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WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Discussion. *SPOILER ON WWE APP*


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Its a positive to have someone like Kevin Owens in the WWE in the position hes been put into recently. It shows inspiration to all other fat people that anything is possible.


Cena is Cena, like marmite you either love him or hate him.


Happy for Ryback though

Its a positive to have someone like Kevin Owens in the WWE in the position hes been put into recently. It shows inspiration to all other fat people that anything is possible.


Cena is Cena, like marmite you either love him or hate him.


Happy for Ryback though

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There's some proper downright miserable cunts on this site who's biggest pleasure out of wrestling is picking holes in it's faults. And they look far too deep into things when they shouldn't be. Just take things at face value and enjoy it. The worst culprits are "I don't watch WWE any more...yet here I am on a wrestling forum talking about WWE despite me proclaiming I don't watch it." Honest to god, the world of wrestling is to be enjoyed - enjoy it. Stop wanting it to be perfect because it never will be.


Anyway, onto Elimination Chamber I, for one, did enjoy it.


The Tag Team match to open was a very good start to the night. I thought the fact New Day were allowed all three members was a bit daft and could have been enhanced more with their links to the Authority if Kane was at ringside with them. Also before the bell rang the commentators spoke about Woods suffering from claustrophobia yet there was nothing to indicate this during the match. Ah well, move on. The King calling Cole JR got a proper laugh out of me. As did New Day doing their best David Brent "you're shit" impression to the Lucha chant.



Cesaro stole the show on his own in that match. The lad is something special. He and Kidd (who I was ridiculed on here for suggesting deserves more TV time a few years back) are one of the best thrown together tag-teams they've had in years. A good name and matching kit and they'd be sound. The Ascension looked good in being the bullies. The Lucha Dragons done their stuff well. Yes the big spot of Kalisto falling off the top of the Chamber weren't as good as it could have been but it was still better than the usual stuff we see. It was something different. And credit for Kalisto to be prepared to do that because I know full well I wouldn't of. Prime Time Players finally got to showcase their talent in the ring and again they looked good. It would have been easy to go down the New Day/Cesaro & Kidd route again at the end but they didn't. They tried something different and could lead to a new feud - one that could rekindle an old one should one of the Prime Time Players break up the team and join New Day. Good choice in the New Day winning as it keeps their momentum going. Enjoyable opener.


Divas match was what it was meant to be. Short and a way for Nikki Bella to retain her title. It did it's job. Plus Nikki has the best arse in WWE so it was extra enjoyable to see that. Paige and Naomi did most of the work, again that's what people would expect. There was, again, some unusual action for your typical modern-day Divas match. How often has a Diva been thrown into the announce table in the past twelve months? This was my earlier point. Rather than picking holes in the bad stuff, enjoy the good - that's what wrestling is about.


Owens against Cena was a belting match. People moan about Cena constantly but he continues to churn out impressive matches with an array of different style of opponents. I'm no John Cena fan and I'm happy that he's been taken out of the World Title picture. But he's been as good as anybody in the year 2015. And he put a new star over clean. He's already put Zayn over and Neville (the Geordie actually won his match) so maybe there is a new sign of the times. Owens can do things that his body shouldn't be able to. A big fat bastard like him (and me) performing the way he does is great. Maybe I'll try it...then again maybe not. I'd have loved Cena to ask for a rematch for Money in the Bank only for Owens to decline. Then Triple H to set up a Money in the Bank ladder match for the NXT Title briefcase. Add Cena to that, he win it and have him then force Owens to a rematch, only this time with his NXT Title on the line. (also having Cena on NXT would increase Network sales as NXT is a Network only thing now)


Neville and Bo Dallas again achieved what it was meant to. It didn't have the sort of hype their matches down in NXT did so it weren't going to be as good as those. But it was on the card to showcase just how good Neville is and fuck me that lad is good. He'll move onto bigger things now (hopefully) or get into a more heated and personal feud with Dallas, which will increase the anticipation for their matches down the line. WWE knows these two can deliver in the ring together as well as on the mic.


