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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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So who is king now?


Tommen is next in the line of succesion, as HG pointed out, he was the kid sat next to Tyrion at the wedding.



O yeah i forgot that everyone else does not know for sure that they are not Roberts kids.


I hope he is as mad as his older brother. Will he even be allowed to rule at his age?


Again, his age is something I'd expect them to address next week. Age doesn't matter, if you're king, you're king - there've been plenty of child kings in Real History - Edward VI, Henry VI, Richard II being three examples from England, plenty of Scottish monarchs as well - and they tended to have a Regent or Lord Protector or something ruling on their behalf until they come of age. You've got plenty of contenders for that position in this case - Cersei, Tywin, any of the small council for starters. But I suppose the way it works with the King's Hand and things, you might not need a specific Regent, just have the council rule on his behalf.

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Oleanna and Tywin verbally jousting and Oleanna cutting Mace off before he had chance to say anything.


I like how they have progressed from owning an episode from chatting across a table to do it whilst walking! Some quality story progression there as well as, by saying the Tyrells paid for most of the wedding and also referencing the debt to the Iron Bank, she reminded us that the Lannisters are actually skint (refer to last season when Tyrion became master of coin and went through Littlefinger's books)


So who is king now?


Tommen is next in the line of succesion, as HG pointed out, he was the kid sat next to Tyrion at the wedding.


I hope he is as mad as his older brother. Will he even be allowed to rule at his age?


Cersei will presumably rule as regent like she did for Joffrey and Tywin will continue as Hand and practically rule by proxy.


I'd actually forgotten Cersei was technically Joffrey's regent until Oberyn pointed it out last night in a rather blatant fashion!


The guy playing Oberyn is really good.

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He's a sweet boy, according to anyone that has mentioned him in the show, Tyrion being one of them. Nothing like Joff or Cersai.


Edit: Tommen, that is

Edited by PunkStep
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I was worried they wouldn't capture the horror of the books in that scene. The description of Joff's purple face is one of the most gruesome things in there, and though it's pretty different (he didn't claw his windpipe bloody), those rivulets of blood and his bloated, wandering eye at the end was more than horrifying enough for the little cunt.

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The build to it was great though, as a way of reminding you what a total prick he was before he got his comeuppance.


The shot of what appeared to be chopped up bird in the pie when they took it away was particularly good.


Randomish thought, was this the first episode with no nudity in? Or was the story so compelling that I just overlooked it somewhere?

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There was nudity, it just want massively obvious. When Oberyn and Ellaria Sand arrive at the wedding, the last doing the gymnastics that Oberyn is taking interest in is wearing no bottoms and we get more than eyefull of *ahem* her gynaecological area. It's very graphic and the camera doesn't stop on her.

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She was wearing a Game of Thrones, thong style leotard. He private bits are covered. I didn't think she was naked at the time, until I read this thread, and watched it back. You guys have seen some very weird looking vagina's if you think she was naked.

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