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Echo the love for Reigns dropkick, that was brilliant. I really don't want them to split up The Shield. Tons more potential there IMO.

There isn't, really. At least not potential that WWE has the ability to do anything with. Prior to the breakup teases, The Shield were really, really boring and stuck in a rut creatively. Another year of being "good hands" for filler six-mans would harm them significantly. Reigns has the chance to be a breakout star now.

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I don't think waiting is in their plan whatsoever but I think they could easily draw it out.


There's a ready made feud with the Wyatts. They could target Big Show, Undertaker, Seamus (when he's back), Lesnar (if the fancy turning him) or Batista. They could make Reigns #1 contender to the IC Title and force matches with Ambrose while they're still officially a team. They could give Rollins the MITB briefcase and run an angle where his ego is out of control. They could make Reigns #1 contender and have him on the verge of winning the WWE title when Ambrose and Rollins cost him the matches.


Seems there's loads there to me. Maybe it's just because I love them together.


Reigns has the chance to be a breakout star now.

You think he's ready? That match he had with Punk recently suggested to me that he's a little way off yet.

Edited by tiger_rick
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He's definitely more ready now than he would be if he spent another twelve months having unnaturally-long, diminishing returns six-man tag rematches. When he's getting the reactions he's getting, and he's got the skillset he's got, the smart money is on striking before the iron goes all lukewarm. Capitalising on his star potential before it fades is more important than teaching him how to do a better bump or wristlock. Meandering and lollygagging would just make him another stop-start nobody.

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He's definitely more ready now than he would be if he spent another twelve months having unnaturally-long, diminishing returns six-man tag rematches. When he's getting the reactions he's getting, and he's got the skillset he's got, the smart money is on striking before the iron goes all lukewarm. Capitalising on his star potential before it fades is more important than teaching him how to do a better bump or wristlock. Meandering and lollygagging would just make him another stop-start nobody.


Knowing them, I'll agree with you. Obviously if I was booking, I'd protect the fuck out of him while I polished the rough diamond but history says if they don't do it now, they never will.

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They could split them (maybe even put the US belt on him, or the IC if they unify the pair) and then have him go after Ambrose & Rollins for a couple of months all the while keeping the title (maybe until around November time). That way you've done the split and not hot-shot him into a spot hes not ready for by having the US/IC belt as a stepping stone

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Do they have the patience to draw it out for another year though. They've planted the seeds already so people are expecting it to happen. I think it will either happen at Wrestlemania or the night after


Exactly - Roman should leave but The Shield should still stay together and recruit another member or two.

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I dont know about adding someone else to The Shield. They've had a decent run as this trio since debuting, changing the lineup could devalue them. Kind of like a big band replacing a member.


I don't see why Ambrose & Rollins couldn't continue as a duo, keeping The Shield name, image, music etc.

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The rumour last week was that Mason Ryan will be replacing Reigns.


I'd rather it ended than got watered down to that extent.


I quite fancy Dean Ambrose to go on and be the most successful of the three. Reigns looks the business but I think he'll be one-dimensional. Ambrose has the potential to be better than CM Punk I reckon. He looks better too.

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I don't know what it is about Ambrose, but I just can't see him becoming a big time player. A solid midcarder, yes, but nothing more.

He came in with such a reputation, mainly from fanboys thinking he was the second coming, and he seems to work fine when hes working off of Rollins and Reigns. But I can't picture watching him wrestle someone on his own for 15 minutes or more. I know alot of people bang on about his promo work in FCW and his expressions, but they don't make a star on their own, you've got to be able to draw people in when your in the ring, and I just don't see him being able to do it in anything above the midcard.


Its similar to Jake Roberts, everything he did worked fine for the spot he had in the midcard, but cutting that kind of soft-spoken yet sadistic promo just wouldn't have drawn fans in at the top of the card

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Jake Roberts and Randy Savage was a top of the card feud and that's more memorable that 90% of the things from that era. Jake's actually the perfect example of getting by on your character. I dont know if Jake ever had a great match ever. He had some good ones, but his matches were miles behind what he did as a character.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I quite fancy Dean Ambrose to go on and be the most successful of the three. Reigns looks the business but I think he'll be one-dimensional. Ambrose has the potential to be better than CM Punk I reckon. He looks better too.

I'd argue Dean Ambrose is the least talented, despite arriving with the most hype (folk were calling him the next Roddy Piper). Not that he's bad, just the other two have shown more quality consistently.


Reigns has natural charisma and star presence. When I watched Raw Live in Manchester the mood of the building changed when he entered the ring, which you tend to notice more when you've got Curtis Axel sucking the life out of the place.


Reigns and Big E have mental potential. Hopefully they don't Ryback them.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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