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Surely someone like Big Show who has been around for years might have thought "Hold on, we shouldn't do this big spot with Ryback. Let's hold it off for later down the road, we could make some money with this."

Stuff like that is pre-planned. Its not something done on the fly. Someone has told them to do it. And they might as well do it now, since Ryback looks fucked. It'd be stunned if he's still on TV after April.

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That's a bit harsh. I reckon he should be kept on salary until the day he dies for the way he's killed his body for them. The reason he is always injured is because they always needed him and always rushed him back because they cant get new acts over to a level where they could use him sparingly. If they'd have taken care of him better, he'd not be in the condition he currently is.


Its a sad state of affairs that he's still more over that most of the roster, some 11 years after his debut.


It's going to be a real bollocks of a day when Rey just falls apart like a shattered vase in the ring, or Cena's arm falls off. They're probably waiting for technological advances that let them put the working parts of those two lads together, and sell the rest to superfans for meat.

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You're right. They can work and can put people over in developmental. Ryback cant. He's a failed experiment who they've obviously lost patience with. He's Heidenreich.


Jason Powell was saying there was talk of repackaging him as Skip Sheffield and making him a goof ball in a cowboy hat again. Wouldn't be the worst idea for him. Have Goldberg squash him and he can go away for a while and comeback as a comedy clown.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Surely someone like Big Show who has been around for years might have thought "Hold on, we shouldn't do this big spot with Ryback. Let's hold it off for later down the road, we could make some money with this."

Stuff like that is pre-planned. Its not something done on the fly. Someone has told them to do it. And they might as well do it now, since Ryback looks fucked. It'd be stunned if he's still on TV after April.


It was a stupid spot to have on there. Even if Ryback is fucked, that doesn't mean they should throw their hands up and say 'yeah, go for it. Might as well'. It makes the spectacle of someone lifting Big Show mean less if it's done like that. They were showing how good Big Show is, but if Ryback means fuck all then what does it mean if he kicked out? The crowd weren't fussed by it. I think something like that should be kept as a spectacle and to mean something more.

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Well it should mean something, but that's obviously not they way they think in 2013. Ryback shouldn't be losing to a kick in the balls, Daniel Bryan shouldn't be called a troll who cant draw money etc. All I know is, this wont be remembered in a fortnight, so it wont do anything for either man. My only thought is they reckon the match was going to be so abysmal they had to put something in the match that wasn't big boots and chops to the nipple region.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Is it actually Ryback's fault all of this though? Obviously he's no super worker but I think he's done good with what they've given him. WWE are to blame for fucking him up, they've booked him like total shit. They could have been making tons of cash with Ryback. I don't think he could ever hold his own as a full time main eventer but you got a guy who could easily hover around the midcard and sell shit loads of t-shirts.

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Is it actually Ryback's fault all of this though? Obviously he's no super worker but I think he's done good with what they've given him. WWE are to blame for fucking him up, they've booked him like total shit. They could have been making tons of cash with Ryback. I don't think he could ever hold his own as a full time main eventer but you got a guy who could easily hover around the midcard and sell shit loads of t-shirts.


He could have worked at improving in the ring, but aside from that, I'm with you. He seemed pretty over despite running with the multi-jobber squashes for too long, but since then they've booked him about as badly as possible over and over, steamrolled any attempts at fixing their handiwork quite quickly, and now he's just fodder.

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They fucked Ryback just like they fucked Bryan, shit scared to pull the trigger when they were both white hot. Ryback was on his way to becoming massive until they shat themselves and had a screwy finish against Punk in the cell. The only problem is Ryback is shit and Bryan isn't and ultimately becomes overexposed when he hasn't got the machine behind him, you protect guys like Ryback. The Daniel Bryan's of the world protect themselves.

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Ryback is the Rimmer to Goldbergs Ace Rimmer. If Goldberg would have taken the path Ryback has, he'd have been nothing as well. Ryback is so limited, that if you catch lightening in a bottle with him you better run with him. But they didn't. Ryback was so over with the people. Fans are absolutely desperate for a new hero. And he caught on massively for whatever reason. And then they destroyed him. If you are over and are a destroyer, you can hide all your weaknesses. But he's just dead now. Shame really, but that's how it goes.


I mean could you imagine before Hell in a Cell last year if he Shell Shocked the Big Show on the go home show? That's the man I'd pay money to watch go against the WWE champion. He's a bloke capable of doing something like that to Big Show. He should have done it when he was over. Its a real shame. You could have done a Ryback vs Mark Henry match for the title and have him storm through Mizark. You could have had Ryback go over Cena like Bryan did. He could have beat Orton. You could have put him against Brock, built him to wrestle Undertaker. Ryback could have done so much if they'd have no screwed up the booking of him.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I think the biggest "what the fuck?" booking moment of the last year is Ryback losing to Henry at Wrestlemania. At the time it made no sense...looking back it makes even less sense. WWE can chuck as much money into performances centers as they want but in the past year they've fucked up the booking of two rising stars when it mattered most. They seem to have completely forgotten how to make stars.

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