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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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Why have an NXT showcase at Wrestlemania? Mania should be any WWE wrestler's goal, while WWE should be any NXT wrestler's goal. Putting any kind of NXT match on at Mania would just be skipping a massive part of the journey. People keep thinking NXT as it's own brand, when really it's just a feeder


It's really not just a feeder though is it? It has it's own branding, weekly show and tv specials. OVW was just a feeder. NXT has frankly become a valuable commodity and I can certainly see why some feel a NXT showcase is appropriate for WrestleMania.


Paige & ??? vs The Bellas

Title, non-title, don't mind. I don't even know who Paige's partner could be. But something like this.




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Why have an NXT showcase at Wrestlemania? Mania should be any WWE wrestler's goal, while WWE should be any NXT wrestler's goal. Putting any kind of NXT match on at Mania would just be skipping a massive part of the journey. People keep thinking NXT as it's own brand, when really it's just a feeder


It's really not just a feeder though is it? It has it's own branding, weekly show and tv specials. OVW was just a feeder. NXT has frankly become a valuable commodity and I can certainly see why some feel a NXT showcase is appropriate for WrestleMania.


Not really, they inevitably have to rush and/or drop shit at Wrestlemania as it is. Why would they make that situation even worse by adding a match featuring people who aren't even on TV?

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It's really not just a feeder though is it?

Yes it is.


OVW was just a feeder.


No it wasn't. It was an independently owned company who had to actually sell tickets and do proper promotion to fill the building. OVW was actually a real wrestling promotion who hosted WWF's students. NXT is a developmental league where the prime objective is to get these guys experience on the road, on TV, in front of a camera or weed out all of the bad habits picked up elsewhere.

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Why have an NXT showcase at Wrestlemania? Mania should be any WWE wrestler's goal, while WWE should be any NXT wrestler's goal. Putting any kind of NXT match on at Mania would just be skipping a massive part of the journey. People keep thinking NXT as it's own brand, when really it's just a feeder


Because I just thought it'd be fun to watch, really... We're talking about a hypothetical within a hypothetical, because looking at that predicted card, there's no way a tag title battle royal's like the one I've suggested is getting on the main show. Since the pre-show's going to be on the WWE Network, and the NXT guys are likely to be around for Axxess and things anyway, I figure if you can cram most of the main roster onto the proper show, it wouldn't hurt to have the best of NXT having a match as the crowd's filing in to the stadium and people are just logging in to the network. I'm not saying it should happen by any means, but I wouldn't be unhappy if it did!

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They'd only get about 6 minutes with entrances though, they can't impress in that time. There'd be no point if you ask me. Also, what message does that give out to the people on the full roster who've been there all year and don't get a spot and miss out on the Mania paycheque (smaller as it'll be now) for someone from Developmental?

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They'd only get about 6 minutes with entrances though, they can't impress in that time. There'd be no point if you ask me. Also, what message does that give out to the people on the full roster who've been there all year and don't get a spot and miss out on the Mania paycheque (smaller as it'll be now) for someone from Developmental?


Not a very good message! Which is why it won't happen. (though you'd probably have the pre-show panel nattering as entrances were going on which would add a bit more time).


If I can squeeze everyone from my card on to the main show, including speculative thrown-together teams, I've completely left out (according to the WWE.com roster page) Adam Rose, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel, Fandango, R-Truth and Zack Ryder. Presuming Dallas is back from injury, there's enough to make something out of that instead! Pre-show dance off? There's not been a dance off for a good while.


EDIT: Oh, and most of the Divas. They can do couples dancing which will play to Fandango's advantage (but he wouldn't win).

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They'd only get about 6 minutes with entrances though, they can't impress in that time. There'd be no point if you ask me. Also, what message does that give out to the people on the full roster who've been there all year and don't get a spot and miss out on the Mania paycheque (smaller as it'll be now) for someone from Developmental?


It would send the message to the main roster wrestlers that people in Developmental are better than them- which means two things- 1) maybe those wrestlers shouldn't be on the main roster and 2) the Developmental guys deserve to be promoted. Which, as much of a hit to the ego as that may be, is entirely true. I wouldn't be against a draft where the lower card of WWE swap places with the majority of the guys in NXT.


Look at the following list of wrestlers:


Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Adrian Neville, Finn Balor, Hideo Itami, Charlotte, Sasha Banks


Another list:


R-Truth, Curtis Axel, Zack Ryder, Darren Young, Bo Dallas, Cameron, Eva Marie


Seriously, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell which group deserve the flagship TV show.


With the inclusion of Bo Dallas, I refrained from including Adam Rose and the Ascension, but seriously, what is with them calling up the worst of NXT? I get that Adam Rose caught on quick with his entrance and all that, but Ascension have always been shit. And I'm hearing rumblings that Bull Dempsey may be called up soon- next to the injured Mojo Rawley, he's the worst wrestler WWE has on the payroll. I don't get it.


And honestly, sending some of those main roster guys to NXT doesn't have to be a bad thing. Tyson Kidd took the opportunity and ran with it, he's in a tons better spot now than before he went down there.

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The best in WWF's old developmental territory was Eugene and Doug and Danny Basham at one point. Just because you get over in a small setting, doesn't mean you are ready for Raw and the format of that show. The finish of Owens vs Zayn would have never in a million years got over on a WWE PPV. Never. Imagine if Reigns and Bryan do that at Fastlane? You can do far more in front of that crowd that in front of the Raw or PPV crowd. I'd much rather see Sami Zayn in NXT for the next 5 years than seeing him work 10 minutes matches built around a commercial break. They aren't in NXT because they arent good enough to be on the main roster. They are in NXT for their own protection in most cases. Getting over in NXT means absolutely nothing. There's only one man on earth you have to get over with if you want to make in it the WWE.

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Can't see that, they've probably thrown them all together to get them on the Fastlane card. Pin dick or no pin dick I don't think they'd stick Rollins in a shitty Multiman at Mania. Him and Orton will be in singles.


He said Reigns, not Rollins, which is even more bizarre. There is no chance in hell they'd drop him from the main event into a shitty multi-man filler. He's main eventing, they're not backing down from that and I think they'd be mad to.



Just noticed that the clocks go forward for us in the UK on Sunday March 29 so that means this years WrestleMania will have a 1am start time and a 5am finish. Instead of the usual midnight start.

Isn't it usually 1am-5am anyway?

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Just noticed that the clocks go forward for us in the UK on Sunday March 29 so that means this years WrestleMania will have a 1am start time and a 5am finish. Instead of the usual midnight start.


Clocks go forward in USA 3 weeks before that so it willl still be the usuall 12-4, instead of it being 11-3 which it would of been had they not gone forward the day before.

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