IC Title Chamber match was probably a little underwhelming given the talent involved. There just wasn't any energy in it. I reckon it would have it been better if the "surprise" entrant had been somebody who the crowd were into. But they went the typical route of "we're in Texas, let's throw the big Texan Mark Henry out there again". That seems to be their go-to thing in Texas. I'd have preferred it if Rusev came out on crutches trying to get in the Chamber only for doctors and officials to block him. It'd of made Rusev look like somebody willing to fight through the pain. Truth be told after the opening segment of the Kickoff show, I was expecting Miz to the be the surprise. But they went with Mark Henry and he done his thing. Ryback winning was nice to see. Hopefully the IC Title goes back to a launch pad into the main event where Ryback could conceivably be in a year or two. He needs a good run with the Intercontinental belt now though.


Ambrose and Rollins are just brilliant in the ring together. Any match they put on, they knock it out the park with. I don't care about the decision at the end to reverse Ambrose's victory. He still left with the belt and that will be the focal point from here on in. It's the next chapter in the story.


Well in WWE!

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Thought the Neville vs Bo Dallas match dragged on forever. I wouldn't have minded so much if they worked on Neville's bad knee but not even that happened and Neville was still doing his usual spots (after some impressive selling on recent raws).


Tag Match was kind of as expected with various spots and I had a feeling The New Day would retain, especially when it came down to the last two.


Divas match was alright as it was ever going to be.


IC match was pretty awful and forgettable, I still don't understand the whole Lana/Ziggler thing, and the backstage thing before the match came to nothing really (not that I am complaining a I am glad he didn't lose). Also was a bit obvious a face was winning this match with Daniel Bryan at ringside, would have been more interesting for him to be on commentary though as the commentary was shit.


Cena vs Owens - Really enjoyed this and standout match of the night for me. Stupid to announce a rematch so soon though and just screams of the WWE plugging the next PPV without thinking it through in storyline terms. Owen should have got the job done, walked away and gradually work his way into the WWE (whether thats NXT title open  challenges on RAW to mock Cena), random appearances or even by appearing in the Rumble and throwing Cena out of the match. A Rematch screams a Cena win to me. Also as much as it puts Owens over, we've seen four months of Cena vs Rusev with only one Rusev win so kind of makes Rusev a forgotten man already.


Main Event - Was the usual Rollins vs Ambrose match with some cool spots, ending actually caught me by surprise but realistically we know Rollins is holding on until at least Brock returns.


Money In The Bank - God what an awful line up that is, I'm sure they said two more would enter the match but even so the line up is pure shit, would love to see a Wyatt, Owens or someone different thrown in there. But lets just throw two losers in the IC title match in there instead, a tag team champion and Orton who has had enough opportunities. I am guessing Roman wins this one, I almost hope he does given the others in there but liked the idea of Roman & Dean potentially co-winning and cashing in at the same time. 

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There's some proper downright miserable cunts on this site who's biggest pleasure out of wrestling is picking holes in it's faults. And they look far too deep into things when they shouldn't be. Just take things at face value and enjoy it. The worst culprits are "I don't watch WWE any more...yet here I am on a wrestling forum talking about WWE despite me proclaiming I don't watch it." Honest to god, the world of wrestling is to be enjoyed - enjoy it. Stop wanting it to be perfect because it never will be.


If we're all meant to just take everything at face value and enjoy it then what is the point of having a forum? You can't expect people to blindly enjoy everything that's put in front of them. I don't like speaking on behalf of others, but I'm sure many, like myself, want more from their wrestling than that. Many people on here I would imagine have an affinity for wrestling that spans four decades. And wrestling fans are as passionate as any. It's only natural to hold it to a certain standard. Why should someone just accept a bad product if that's what they perceive it to be? People should call WWE or anyone else out on their stupidity, shortcomings and mistakes. The same applies to any other form of entertainment that you care about.
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I just watched this and I found it pretty strange/weak show overall. It had a bit of a sloppy indie vibe. A few quick thoughts:


* I didn't mind the tag Chamber match overall but I feel like it was a hugely wasted opportunity. You have this field of mediocre tag teams given this amazing stage to break out on and not one of them managed it. Cesaro was the only one who shone and he was the most popular guy in the cage anyway. It's a shame. There are no matches in that entire division that I'd actually care to see at the moment.


