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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I didn't mind Mero's matches because you had Sable at ringside. But looking back at Raw from 97-98 there was a lot of filler with pointless jobber matches until they eventually phased them out. When Raw first went 2 hours you were still getting shit like Road Dogg V some local.

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I wonder what would've happened with Bryan as champion. Arsing around in pseudo-feuds with Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler seemed set up to pale in comparison to Cena's ten-finishers-a-match midcard title reign, although could have made for better all-round TV if they committed to doing actual storylines for Bryan's belt for a while. Was DB going to be the top story on Smackdown most weeks?

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Oh well looks like Seth's reign will be over shortly. Once Taker retires Cena should take the gimmick over. How many burials is that he's clocked up now on the Mic?


Calling the company's Champion a joke? Love him in the ring but he just doesn't help himself with crap like that.


Good to see an old fashioned rammy though. And the crowd were hot for Lesnar. Best live crowd I've seen for a while.

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That crowd was crazy. Made that 6 man tag really entertaining, although it was hilarious in it's own right with the heels fucking each other over. 


Not sure what to think about Cena/Seth yet, although I love a good title v title and it definitely works on that basis. Who knows, that might not even be the match we get.


The big brawl was pretty well sold for what it was but I'll never be overly keen on main events that you can't even have build-up matches for, and Taker coming out to do The Opening Promo doesn't feel quite right

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Yeah early days I guess. It would be easier to list the opponents he hasn't buried on the Mic.


Looks like it's the full bhuna with Taker's retirement. Opening promo, multiple appearances throughout. Just glad the crowd went for Lesnar. They want blood and it would be great if they gave it to them full circle in the HIATC.

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Yeah early days I guess. It would be easier to list the opponents he hasn't buried on the Mic.



Are you on the wind up? That's a ludicrous statement.

What's he supposed to say, given Seth Rollins' character - which he plays very wel - is essentially a snivelling, cowardly heel?


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Quite enjoyed that Raw. The main event was good fun (Summer looked like a tranny in comparison to Lana though) and Charlotte came off really well despite having to wrestle Brie. Brock/Taker stuff was acceptable too.


If Cena is the one to end Rollins interminable reign as champ then so be it.

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Yeah early days I guess. It would be easier to list the opponents he hasn't buried on the Mic.


Are you on the wind up? That's a ludicrous statement.

What's he supposed to say, given Seth Rollins' character - which he plays very wel - is essentially a snivelling, cowardly heel?

Yeah total wind up because Cena has never done that ever like.

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Eh? I've always found Cena to do a great job of putting the heel over in his promos. Given the fact that Owens is a snide prick, Cena has said Christ knows how many times in promos and on commentary how good he is. He does this with everyone. Puts over their talent and ability but questions their morals, which you should do with a dickish heel.

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So is Cena, 'Triple H 2003' now because I must have missed something? Genuine question, not a dig at Suplex Sinner there.
I know he was disliked by the purist mobs for his lack of workrate and the fact he appeals to children and attractive females, but I never had him down for persistant burials of up and coming talent.

And given where Owens was about 6 months ago, Cena did a fucking great job with that chap.

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