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With any luck, they'll keep teasing all the way until Wrestlemania. Do The Wyatts vs. The Shield, have The Shield lose by miscommunication, and then either pull the trigger at Mania or the following night on Raw. I hope they don't fuck it up. If they time this correctly it could be absolutely massive.

Edited by Supremo
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With any luck, they'll keep teasing all the way until Wrestlemania. Do The Wyatts vs. The Shield, have The Shield lose by miscommunication, and then either pull the trigger at Mania or the following night on Raw. I hope they don't fuck it up. If they time this correctly it could be absolutely massive.


I can imagine the crowd going "fucking banana" to quote Pat Patterson if they did this right the night after Mania.


Mind you the night after Mania would see a massive pop for Zack Ryder lighting a fart.

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With any luck, they'll keep teasing all the way until Wrestlemania. Do The Wyatts vs. The Shield, have The Shield lose by miscommunication, and then either pull the trigger at Mania or the following night on Raw. I hope they don't fuck it up. If they time this correctly it could be absolutely massive.

That's how I'd do it as well. The other two could turn on Reigns or walk out on him at WrestleMania and he can do his one-man show but ultimately fall to the numbers game. Then give Rollins and Ambrose the double spear on Raw.

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Where does everyone think they should turn Roman Reigns? For me it seems like the obvious choice would a Shield vs. Wyatt Family 6-man at WrestleMania, put the Wyatts over and do the big turn on the big show... but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense from a business standpoint to turn him BEFORE WrestleMania, since Royal Rumble to Mania is the peak time for casuals and lapsed fans to tune in.


Do the turn while more people are watching, then build to Roman getting the US title from Ambrose at Mania. Only problem there is you leave Rollins in the shitter and have nothing much for the Wyatts.


Either way, I hope he gets the Diesel push in the Rumble and eliminates a bunch of guys, including his Shield partners.

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Reigns' turn could (and maybe should) actually lead to a feud with Triple H. He really shouldn't be arsing around with the US title, but he can't just leave The Shield and start wrestling Alberto Del Rio. Loads of loose ends. With them being Triple H and Stephanie's henchmen, then the rebellion should put Reigns against Hunter and/or Orton.


Actually, the more I think about it, if it was Bryan and Punk vs DX at WrestleMania (either in the tag or singles) and Hogan/Cena are doing something, that leaves Orton at a bit of a loose end. Reigns could be the title contender.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Had to watch the final segment again, it was brilliant from start to finish. The crowd were excellent with the sustained Bryan chanting and everyone played off of it really well. John Cena isnt a level above the other guys for this kind of thing, hes several levels above anyone else in the company. Just a terrific promo and the delivery, pace and tone was perfect at every point, even Orton reacted to Cenas jibes really well. Then the brawl at the end was just excellent, big stars attacking big stars with their finishers and there are so many avenues that could lead off from that one segment. The idea I got from it is for a HBK/HHH vs Bryan/Punk tag match at Mania, after all Punk attacked HHH and the other way round and HBK attacked Punk and then Bryan attacked HBK. Vince having to enlist and rely on the help of two 'indy guys' and the opposite of what he thinks is a superstar and pit them against his golden boys to try to prise the company back would be a good story. Surely it means HBK is having another match at 30 too? Seems a lot of work and interaction just to have him come in as just a special ref again or some other deal?


EDIT: Just read Pitcos' thoughts above, thats exactly how I see it going. Bryan/Punk vs DX, Cena vs Hogan or some other match where they are put together, Lesnar vs Taker and Orton vs Reigns. Although I really want the Wyatts vs The Shield, I just cant see them holding out for that long.

Edited by Van Dammer
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Had to watch the final segment again, it was brilliant from start to finish. The crowd were excellent with the sustained Bryan chanting and everyone played off of it really well. John Cena isnt a level above the other guys for this kind of thing, hes several levels above anyone else in the company. Just a terrific promo and the delivery, pace and tone was perfect at every point, even Orton reacted to Cenas jibes really well. Then the brawl at the end was just excellent, big stars attacking big stars with their finishers and there are so many avenues that could lead off from that one segment. The idea I got from it is for a HBK/HHH vs Bryan/Punk tag match at Mania, after all Punk attacked HHH and the other way round and HBK attacked Punk and then Bryan attacked HBK. Vince having to enlist and rely on the help of two 'indy guys' and the opposite of what he thinks is a superstar and pit them against his golden boys to try to prise the company back would be a good story. Surely it means HBK is having another match at 30 too? Seems a lot of work and interaction just to have him come in as just a special ref again or some other deal?.


