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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Haven't seen Smackdown yet as it's still on my recorder. So this was my first view of "New Day/The New Day". First impression is that they look good. They've gone to some effort with the gear and it works. The entrance is a bit non-descript. A church choir on the stage each week would work much better. It would work better as a heel act. Everyone hates a hypocrite. So the happy preachy stuff mixed with lying and cheating in the ring would go down well.


So they're slightly intriguing but not much else. And then they lose to Tyson fucking Kidd. What absolute madness to put them in that position on their second appearance. Sure there was some interference but they're already unmemorable losers.

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Hey, Tyson fucking Kidd is pretty awesome nowadays, if you watch NXT you'll see that the guy is gold.


Interesting that they're going with a non-title tag team feud. When was the last time that happened? There was Rhodes Bros vs Shield, but the feud was more with the Authority than the Shield.


My only gripe with The New Day is that I remember their original formation, so this presentation doesn't gel with that. They were angry about their situation and wanted change, and here they are super happy and smiley. Mainly I wanted to see an edge from Kofi, but he's just doing basically the same character since his debut, only with baby blue clothes.

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Hey, Tyson fucking Kidd is pretty awesome nowadays, if you watch NXT you'll see that the guy is gold.


Interesting that they're going with a non-title tag team feud. When was the last time that happened? There was Rhodes Bros vs Shield, but the feud was more with the Authority than the Shield.


My only gripe with The New Day is that I remember their original formation, so this presentation doesn't gel with that. They were angry about their situation and wanted change, and here they are super happy and smiley. Mainly I wanted to see an edge from Kofi, but he's just doing basically the same character since his debut, only with baby blue clothes.


I'd have preferred if they had went with the original heelish idea, that they were disgruntled superstars on a mission to get themselves on top, because nobody else wanted to help them. This would have given their characters an edge, would have suited Xavier as he's a good talker and could have made Big E a proper monster. I'm not a fan of them as Babyfaces, though I guess that one reason they're been packaged as faces is because there are quite a few heel tag teams at the minute.

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Hey, it's Raw, and I CAN'T WAIT to see what that stupid laptop has in store for us!


Man, Michael Cole looks so happy to have the role of reading out the e-mails sent in by the anonymous GM! He wasn't even halfway through the first, though, when John Cena came out.


Cena BURIED the anonymous GM but the crowd couldn't care. What happened to crowds enjoying stuff? Cena said that the anonymous GM & Lesnar were the same - only appearing once a year. Burn. The anonymous GM tried to interrupt but Cena closed his laptop. He didn't close it all the way and this annoyed me. That says more about me than Raw, though.


Rollins came out and said some stuff. He was better here than he has been for a while - hopefully someone discovered his Bass knob. He told Cena that he should bring back the Authority. Cena tried to make him beg but the anonymous GM cut this off.


He announced that, for the TLC PPV, it would be Rollins versus Cena in a Tables match. He said if Cena lost he'd no longer be no1 contender. You know, for that title that's never defended or ever really mentioned. I haven't forgotten that Sheamus has a shot down the line, too. HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN.


Rollins and his security jumped Cena and a brawl began. It seemed for all the world like they'd skipped the 3hr show and gone straight to the main. Big Show, Harper, Ryback, and Ziggler all came out and did stuff, and a 6-man main event was made for later in the show, even though we'd kinda just had it. *Shrug*


Hey, it's a Tag Team Turmoil match! Winners get the shot at Miz & Mizdow at the PPV, so I expect all the top teams will be in this one. Dust Brothers start out, and are joined The New Day. I don't get it, I really don't. No-one loves a black babyface more than me - well, except maybe Bill Watts - but it's lame. JBL called them the Gleebirds. That was good.


Anyhoo, New Day beat the Dust Brothers, and that brought out the team of Tyson Kidd and Taz With AIDS Cesaro. Yeah, me either. Kidd pinned Kofi Kingston after Dust Brothers shenanigans so The New Day is the same old day, jobbing already.


The Usos came out, and Natalya got involved, mostly unwittingly. I get what they're trying to do - she's a babyface and her husband is a heel, and she loves him so she can't see that blah blah blah. But it’s flawed and going on FOREVER.


Talking of which, after the Usos eliminated Kidd & TWAC, out came Adam Rose and That Fucking Bunny. WHY ARE YOU STILL TEAMING WITH HIM??? I HATE YOU ALL. They hotshot the money angles and this fucking thing has been going on for MONTHS.


Anyway, guess what? Yeah, That Fucking Bunny caused Rose to lose, and so the Usos are the no1 contenders to the tag titles. Again.


Backstage, Naomi was watching the match because she is married to an Uso. This fucking show. Miz & Mizdow came up and Miz told her he'd liked her twerk in a music video and offered her a card for a producer he knew who could use her. Yeah, I bet he could. Mizdow made her take an imaginary card. She did. Good girl.


