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LPW Nemesis - A real treat (Mention UKFF at the door for free entry)


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I'd ask about the raffle on the Facebook page but the bellend will probably start demanding a go on my wife or something.


Also, there is a difference in being bullied and feeling bullied. If AdBow feels bullied, then nobody can say he is wrong. However, it doesn't mean you are being bullied, which he isn't.

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The prizes I am looking into is

Bottle of whisky

Something signed by a famous person NOT SURE 100% Yet

I get a couple of other things not sure yet


FINALLY! Bottle of Whiskey sounds grand, Benny, get your strips.

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The prizes I am looking into is

Bottle of whisky

Something signed by a famous person NOT SURE 100% Yet

I get a couple of other things not sure yet

It's just that here you said

, A raffle with some great prizes.


which indicates that you have great prizes already but now you've said you haven't. If you can't deliver with honesty on something as integral to a Britwres show as the raffle (Studies show that the raffle is third most important factor in customer satisfaction for wrestling shows behind match quality and ticket prices) how can we trust you to deliver on anything else.


Serious advice, the consumer website MeatSpin has a lot of great advice on marketing and promotion.

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Serious advice, the consumer website MeatSpin has a lot of great advice on marketing and promotion.


Invaluable aid when hosting a meat raffle.

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Another question, just by a quick look on Twitter Leeds looks like it has a really healthy wrestling scene (Tidal, Heroes). Why should anyone go to this show? From what I've seen and heard about Tidal, they seem pies and shoulders above what LPW are offering.

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Boydy/Hounds Of Justice is an unrepentant, habitual sex offender with multiple convictions. The two scenarios are quite different in my opinion. This is something I mentioned at the start of the thread. Perhaps it needs its own thread?


With regard to the shithousery and strangling the business etc.

Are the ones appearing on the bill allowed a "A gig is a gig" card, or they as complicit as the shithouse? Surely if they are allowed to get a potential payday, and are indeed paid for their work, isn't it the same for promoters? It's not like there is an exclusivity clause, is there? Or are people essentially blackballed from the industry for partaking in such shithousery? MC vs MC matches excluded.


If the wrestler is being paid, then I don't see the harm. They are, lets face it, independent performers so it's really up to them. If they think that their reputation with other companies won't be harmed and have a negative effect on being booked elsewhere, and that they'll be working in a safe environment, then that's their choice.


If they're working for free however, then they're every bit the shitearse the promoter is.



I don't get the logic of that. If they are paid it's ok to appear on something that may be detrimental to the overall health of British Wrestling, but NOT being paid immediately makes it that they are a shitarse and are hurting the wrestling industry.

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The prizes I am looking into is

Bottle of whisky

Something signed by a famous person NOT SURE 100% Yet

I get a couple of other things not sure yet

"Something signed by a famous person NOT"

Is that you doing the old school "psyche!!!" Thing and it's not really something signed by a famous person.


Also, can of Sure 100% deodorant. Decent prize for the UKFFers among us in Rumble action. I'll pass on the whiskey, gave up drinking 7 years ago.

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People who work for free devalues everyone is how I've always been led to understand it, so they're a shitarse. But they're also a shitarse if they appear on what's bound to be a load of shit thus killing the area for shows by anyone else, and thusly bookings for anyone else.. So either way, you're looking at shitarse.

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Like I say, it's up to them. If the show is going to hurt their reputation then it's their choice whether to work it or not. It's a paid gig, and at the end of the day nobody in British Wrestling is making enough to turn down paid work if it isn't going to harm future paid work down the line.


On the flip side, if they are willing to wrestle for free (and I'll exclude legitimate charity shows and galas from that), then they're advertising to other promoters that they don't value their own work. Chances are, it's because their work isn't good enough to get booked on good shows where the promoters actually pay their workers.


Free workers are allowing the shitearse promoters to continue to run their shitty shows by putting no pressure on them to actually draw a decent crowd and make a profit. If everyone person who is (or calls themself) a wrestler in the UK suddenly asked for a wage, the amount of shitarse shows would immediately drop, as would the amount of the shitty wrestlers getting bookings.


I'd rather guys worked for folk like Adam and asked for a wage, so that if the show draws 10 people he loses his arse and can't afford to do it again.

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On the flip side, if they are willing to wrestle for free (and I'll exclude legitimate charity shows and galas from that), then they're advertising to other promoters that they don't value their own work.. Like I say, it's up to them. If the show is going to hurt their reputation then it's their choice whether to work it or not. It's a paid gig, and at the end of the day nobody in British Wrestling is making enough to turn down paid work if it isn't going to harm future paid work down the line.


Nah, it's not about their value of their work. The issue is that it drives down wages for everyone else as promoters can say "Why'd I pay for an experienced vet when H.I. Vicious will do it for free" so they'll take less to get work. But personally I'll be happy to MC this show for a Lamb Oggie, are they available?

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