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I'm fairly certain this doesn't help with my reputation on here bringing this up as an example, but it's something that is actually quite worrying and leads to obsession in general.


But it's big news for a certain demographic, mainly because of the reaction that could happen from it.


Zayn Malik has left One Direction!!!!!!!!!!


I know for us it means nothing and is somewhat of a joke, but have you ever gone down the One Direction twitter rabbit hole? It's a scary place. Filled with threats of self harm and death.


Teens today seem to obsess in a way that's never happened before. I genuinely believe all the threats of self harm and what not, as I know (through an ex) how important bands/singers can be to that persons stability and self appreciation.


I thought it should be mentioned because as news on Twitter goes, you will hardly find anything bigger than this. As well as the fact this may actually end with some pretty dreadful actions.


Anyway, has anyone got a sibling or kids who loves One Direction?



This all got me thinking about obsession over certain people you don't know, and whether you have actually had that feeling? (Obviously when younger, I doubt people have that now.)


The feeling which One Directioners (or any obsessive group) have where you feel like you can't live without that person/band and genuinely think they are your soulmate or even go as far as pretending they are yours.


For me there was a period when I was 19 where I was obsessed with Emma Watson and thought I would be with her. To the point where I would daily look up what she was upto, get mad when I saw as was dating someone (as she was mine!). And even get super pissed when I found a blog by some hater who wrote how Emma Watson was a fake and kept writing mean things about her.


that's probably as far as I got in terms of caring that much, though even 7 or 8 years ago was a completely different time. I just imagine now having an obsession how deep you could go, with twitter and other social medias it must drive someone insane to be in 'love' and see their object of affection be with others or speak with others. I can just imagine the power of a retweet could do by the person you want. Or a friend getting retweeted who clearly doesn't love that person as much as you. It would mess with your head.


There is a BBC documentary coming up soon about obsession by fans, not sure when but that seems to go to a dark place from what I read.



So has anyone actually been obsessed to the point where it puts you in a bad mood, or saddens you? Not with people you know, as that's different. Only celebrities. Not just "I loved her back in the day", more the feeling of heartbreak that you see them with someone else and without them you lose all hope.



(Edit - Oh and my name on here comes from that, well sort of. It used to be my Pokerstars account name, back when it was cool to choose something ridiculously stupid and non-threatening)


You should check out 'Tom Felton Meets The Superfans' that was on bbc3 the other night, it'll be on the bbc I-player. I. Fact it's on at 8:00 tonight!


There are certain bands that I absolutely love (one of which being Opeth, whose embalm I got tattooed earlier this year), but I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with them. Ima huge Metallica fan, but they were to call it quits tomorrow I'd be a little bummed out for about 20 minutes and then life goes on. I consider Henry Rollins a hero of mine, but if he were to drop dead tomorrow, againI'd be bummed out initially but not to the point that I'd start slashing myself Same with movies and books, certain things that I'm a huge fan of (Batman comics The Sopranos, The Simpsons) but not to the point that it could be labelled 'obsession'.


I imagine the 1-D twitter meltdown currently going on is hilarious and terrifying in equal measure


You should check out 'Tom Felton Meets The Superfans' that was on bbc3 the other night, it'll be on the bbc I-player.

Ah that's the one I think I meant, didn't know it was out. I just remember reading something about it and seemed really dark. Especially with an oldish lady who thought of him as a son.


I will definitely check that out. There's also the channel4 documentary on One Direction fans which was quite something!


I don't think it's something new or even more than it ever was. Look at when Take That split in the 90's or how fans reacted to MJ. I'm sure many people were much the same with The Beatles and Elvis.


There was an MJ fan on here called KrAzY. He was a bit tapped and some (well, me) feared for him but when MJ died, someone posted a link to an MJ forum. He was on there trying to help people who were self harming and contemplating suicide, so fair play to him for that.


I bet he isn't a vegan any more though.


It's not that different from people overreacting to a sports team winning or losing, is it? There are fans who seem to feel a sense of personal success/failure based on the results of the team they follow. People long to belong to something bigger than themselves in this godless world.



Bloody hell, I know sport puts people in bad moods (I used to be one of those people), but I didn't think it would get that far. Mainly because there's nothing to actually personally love. Whereas with an actual person you can fool yourself into thinking that person loves you back. Then again I remember articles saying how domestic violence rises during world cups and other tournaments.


The idea of having a connection with someone and truly believing that person cares for you back is scary. It however can sometimes be used for good, when you use that person as an inspiration who helps you through troubled times and saves you from ending it (that's what I've seen happen, which is awesome.).