That Backstage Guy spoke to Erick Rowan and revealed he - Rowan, not that guy - is a borderline genius, a guitar maestro, and (my favourite) an expert vintner. Rowan finished his Rubik's Cube and said he didn't like bullies.


Hey, it's Big Show versus Erick Rowan. Except it's not because they just beat each other up until Big Show hit Rowan with some steel steps for the DQ. The steps bounced onto Rowan's head and he either sold it real well or forgot he wasn't supposed to sell that stuff. Owwwwwwwwwwwww.


Backstage Renee talked to Vince who was excited - EXCITED! - about talking to Stone Cold live on the Network later.


You know what wrestling fans like? Ballroom dancing. They especially like it when the dancers can't actually dance. You know what they also like? Matches not happening. Fandango was supposed to take on Jack Swagger, because the anonymous GM is obviously more evil than we ever suspected, but it didn't happen because A MYSTERY PERSON attacked Zeb Coulter backstage and Jack Swagger was too unprofessional to come to the ring without him.


Fandango looked delighted to win by forfeit. 3 and 0. Rosa grabbed the mic from Lilian and said something. I have no idea what because SHE IS SHIT.


Rusev came out and Lana said the pledge of allegiance to the Russian Federation, which - whisper it - I don't think is a thing. Rusev admitted breaking Zeb Coulter and Jack Swagger ran out and beat him up until a gazillion referees stopped him.


Hey, it's Mizdow! He's fighting Fernando - I think, like it matters - while Miz does commentary. Torito is out with Fernando. I don't know where Carlos, or Manuel, or Jose, or whatever he's called is. Bullfighting, I presume.


Mizdow wins, which actually takes away his shine a bit. Give the people what they want but don't give them too much. After the match, the Uso that is married to Naomi came down and slapped Miz and told him to stay away from his wife. Miz looked hurt. Mizdow joined him on the floor and looked hurt, too.


Hey, it's R-Truth! I remember him! Last we saw, he was a dick to Adam Rose on Halloween! Anyway, Bray Wyatt kinda squashed him. Wyatt brought tables, ladders, and chairs into the ring, and R-Truth magically turned into Wyatt's rocking chair. Wyatt did a long promo, which was interrupted by Ambrose. They fought for a bit until Wyatt took a powder.


Then Ambrose SMASHED WYATT'S ROCKING CHAIR TO BITS!!! Poor R-Truth. Wyatt sold this as being really, really hurtful. This feud must continue!


Christ, it's the women again. Although, since they've gone to only one women's segment per show things have gotten better.


It was Brie & Nikki - and Mrs Linus, passing through, said "are they friends again now? Why?" and I had no answer - versus AJ and a partner voted by the WWE Universe, which turned out to be Naomi. Yeah, me either.


AJ and Naomi won when AJ made Nikki - the champion, remember - tap out from the Black Widow.


Michael Cole interviewed Paul Heyman, via satellite. Heyman was at WWE HQ in Stamford, apparently. Why? They never said. Heyman took Cena to task for saying Brock only appeared once a year, saying he was like Christmas and therefore special, unique. Not quite, but I can see what you're going for. Heyman was great here, which only made his - if not Brock's - absence from shows all the more baffling.


Hey, it's the main event! It's Cena, Ziggler, and Ryback versus Rollins, Harper, and Kane.


Okay, this went on FOREVER. Like 40 minutes. On free TV. They did all their stuff, and while you could argue it was a trailer for the PPV, it was also just about everything you'd ever see from these 3 men against these 3 men. Harper is still a really bad fit in Team Authority, especially since the scrapping of the Authority could have been used to set him free (again).


Ziggler got the win, though it didn't really matter, and Big Show ran in. Then Rowan came in, with a poorly head, and got his revenge for what Show did earlier in the night.


This was an Okay Show, but didn't give me anything of substance. Let's see what Smackdown does (stop laughing at the back).

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So after watching Cena being put through a table for free, they expect people to pay for an event where he MIGHT be put through a table?

Yes yes they do.


Raw was ok, The bunny thing just has to fuck off now, No sting to explain anything is kinda good if he keeps showing up at PPVs and messing things up. 


Luke Harper is a star


Swagger looks like shit


Unless i missed something isnt Cena in charge? so why is the lap top making matches?.

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Shame it's Cena, who they have a (legit) aversion to turning — he should let the power go to his head. He could have a big red button with "Bring Back The Authority" written on it, and threaten to push it if things don't go his way


So many buy....


Network subscriptions.

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Shame it's Cena, who they have a (legit) aversion to turning — he should let the power go to his head. He could have a big red button with "Bring Back The Authority" written on it, and threaten to push it if things don't go his way


So many buy....


Network subscriptions.



Fork over the $9.99... we need a total of $10,000 subs by the end of RAW, or Cena pushes the button.

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