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Have Rhyno spore Slater out of his boots for Mojo to make the save? Two of them both out of harm's way enhancement talenting their way through the shows going forward.

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Have Rhyno spore Slater out of his boots for Mojo to make the save? Two of them both out of harm's way enhancement talenting their way through the shows going forward.


Have Mojo run down, apparently for the save but he just runs past the ring, through the crowd and out the back door...


..where he continues to run. Running and running, faster and faster until he breaks the time barrier. The faster he runs, the further towards the future he goes. When he finally stops being hyped and stops running, he comes to be in a far flung future, where the universe has become cold, due to mass expansion of the stars and planets. 


He slows down, sinking to his knee's slowly freezing from the lack of a nearby star to warm the planet. As his body freezes and his Zubaz begin to break like the glass, he has a final moment of thought in his previously constantly hyped brain. "Maybe I should have listened to my father, and remained at semi-hypedness this whole time. I'm sorry....fa..ther....", as his brain freezes solid, and his body falls over smashing into a million pieces.


Meanwhile, back in 2016, Heath Slater wonders what just happened, as Rhino is still looking at the areas where the back doors previously stood, before Mojo's Hyped time travel burnt them clean off.







TL:DR, I fucking hate Mojo Rawley

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Just watched this week's show and noticed they seem to have dropped "World" from the championship name as well. Back to just "WWE Championship".

They did ages ago just before the draft if I recall, which is what lead to the assumption that there would be 2 champs again and that the World Title was coming back as the World part had been dropped to avoid confusion.

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They dropped "Heavyweight" almost immediately after the draft, but until the last week it's been "WWE World Championship".


They haven't changed the physical belt but the computer graphics of it they use had been amended so it read "WWE World Championship" across the bottom instead of the actual "World Heavyweight Championship".

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What a load of old bollocks it all is. Who actually gives a flying fuck, instead of re-configuring title names and throwing out buzz words they should concentrate on getting some cunt over to the level of a 50 odd year old who aint been seen since 2004. The top 2 titles have now been contested under comedy angles for months, Owens is the biggest joke of a "world champion" or main title holder that I have ever seen, AJ is frankly superb and has papered over some of the cracks in this whole Ellsworth fiasco, it's time to move away from fucking comedy in the main spot I'm sick to death of it.

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Have Rhyno spore Slater out of his boots for Mojo to make the save? Two of them both out of harm's way enhancement talenting their way through the shows going forward.


Have Mojo run down, apparently for the save but he just runs past the ring, through the crowd and out the back door...


..where he continues to run. Running and running, faster and faster until he breaks the time barrier. The faster he runs, the further towards the future he goes. When he finally stops being hyped and stops running, he comes to be in a far flung future, where the universe has become cold, due to mass expansion of the stars and planets. 


He slows down, sinking to his knee's slowly freezing from the lack of a nearby star to warm the planet. As his body freezes and his Zubaz begin to break like the glass, he has a final moment of thought in his previously constantly hyped brain. "Maybe I should have listened to my father, and remained at semi-hypedness this whole time. I'm sorry....fa..ther....", as his brain freezes solid, and his body falls over smashing into a million pieces.


Meanwhile, back in 2016, Heath Slater wonders what just happened, as Rhino is still looking at the areas where the back doors previously stood, before Mojo's Hyped time travel burnt them clean off.







TL:DR, I fucking hate Mojo Rawley


Sounds like angle of the year 2017 to me. Book it, Vince. I could stand Mojo if he was a manager, just sprinting laps around the ring for the entire match. Also before he fucks off, someone needs to drop a Public Enemy reference "don't believe the hype!"

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What a load of old bollocks it all is. Who actually gives a flying fuck, instead of re-configuring title names and throwing out buzz words they should concentrate on getting some cunt over to the level of a 50 odd year old who aint been seen since 2004. The top 2 titles have now been contested under comedy angles for months, Owens is the biggest joke of a "world champion" or main title holder that I have ever seen, AJ is frankly superb and has papered over some of the cracks in this whole Ellsworth fiasco, it's time to move away from fucking comedy in the main spot I'm sick to death of it.

I can agree with your main point, but c'mon. Rey Mysterio? Jack Swagger? Sheamus last year? there's been far more offensively useless champions than Owens right now. it's not like that belt should be going on face Rollins or anything, there isn't really any better option

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What a load of old bollocks it all is. Who actually gives a flying fuck, instead of re-configuring title names and throwing out buzz words they should concentrate on getting some cunt over to the level of a 50 odd year old who aint been seen since 2004. The top 2 titles have now been contested under comedy angles for months, Owens is the biggest joke of a "world champion" or main title holder that I have ever seen, AJ is frankly superb and has papered over some of the cracks in this whole Ellsworth fiasco, it's time to move away from fucking comedy in the main spot I'm sick to death of it.

I can agree with your main point, but c'mon. Rey Mysterio? Jack Swagger? Sheamus last year? there's been far more offensively useless champions than Owens right now. it's not like that belt should be going on face Rollins or anything, there isn't really any better option



I'd be tempted to stick the belt on Reigns on Sunday, or certainly at the Royal Rumble I were WWE. Far more options for Reigns as Champion going into Mania season, and I'm not sure the Jericho-Owens programme necessarily needs the title involved. Although this is somewhat off topic for the thread, apologies.

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What a load of old bollocks it all is. Who actually gives a flying fuck, instead of re-configuring title names and throwing out buzz words they should concentrate on getting some cunt over to the level of a 50 odd year old who aint been seen since 2004. The top 2 titles have now been contested under comedy angles for months, Owens is the biggest joke of a "world champion" or main title holder that I have ever seen, AJ is frankly superb and has papered over some of the cracks in this whole Ellsworth fiasco, it's time to move away from fucking comedy in the main spot I'm sick to death of it.

I can agree with your main point, but c'mon. Rey Mysterio? Jack Swagger? Sheamus last year? there's been far more offensively useless champions than Owens right now. it's not like that belt should be going on face Rollins or anything, there isn't really any better option

They at least look like wrestlers though. You skip channels onto Raw and see any of those 3 with a belt and you don't think twice. Owens is a fat fuck in a t shirt and shorts, doing comedy skits week in and out. Worst champ in a very long time, and one that has had me and quite a few people I know just stop watching Raw completely unless we hear something worth watching happened.

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The thing for Owens for me is not his looks, its just the terrible timing of his win (coming off the back of Finn vacating), and then just having no solid PPV headline wins to "validate" the title. Its just meaningless, compared to the US title for example.

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maybe Owens and Reigns can swap titles or whatever going into Mania and that will sort some issues. I don't have an issue with Owens' look, it's not like he's morbidly obese, just a heftier guy that throws his weight around and hits hard powerful stuff. he can put on a worthy main event, has the mic skills and is an important and entertaining part of the show. that's the bare minimum, the more-or-less essential elements of what to expect of a "world"-level champ - you can disregard either the mic skills or the ability to do longer main event matches if they're a big enough draw but otherwise, that's my checklist. there have been many, many worse champions

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