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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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And I quite like the Social Misfits. There. I said it.



Not enough to get their name right, though. It's the Social Outcasts :p  I like them, too. I love jobber stables. We need Fandango, Sandow, Ryder & Neville to form one now.

Edited by Linus
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When Brock came out and started throwing people around my first thought was that he'd clear the ring then just look at Roman on the floor and walk away (maybe with a Brock smirk) and almost tease a face turn. Hitting his finish on a defenceless champ seemed a bit pointless.  I did FF most of RAW so that was my thinking without the context of whatever happened earlier.



It's completely part of his character. He beats fuck out of anyone, no matter how defenceless they are. Take that cameraman for example last year, he doesn't give a fuck. If he left him there and walked away, I think that would've been a big change to his character as it would either show sympathy (which he doesn't have) or even that he likes Roman (Brock doesn't like anyone, not even Heyman really).



I wouldnt have shown it as sympathy - more a 'you dont tell me what to do' to Vince. Have Vince shouting 'get him' and Brock looking and not doing it in an alpha-male defiant way not a sympathetic way.  then (fantasy booking alert!) next week Vince is pissed and has Reigns & Lesnar team up against 'Team Vince', even make it an over the top rope elimination match/mini-rumble.  Have Reigns & Lensar win and then Lesnar F5's Reigns after when they're both standing victorious and he's not beating up a defenceless champ.  Even have Vince come out and congratulate Lesnar for picking the right side or something and have Lesnar knock him down as well.  That way it's clear that he's dominant, he isnt The Authority's hitman/bitch, and he isnt Reign's friend. He's Brock Lesnar and only cares about Brock Lesnar.  


It's not a massive thing I just don't see what he gained from it and if there's no gain, what's the point.






Bit disappointed that they confirmed Sting for HoF but he didnt even make a 'stand on the stage and wave' appearance.


I could be wrong, but this never happens when they announce someone for HoF, does it? Seems pointless. They'll get that out of their system when they are actually inducted. What's the point turning up to wave to promote him coming back for another wave at HoF?



No idea, I just like Sting and it would have been nice to see him. He could have been in the rafters rather than on the stage but an appearance would have been nice.  They dont usually induct 'active' roster members (do they?) so no idea what precedent they have for the announcements.  I cant say past announcements have really been memorable.


and Linus you're spot on, I dont like them that much! But totally agree, I love a fun jobber stable.

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 They dont usually induct 'active' roster members (do they?) so no idea what precedent they have for the announcements.  I cant say past announcements have really been memorable.



its only Flair that's been active isn't it. and his was done differently anyway with HBK doing it in the ring

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Just off to the side a bit; wasn't that pic shown in response to Jericho's 'back of the bus' comments that were taken as a racist slur by some?

It was taken as a racial slur? I just assumed he meant they were the 'cool kids'. The cool kids always sat at the back of the bus, singing along to the rude versions of Outhere Brothers songs.

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We need Fandango, Sandow, Ryder & Neville to form one now.


A tag-team called Sandangow?


EDIT: Yeah, the "back of the bus" thing would've been an unwise call in the US. The significance of certain terms over there is very different to their use over here. For example, "boy" - it doesn't really have the same negative resonance in the UK that it does in the US. "Back of the bus" wouldn't mean anything to us because we never had that specific segregation law.

Edited by Carbomb
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