The sad part is that It tends to happen when you don't have much going on in your life, which just compounds the issue. So take a teenage girl who may be bullied or an outcast and throw in the obsession, now take that away and maaaan... That's not a good recipe.


It's always better not to care that much, like me for instance. I managed to get over Emma Watson and stop obsessing about her and I'm much happier now with my new girlfriend... Jennifer Lawrence.


Growing up I was Red Dwarf obsessed. Id buy anything RD related, even the Radio Times if there was the smallest article. I had tons of magazine/newspaper cuttings. I did the conventions, the lot. Even a founder member of the Danny John-Jules Fan Club which lasted about 6 issues. Id record anything the cast were in. Had VHS tapes with complete series of Funky Bunker, A Prince Among Men, Captain Butler and Crime Traveller.


I even sent most cast members Birthday cards. Id daydream of being a crew member on Red Dwarf. If I wasnt watching or reading RD, Id be drawing or writing stuff for the fan club. I edited a team on FIFA and called them Jupiter Mining Corp FC. My first XI most likely read Holly, Chen, Petersen, Kryten, Cat, Kochanski, Bexley Speed, Lister, Rimmer, Todhunter, Hudson.


In my GCSE English exam we had a question asking us to write about something important to us, I must have written 5-6 pages on Red Dwarf.


As far as I was aware I dont think anyone thought I was weird, I was just the quiet shy lad who kept himself to himself (The thing that prevented me from being a complete outcast in school was that I was a pretty decent footballer). As mental as I probably was when I was a teen, I actually enjoyed it and look back fondly.


Meeting my girlfriend when I was 18 changed everything, for the best too, it changed me. I was very socially awkward. When she came round to mine for the 1st time I hid everything and it pretty much stayed boxed up. Funny what getting laid for the first time can do to a young man.


A few years back, when Back To Earth came out, there seem to be a new generation of RD fans and I was able to sell my entire collection (even the cuttings and VHS'). All I still have now are the DVDs and books.


To this day I still hold a grudge against Sara Cox for having Craig Charles as 'wanker of the week' on The Girlie Show.


edit. Im still a member of TORDFC (Official fan club) and have been since 1991. I haven't paid or renewed for years but still get sent stuff :) 

  • Paid Members


I love this whole post. Amazing that you had VHS tapes of A Prince Among Men. That shit never left the BBC studio after its first airing. I dont think it ever got an actual release.



I love this whole post. Amazing that you had VHS tapes of A Prince Among Men. That shit never left the BBC studio after its first airing. I dont think it ever got an actual release.


No it never got an official release. I mentioned I had it on a RD forum and immediately got offers for it. Had all 12 episodes (2 series) and think I got £30 for them. If I remember rightly series 2 was shown hidden away on a Sunday. 


Its easy to forget how big Red Dwarf was in 97-99. Series VII was massive at the time hitting 6-7 million viewers on BBC2, and Series VIII did better than that. There was merchandise everywhere. BBC2 even ran a special Red Dwarf Night including a Can't Cook, Won't Cook crossover (Can't Smeg, Won't Smeg).


Was probably the only reason Prince Among Men had okay viewing figures and got a second series because it was ripped apart by critics, although I enjoyed it (well, the 1st series anyway).


I love this whole post. Amazing that you had VHS tapes of A Prince Among Men. That shit never left the BBC studio after its first airing. I dont think it ever got an actual release.


No it never got an official release. I mentioned I had it on a RD forum and immediately got offers for it. Had all 12 episodes (2 series) and think I got £30 for them. If I remember rightly series 2 was shown hidden away on a Sunday. 


Its easy to forget how big Red Dwarf was in 97-99. Series VII was massive at the time hitting 6-7 million viewers on BBC2, and Series VIII did better than that. There was merchandise everywhere. BBC2 even ran a special Red Dwarf Night including a Can't Cook, Won't Cook crossover (Can't Smeg, Won't Smeg).


Was probably the only reason Prince Among Men had okay viewing figures and got a second series because it was ripped apart by critics, although I enjoyed it (well, the 1st series anyway).


For fucks sake, he's not dead. Although nice to clarify which one he was as I think the tyre pretty interchangeable. Only know which one Harry is because he seems like the bellend of the group, a reputation which I'm sure is justified


Anyone who says football isn't comparible hasn't seen the domestic abuse stats in Glasgow after an old firm game. Football can be very frightening for its obsession and how people base every decision they make around it.

  • Moderators

Anyone who says football isn't comparible hasn't seen the domestic abuse stats in Glasgow after an old firm game. Football can be very frightening for its obsession and how people base every decision they make around it.



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