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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Well Done are overdue another shot

The problem with this is:


Timothy - Well


Steven - Dunn


I'll get my coat.

What's there to get your coat over? He was talking about that tag team. Have I missed something?



Ladiesman already explained, but yes. It was a really bad pun. Timothy Well is alive and... well. Steven Dunn, unfortunately, is done. Thus "that tag team" is missing a member.

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When I watch Raw I feel a sense of loss that AJ can't mix it up with them, too. The brand extension shouldn't apply to him.

AJ should claim that as an independent contractor, they can't stop him working for whoever he wants.


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The Usos turned. About time, I think. It makes up for the lack of decent heel teams in the tag division. Pretty good segment too. Added drama to what seemed like an inevitable AA win in the tournament and the Usos showed good fire in their attack and promo.


Not much else to write home about. Randy Orton's little story was well delivered. More impressive than Shane McMahon losing the phrase "six women tag team match" from his mind!


Carmella tapped out Nikki Bella. Wonders will never cease. I actually like Carmella as a heel. A million times more tolerable. That opening segment was weird though. The played music for Becky and Natalya but then the other four women just sort of appeared. Alexa in complete silence because her mic wasn't working.


Wasn't the only gremlin. When the VT for AA didn't play, we got to hear Mauro ask someone "Did you want to say something about this tournament?" Though "Shut the fuck up, Vince" would have been more entertaining.


As a go home show, I don't think they enhanced a single match with this show. And ending it for the second week running with an unrealistic grimacing "superstar" holding his dong was super lame. Ambrose promo work had been decent too.

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Bloody awful show, I thought. As rick puts it, nothing really did much to build anticipation for any of the matches. In fact it felt like one of those shows they do a couple of weeks before 'Mania because they're sort of out of idea or are holding off the big angle for the week after, only this Smackdown didn't have the stars to make it anything other than forgettable and, of course, their first brand exclusive show is on Sunday.

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What a confusing tournament.


The Usos and Hype Bros both lose their matches. Rhyno and Slater win theirs. American Alpha are pulled from Backlash but Rhyno and Slater aren't given the Bye straight to the titles?


Instead we have the losing teams getting a 2nd chance, effectively rewarding The Usos for jumping American Alpha. Strange booking indeed.

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Feel bad for Smackdown, they were given the golden egg in Cena but he's barely on the show most weeks (how many since the draft?) Odd to think no Orton, Wyatt, Corbin and others wrestling on it too.


Uso's turn was good, was glad the whole thing was an angle rather than a 20min match then turn,


JBL was annoying claiming Uso's 'doing a vetern move' by attacking AA straight from the bell, thats a heelish thing to do not a vetern thing, same when Ziggler superkicked Ambrose for no reason during a promo, unprovoked attacks are heelish especially face on face, slow burns a good but proper turns have more impact

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Yeh, it very much seems like they had their objectives - Alpha aren't winning, but we're not having them lose either. The Usos have to turn heel within the tournament, get to the final and play spoilers to the fun Heath Slater story to amp them up as assholes. But we're protecting Alpha till the death.


I don't have any problem with that as an objective, so while I can't say the losers being re-entered flows super smooth, I'll accept it because I think the end game is well calculated. Usos should be hot heel champions, and Alpha will be on their tail.

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This was a WWE.com exclusive. Should have been on the main show. Rhyno I really enjoyed.

I know he isn't exactly Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart in the ring, but why has Heath Slater been out in the cold so long?


I've only just returned to watching wrestling now the young un is into it(I tuned out around the original Nexus angle), but he seemd like one of the more entertaining personalities on either show at the minute.

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