I watched the final segment last night following all the positive comments on here, and agree with everything here. From the Bryan chants to Cena's promo to the brawl at the end, it was thoroughly excellent.


I wasn't bothered about TLC at all, and couldn't care what happened at it. But after watching that segment, not only do I want to see it, I want to watch Cena win. The guy's a marvel.

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Reigns' turn could (and maybe should) actually lead to a feud with Triple H. He really shouldn't be arsing around with the US title, but he can't just leave The Shield and start wrestling Alberto Del Rio. Loads of loose ends. With them being Triple H and Stephanie's henchmen, then the rebellion should put Reigns against Hunter and/or Orton.


Actually, the more I think about it, if it was Bryan and Punk vs DX at WrestleMania (either in the tag or singles) and Hogan/Cena are doing something, that leaves Orton at a bit of a loose end. Reigns could be the title contender.


It may seem totally out there as I'd imagine everyone would be expecting the Rumble to be won by the likes of Cena/Orton (depending on who holds the Title), Bryan, Punk, or maybe a returning Sheamus or a shock Triple H win. But imagine if they do go with this Reigns push just as he seems to be getting the momentum and they have him get a good tally of eliminations, including his Shield teammates and have him come down to the last lot of guys, the likes of Punk, Bryan, Sheamus. By this point everyone would be thinking Reigns has had a good Rumble showing and expect him to be eliminated but imagine the reaction if he won it. I don't think it would be as awesome as the reaction if Bryan won but it would definitely be up there and be the push of the year.


In my opinion though I can't really see it happening and imagine Bryan will win the Rumble and I so hope he does, but I wouldn't be upset if they did do a shock win and have Reigns win it.

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However much I like Reigns I really hope they don't hotshot him to early, him winning the rumble or facing Orton at Mania would not do him any favours in the long run IMO.


A slow build to The Shield splitting would be best, Sheild vs The Wyatts at Mania with Reigns turning at Mania or on the Raw after would be my favourable choice.


Putting this here instead of the Mania thread, but a Mania with Cena/Hogan, Lesnar/Taker, Sheild/Wyatts and DX vs Bryan/Punk would be pretty awesome in my book.

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Putting this here instead of the Mania thread, but a Mania with Cena/Hogan, Lesnar/Taker, Sheild/Wyatts and DX vs Bryan/Punk would be pretty awesome in my book.

Who does it leave Orton with though? In theory, Orton should be defending the title against someone new they're interested in making. But if Bryan's booked up at the top of the card and Reigns is still knocking about with Team Bossman, then Orton's options are probably from: Big E, Big Show, Christian, Ziggler, Kofi (as if), Henry, Mysterio, RVD, Sin Cara, or Sheamus if he's back. I wonder if they'd do WrestleMania 30's title match with the two blokes who the fans shat on on the post-29 Raw? They might.

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Reigns might be part of a dominant heel faction, but he comes across as such a likable guy naturally. He has what my nan would call a "kind face".




Of course, this might be influenced by seeing him live and he was having trouble keeping character for some reason, having a right old laugh in his corner.

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Putting this here instead of the Mania thread, but a Mania with Cena/Hogan, Lesnar/Taker, Sheild/Wyatts and DX vs Bryan/Punk would be pretty awesome in my book.

Who does it leave Orton with though? In theory, Orton should be defending the title against someone new they're interested in making. But if Bryan's booked up at the top of the card and Reigns is still knocking about with Team Bossman, then Orton's options are probably from: Big E, Big Show, Christian, Ziggler, Kofi (as if), Henry, Mysterio, RVD, Sin Cara, or Sheamus if he's back. I wonder if they'd do WrestleMania 30's title match with the two blokes who the fans shat on on the post-29 Raw? They might.


"There's only one man that the entire WWE Universe wants to see take on Orton, and his name is..."


Who funnily enough is getting all in Orton's face in the clip about how he will have to go after him if he wants to be the Champion.
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