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Retcon a logic hole


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Very occasionally the wonderful people who write wrestling shows somehow overlook an inconsistency in their storylines. Instead of griping, let's help them out. The idea here is that you come up with an explanation for why something that doesn't seem make sense actually does. When you've done so, throw out another loophole for somebody else to answer and we'll soon have it sorted.


So to start:


How come Big Show is kowtowing to HHH and the McMahon's when he's got an iron clad contract.


Unfortunately he got Damien Sandow to hold on to it ("I've going to be carrying this briefcase around anyway, my brobdingadian colleague") and it ended up as papier mache thanks to Cody. Ironically Sandow's generosity paid off as his MITB contract was underneath and was thus protected from the water damage.


Next question:


How come different people in the Bound for Glory series had different numbers of matches, and one match happened twice?

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When Hogan walks out of TNA Vince Russo is going to show up and cut a shoot promo on him, revealing he has actually been the head writer for the past few months. He will then explain how the plan all along was for all the remaining matches to be determined under games of rock, paper, scissors. Then he will shoot on all the dirt sheets for assuming it would be any different from the start.


Edit: had a long day so can't think of the next one, but anything TNA related will do

  • Paid Members
Next question:


How come different people in the Bound for Glory series had different numbers of matches, and one match happened twice?

Answer to the first question, the General Manager has been taking care of some personal business, brother and decided to eliminate every other match from the tourny. Its akin to Man United not being in the FA Cup in 2000 to play in Brazil to help England's chances of a World Cup bid. Business has to come first.


And for the second one, the BFG series was actually supposed to be played over 2 legs. Each person had to wrestle to other person twice. Submissions count as an away goal. You would have known this if you actually followed TNA's assistant writers replies on twitter to pgi68.


Here's one:

Why is Mr Anderson taking Bully Ray's non-voting process so personally, considering they smashed metal crates into his head last year and then joined the group? You would think he'd be more understanding?

  • Paid Members
Why is Mr Anderson taking Bully Ray's non-voting process so personally, considering they smashed metal crates into his head last year and then joined the group? You would think he'd be more understanding?

Because the long term knock on effects of being smashed in the head with the metal crates has lead to a rare memory loss affliction similar to that illustrated in the movie Memento, and Anderson cannot make any new memories, and can no longer remember said incident.



My one;

Some retcon the plot hole of how Edge and Christian went from being brothers to best friends.


Christian found out he was adopted.


My question. How was Hogan in the back talking to TNA talent all day when he was shown in a police escorted limo on his way to making his debut?

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My question. How was Hogan in the back talking to TNA talent all day when he was shown in a police escorted limo on his way to making his debut?

He never said he was in the back of the Impact Zone. He obviously meant he was in the back of the limo talking to TNA's only talent. The Nasty Boys and Eric Bischoff.


Why did Mr Fuji always try a leg drop off the top rope?

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A: So that he could get a legit reason to use a cane when he became a manager.


Q: Who raised the briefcase in the Austin-McMahon's ladder match and how?

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Who raised the briefcase in the Austin-McMahon's ladder match and how?

Wasnt that heavily implied, though not outrightly stated, that the Big Boss Man was the person raising the briefcase?


- The stipulation was that nobody in the Corporation could get involved in the match.

- The Big Boss Man was fired from the group about 2 weeks before the event.

- During the match some unknown assailant raised the briefcase during the match

- The following night on Raw, the Corporation are all in the ring celebrating their victory, Boss Man's music hits, he storms to the ring looking all pissed off, they have a brief staredown, before all breaking into smiles and laughter and hugging one another.

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Well, according to WCW in 2000 in Russo era, Bischoff was all along, as he used it to go for Hogan. However, the original 1999 version was in a Hogan away day, so I just think they were covering their tracks.


In the 1990's Hulk Hogan didn't even wipe his own arse though, he had someone to do it for him. Jimmy Hart. During that period Jimmy Hart was reforming the first family. Brian Knobbs is too obvious to be the driver. Hugh Morrus was probably to busy Terry Tayloring females if there's any truth to the stories of him in being head trainer in developmental, and Barbarian would have just booted everything. So that means LIGHTNING FOOT JERRY FLYNN drove the Hummer.



Who was behind GTV?

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Some have suggested GTV was supposed to be Tom Green but at the time most people thought Goldust was behind it. The real answer is that GTV was an attempted framing by a former foe of Goldust's to finally gain the revenge on Goldie that he didn't get at the end of their feud. The man behind GTV was clearly, The Ghost of Brian Pillman.

Who was the real anonymous Raw GM.

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Ah, that one's easy. The GM was hired by Vince McMahon. Now, it'd be someone from the past of WWF/E, yet had appeared on RAW yet not be too obvious. Someone like Waylon Mercy for example, which would explain Bray Wyatt. However, it wasn't actually Waylon Mercy. Instead it was someone who wrestled him on RAW in 1995, and so would know the ins and outs of backstage and politics. It was LIGHTENING FOOT JERRY FLYNN


How did Clarence Mason and Stevie Ray own the rights to the letter "T"?

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(I already replied to your first question)Through LIGHTENING FOOT JERRY FLYNN


Who was the higher power R-Truth and Miz wouldn't shut up about a few years ago.


Who was the higher power R-Truth and Miz wouldn't shut up about?


Couldn't be Vince, no, been there, done that. And everyone knows the power HHH and Steph have, no mystery in that. No, the higher power had to be someone with history and influence, someone who transcended the binds of WWE to become a successful businessman in his own right... Shane McMahon!


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