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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It's all looking pretty grim to me. I was actually inclined to fast forward through Enzo/Cass Vs The Club, that's how much I've been encouraged to care.

Nah, sorry, that's your problem. They get a lot of stuff wrong but the Cena/Club feud, AJ Styles particularly and Enzo & Cass aren't any of them.


Even had the Wyatts bit not been a complete rip off attempt, absolutely no one will be talking about that poorly executed segment. How you can make something look worse and more pointless than something TNA did is beyond me. It achieved absolutely nothing.

It's hard to know if they were planning it anyway and just arrogant enough to ignore TNA but regardless, people moan like fuck that they do nothing with the Wyatts. That they've never used the creepy lair in any of it. That there are no skits or wacky videos anymore. Then when they do it, people still moan.

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I'm pretty tired of them cutting the same promo every week, actually every show. They're hardly setting the world alight with their matches, not that they ever did. The consistent push has actually slightly over-exposed them, but that is the reality of modern day WWE. I probably need a break.....

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It's hard to know if they were planning it anyway and just arrogant enough to ignore TNA but regardless, people moan like fuck that they do nothing with the Wyatts. That they've never used the creepy lair in any of it. That there are no skits or wacky videos anymore. Then when they do it, people still moan.



Thing is, had they done that with the Wyatts a week ago it would have been praised for being something different and a break from the usual backstage and in-ring promos. The fact it's come after something similar that TNA frankly did better is why there's moaning. If they're planning on continuing to do stuff like this then it makes the product much more interesting and gives something to potentially look forward to. I want to see stuff like Steve Blackman going to do stand-up comedy and Jeff Jarret's MMA segments aswell as the usual interview stuff, something, anything, aslong as it's giving us something fresh. This segment was unlucky in either it's been poorly timed or they are just blatantly trying to cash in on The Final Deletion, I just hope they at least try and do something else in a similar vein going forwards.

Edited by cobra_gordo
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Well they made Darren Young look strong didn't they, holding his plonker as 2 people fell over the top and handed it to him.


They made Ryder look strong didn't they, getting beat off Sheamus in about 4 minutes, Sheamus who has been the joke of the company since he lost the belt, I really want to see Ryder and Rusev now, I consider Ryder a legit threat.


What is with that weird Breezeango match, are they splitting the Lucha Dragons I'm guessing.


Seriously, is this company taking the piss out of me. The fucking McMahon saga continues, I don't want any of you fuckers on my screen, that includes Shane, acting like a frustrated baby. Just fuck off. Fuck right off. I'm considering a break from WWE to be honest, I can't get my nut round any shit they do.


I am watching for AJ and Cena, pretty much end of story. I cannot and will never take Ambrose seriously as champion as he is, the only way I can abide him is if he totally changes, gets the black trunks and boots back and turns PROPER crazy, not fucking spilling coffee and talking to plants like some retard, but actually come across unstable, the sort that sits in the corner of the pub on his own. Wank.

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Plus three white hillbillies beating up three black men in the middle of no where while many watch on, is hardly in good taste

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Thing is, had they done that with the Wyatts a week ago it would have been praised for being something different and a break from the usual backstage and in-ring promos. The fact it's come after something similar that TNA frankly did better is why there's moaning. If they're planning on continuing to do stuff like this then it makes the product much more interesting and gives something to potentially look forward to. I want to see stuff like Steve Blackman going to do stand-up comedy and Jeff Jarret's MMA segments aswell as the usual interview stuff, something, anything, aslong as it's giving us something fresh. This segment was unlucky in either it's been poorly timed or they are just blatantly trying to cash in on The Final Deletion, I just hope they at least try and do something else in a similar vein going forwards.

Agree on the timing. But as I said, no idea if it was planned or whatnot. Regardless, we want more zany shit. Not to throw our toys out because TNA did it better - which they absolutely did. WWe should still be credited with fucking trying something and encouraged to try more.

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I think you'd definitely be giving WWE far too much credit to think that the compound angle (of which there was no actual compound, it was just a fight in a field, filmed the night before around the back of the hotel no doubt) was planned months in advance, and if it was, even worse that this was the best they could offer. That would entail planning something more than two weeks ahead which they clearly don't do other than for the main event. I'd call it naive infact.


And STILL they haven't managed to implement Sister Abigail, the only thing they could do of interest with this 2/3's worthless faction, even though Santana Garrett teased herself on social media months back dressed up like her and pulling it off like a boss, with ONE FUCKING PICTURE and of course they've now let TNA do essentially the same thing with Rosemary and the Decay which it would be likened to immediately if they now did. Just shows how behind the curve they are. They should have thrown all the fucking money at Borash at the earliest opportunity.


It's all just really poor. No one can honestly say that that show is a positive use of 2 and a bit hours of your time, whether you're willing to say they are just treading water until the 19th or not. I'm not excited for it in the least.

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What you watching it for then? I know people get fucked off with that reply because it's their divine right to watch WWE but if you don't like it at all, why on earth are you watching?


I don't know how long in advance they planned the compound angle and don't claim to. Not sure who you are calling naive on that basis but whatever.


Why would Sister Abigail add anything to the Wyatts? They've shown no interest in progressing the thing to this point in 2/3 years so why would adding a woman make a difference? They don't know what to do with the Wyatts in a wrestling context. They never have known.

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Well that's the thing, i don't know why I am watching it. There's nothing wrong with the ppv's but the tv is just pure shite and I can't see how this draft will change that any longer.


Part of me thinks Vince is actually trying to kill the business dead so he can be safe in the knowledge that no one will ever be able to top him when he's dead. He's obviously threatened by HHH being more creative than he ever was in the long run. You haven't got to be a genius to workout Triple H in full creative control running the main shows (OFFSCREEN) in the same way as NXT is better for business. Some would argue that that might alienate the kids demographic but I think with some tweaking they'll be just as interested if not more. The format doesn't seem to have scared away Izzy or the other children in the Full Sail audience who seem quite capable of cheering their favourites and booing Austin Aries. There's nothing particularly non-PG about NXT. They just need to transfer the minds of people that care onto the main shows instead of mindless yes-men hacks.


I try to think if Raw was a 57 minute show would I enjoy it as much as NXT but really I don't think I would either.

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Perhaps I've misunderstood over the years, but isn't Sister Abigail dead? Which is why I've always wondered why everyone reckons somebody will play that role someday.

I always thought she didn't exist, and he's just crazy.

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It's the McMahons, just look at fucking Steph prancing around the ring Yes'ing, it's not heel heat it's a massive cringe festival of the highest order.


I have never liked Shane, he is a terrible terrible actor, he can't emote, everything is forced. He is good for falling from high places.


Vince just needs to be away from this and definitely off TV, I'm not knocking the guy, you cannot beat time, you can't, he is 70 years old, fucking SEVENTY. I think to myself, would I let my old man go on TV, would I fuck, I don't let him come to the pub with me he's only 62 but he's loopy, he got lost in  Morrisons last week.

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