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Put results and views in spoilers as many will not have watched yet.


Fuck that. If they're interested enough in New Japan to visit the New Japan thread the day after the New Japan Cup final but not expect the show to be discussed then they're complete morons and deserve everything they get.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Fucking great match. His selling, his confidence, his wrestling, the story told, it was brilliant. He's always had athleticism and being able to do mental flips and being agile, but the other stuff impressed me more. Marked for the swearing too.

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I've still only seen Ospreay/KUSHIDA and the main event but fuck, that was an incredible debut for Ospreay, couldn't have asked for much more.


KUSHIDA gave him a stage and he went for it. The two things people always criticize him for as well, his strikes and his selling were great too. So exciting to watch him continue to break out. Between this and Evolve/Wrestlecon last week he's had 4 incredible matches in 7 days. Love that man.

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I've still only seen Ospreay/KUSHIDA and the main event but fuck, that was an incredible debut for Ospreay, couldn't have asked for much more.


KUSHIDA gave him a stage and he went for it. The two things people always criticize him for as well, his strikes and his selling were great too. So exciting to watch him continue to break out. Between this and Evolve/Wrestlecon last week he's had 4 incredible matches in 7 days. Love that man.

I remember about 4 years ago, after he wrestled a ladder match on a show I ring announced I said to him "you have so much talent but stop doing dives to the outside of the ring in front of 100 people because you may not be physically able to in front of thousands of people later". I am pleased to say I have no involvement in this lads phenomenal rise to glory (other then announcing him at little local wrestlng shows) and I doubt he even cares or remembers me saying that to him, but very proud to see that match.  

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There will be plenty of people that prefer the breathless "balls to the wall" style of match that will tell you that Will has had better matches, but for me the KUSHIDA match was the best "telling a story" match I've seen him have for ages. His big stuff was well-rationed and well-timed, it's just a shame that the outstanding cross armbreaker counter to the springboard blind RKO was thrown out in his debut, because the natives will not have marked as hard for it as they would if they knew what he was going for. I liked the arm work affecting Willy's ability to handspring, I liked that he did the Rainmaker Pose before going for the Rainham Maker, and in general it was a very profficient debut. Good stuff. They'll go mad the first time he plants someone with the Essex Destroyer.

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That might be the best match I've ever seen him have. Osprey's been one of those guys for me on the indies in general that seemed to buy into the American Strong Style move tennis bullshit, which led to some spectacular but empty matches. I'm not into stunt shows. But that NJPW match has really opened my eyes. The guy can sell, even if his screech is proper annoying. And most importantly, he can tell a story - that swerve with the handspring was genius. A few more years on him and less bumfluff, and he'll be a star.

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Is the whole card good? Thinking of watching it b


To be honest Ospreay/KUSHIDA and Okada/Naito were the only matches that weren't a bit forgettable for me, as a regular New Japan viewer. There was some stuff set up for the next tour but actual matches were mostly a bit beige other than those two.


Is there any chance of ever getting classic AJPW footage on this? 


Only if New Japan ever buy All Japan (?).

Edited by air_raid
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I found the Jr tag match a breath of fresh air just because there were only two teams in it for the first time in seemingly forever. 


The main event is absolute chaos (no pun intended). The crowd adoring Naito, the guy everybody shit on during his last main event push gave things a weird Rock/Austin in Texas feel. Sanada looks like a badass, amazing what a haircut and black leather pants can do for you. Bullet Club need to stay in the undercard, Los Ingobernables are ten times cooler, especially now BC are reduced to Fale, Tonga, Tonga's shit brother, a Mao-less Yujiro and the Indy Geeksquad. 


As soon as being on main roster destroys Nakamura's character, Tetsuya Naito can be officially crowned the awesomest man in all of wrestling

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There will be plenty of people that prefer the breathless "balls to the wall" style of match that will tell you that Will has had better matches, but for me the KUSHIDA match was the best "telling a story" match I've seen him have for ages. His big stuff was well-rationed and well-timed, it's just a shame that the outstanding cross armbreaker counter to the springboard blind RKO was thrown out in his debut, because the natives will not have marked as hard for it as they would if they knew what he was going for.


Yeah, exactly what I thought with the RKO spot. I've shown a couple of non-fans the match and had to explain what he was doing.


I don't know anything about Kushida but I wouldn't be surprised if he played a massive part in all being pretty logical. If those things click with him and he can pace the match as well as this in the future against other opponents and different types, he'll really be special.

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