only thing that would interest me, is if he brought in a Leatherface type character, who was unstoppable and lived in Wyatt's hut and he did the talking for him. And even then, you're going down a Daffy Duck road of potential madness.

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Ryback is Exhibit A when it comes to this. He's somehow managed to still stay over and keep some aura about him, but that's entirely up to him. He's good now, but he could have genuinely been the next big superstar and they utterly fucked it. People go on about Ziggler and Sheamus and all them but they don't have "it" but for as good or bad as people think they are, Ryback has "it".

Most recently though it's Lana isn't it? She was on the cusp of being arguably the most over Diva since Stratus and Lita and they got rid of everything that made her stand out and stuck her with Ziggler as a mindless, voiceless mouthpiece.

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Most recently though it's Lana isn't it? She was on the cusp of being arguably the most over Diva since Stratus and Lita and they got rid of everything that made her stand out and stuck her with Ziggler as a mindless, voiceless mouthpiece.

Does Lana even wrestle? don't get me wrong, I think that whole angle is basically terrible, but tbf, the crowd don't really seem to think so. Ziggler and her still seem 'over' for whatever reason

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All good choices. Agree wholeheartedly with Lana. Her character has totally gone. Aligned with Rusev she was a strong, ruthless (except towards the end) woman who was different to how any other female, other than Stephanie McMahon, was portrayed by the WWE. She was not subservient, weak or stupid.

Dolph doesn't need to be aligned with her and she certainly doesnt need to be aligned with him, so what the point?
Its doing neither of them any favours and the sooner they ditch the whole thing the better in my opinion.

I am assuming Lana has been given some wrestling training, although she did not spend much time in NXT so how much is difficult to say, and I am not entirely sure that would be the way to go with her anyway. She's a trained actress whos strength clearly lies in promos and character work - so, of course, WWE stops her cutting promos and takes away her character.

She's a tricky one because, other than re-aligning her with Rusev, I struggle to see how they effectively use her to capitalise on her strengths going forwards. Clearly they do too.

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It was hardly a smooth trip post-Shield break up, but WWE didn't half ruin their year-long Roman Reigns plan when they basically had him do John Cena for a few weeks. They pretty much killed off any of his cool factor by exposing him and making him look like a hack. Now they're having to spend months and months repairing the damage.


WWE seem to only see Ryback at a certain level, sadly. It's sad because Ryback is clearly great, and he's shown he has that rare ability to overcome some crap booking and sometimes turn rubbish into some entertaining TV. He pisses charisma, does The Big Guy and is second only to Colin Quinn as the best tweeter on earth.

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Regarding Lana...


How come they still have her coming out dressed in suits? Surely the "spokesperson for the Russian Federation" act is over if she's not with Rusev, so surely the very first week she should have come out and ditched the formal gear in favor of a more flattering/less serious look and she should have let her hair down for (probably) a pretty big pop. She looks really silly next to Ziggler dressed like that (even though he looks like a tit for very different reasons).


Basically, they should have massively upped the sexy-levels and made it clear that she's now free from the overbearing Rusev.

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I think Wyatt could do with leaving for a few months. He's so over exposed and every feud and promo is the same thing. What could you do with him? Its the same stuff all the same. The only thing that would interest me, is if he brought in a Leatherface type character, who was unstoppable and lived in Wyatt's hut and he did the talking for him. And even then, you're going down a Daffy Duck road of potential madness.

The problem I've had with Wyatt all along is that he peaked before he even debuted. The stuff at the Wyatt compound was great when they were teasing his arrival, particularly on the Raw where he finally debuted. They never should have stopped using the compound. The gimmick has more potential when it comes to compelling storylines and angles than anyone else on the entire roster, but his entire shtick is to deliver unimaginative, rambling promos in a darkened room somewhere backstage. He's a cult leader with no followers. When you combine all of this with consistently bad performances in the ring, it makes for instant fast forward material. It's essentially a gimmick with huge potential let down by lazy creative and a below par performer who's reaped the benefits of nepotism.

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I think Wyatt could do with leaving for a few months. He's so over exposed and every feud and promo is the same thing. What could you do with him? Its the same stuff all the same. The only thing that would interest me, is if he brought in a Leatherface type character, who was unstoppable and lived in Wyatt's hut and he did the talking for him. And even then, you're going down a Daffy Duck road of potential madness.


I think there is huge potential if they develop the backstory for Wyatt... How he got to where he was? Skeletons in HIS closet? I want Wyatt to be the one that gets spooked. It worked wonders for Kane/Taker in 1997 surely a revamped, up to date version... Could easily have Wyatt's sister leading a charge to seek revenge on Wyatt. Something unique and different. Make him psychologically vulnerable. 

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I agree. They've not explored the character at all. It's all so fucking lazy. I know the evolution of Kane was batshit mental at times but at least he did evolve. They could do all sorts with Wyatt. Have him persuade people to join his cult, have him kidnap people, have him drag people to that cabin in the woods, have him win the World title and claim it means he has power over the people, gather a collection of different women who are all called Abigail, repent and turn face. They're not trying.

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I think Wyatt could do with leaving for a few months. He's so over exposed and every feud and promo is the same thing. What could you do with him? Its the same stuff all the same. The only thing that would interest me, is if he brought in a Leatherface type character, who was unstoppable and lived in Wyatt's hut and he did the talking for him. And even then, you're going down a Daffy Duck road of potential madness.


I think there is huge potential if they develop the backstory for Wyatt... How he got to where he was? Skeletons in HIS closet? I want Wyatt to be the one that gets spooked. It worked wonders for Kane/Taker in 1997 surely a revamped, up to date version... Could easily have Wyatt's sister leading a charge to seek revenge on Wyatt. Something unique and different. Make him psychologically vulnerable. 



There's definitely something to that, but if they were to go down that route, they'd have to make his nemesis more psychotic. Taker/Kane worked because Taker had years of building up an aura as the big monster of the WWF with near invulnerability, prodigious size and superhuman strength, and Kane was terrifying because he out-Takered Taker - he was bigger, stronger, even more invulnerable, and, most importantly, he did to his brother what his brother did to everyone else.


Basically, for Bray Wyatt, they've got to have someone who out-Wyatts Wyatt. Is there anyone out there who's a more mesmerising speaker, and looks/behaves weirder?

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