* Personally I think the IC Chamber match was terrible. One of the worst "big" matches I've seen in ages. It felt so amateurish and confused. As people have said, the commentary fuck-up was ridiculous. Probably my favourite moment, though, was when Ryback held Ziggler up in the suplex for about 45 minutes and then eventually dropped him to absolute silence.


* I enjoyed Owens vs. Cena a fair bit but I was massively surprised by a lot of it. All the moves Owens was pulling out? It occurred to me as the kind of performance they would have discouraged (or flat-out outlawed) in new wrestlers 99 times out of a 100 in the last decade or so. Maybe it's inevitable considering Owens has only been with them a short time and possibly hasn't been ironed out in the way most Superstars are, but it really did feel like watching an indie wrestler fighting a WWE Superstar. It was fun, and the result made for exciting viewing, but I'd be surprised if they let Owens wrestle like that too often.


* I still find Dean Ambrose difficult to stomach. How many times did he go for that bloody awful clothesline bit? Four? Five? In fairness he hit the impact pretty well a couple of times and Seth sold it like a trooper, but the set-up part of that move - the only part that makes it distinctive - is still the absolute pits. "Hmm... bouncing off the ropes normally gives me too much speed and momentum before I hit a clothesline. What can I do that looks really ungainly to slow myself and the action down?". Yeah, it drives me mad. On the plus side, the finish gave us this, so I'm happy enough.



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Lana is stunning as a heel, but looks dog rough as a face. Nothing changed apart from her being a bit of an arse, but the smiley segment with Ziggler made her look like Terri Runnells on a come down.

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Lana is stunning as a heel, but looks dog rough as a face. Nothing changed apart from her being a bit of an arse, but the smiley segment with Ziggler made her look like Terri Runnells on a come down.


Mad how much some women suit being one or the other so much more. Remember when Trish Status turned on Jericho at WMXX? It took about 10 years off her.

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Just got round to watching Owens vs. Cena. I know I keep banging on about Owens, but I tried one more time to see if I can get into him. Not for me.


Where's the selling? Where's the story? This isn't exclusively a complaint of Owens vs. Cena - there are tons of matches lately that this could be applied to - but this really stood out as moves, moves, moves. I thought it was shit because of that. As soon as Lawler said 'Owens isn't the type of guy to go to the top and do anything flashy like a triple moonsault', I though 'I bet he's the kind of guy to do a moonsault though'. I'd be ok with that if it weren't for him being a Create-A-Wrestler and doing all his grapple moves during the match as well. You don't need to throw everything into a match just because you can. Take some of the shit out and pace the stuff you're going to do. I did enjoy the superplex reversal, but that had have meant ten times more if it had been teased or the other highspots hadn't diluted everything.


It can't be brushed aside. His look is awful. That is the biggest complaint I have of him. I struggled to believe he could beat Cena up - partly because of look, though Bryan and Punk made me suspend my disbelief - partly because Cena was so visible in calling spots.


As has been said on here, Cena's doing this same formula for matches lately and it's naff. I can't see them as excellent matches because nothing really means much. There's no foreplay. Just moves and sequences with no real selling or story.


The promos too. I saw Ian saying he's gonna be a huge star and is the new Mick Foley. I absolutely can't agree with that. Foley had so much more to him than Owens. His promos were engaging - his voice, his imagery, his gestures, knowing when to lower the volume and pick it up. Foley could get a big crowd reaction from a look or sweeping his hair back. Mankind was credible when he first came in during that era because he was so convincing as the character. I know it's early days with Owen, but nothing I've seen in WWE or the indies has made me think he's close to Foley other than his gut.


The promo after the match was pretty emotionless. Not in a cold-blooded way, just in a 'this is the promo' way.

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