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The actual proper Wrestlemania 29 Thread

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Absolutely everything felt rushed tonight, which made the whole thing lose its wrestlemania spectacle. No opening pyro, America the brave, backstage legends skits and promos and the beginning to the main event had nothing to it whatsoever. Poor Jack Swagger didn't even get an entrance! Then again, I'm surprised they let him drive into the arena!

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I was also readying myself for the explosion on MMA boards if Triple H had tapped Lesnar with a kimura. :laugh:


He should've done. Unless Lesnar's doing anything physical within the next few weeks, rather than using the chair against the steps, Hunter should've smashed his arm with the hammer & made him tap with the keylock. Would have made perfect sense.


NEWM has got the Rock-Cena finish spot on too. Should've gone after the bluffed People's Elbow rather than going once more round the "I'm on your shoulders-I've dropped behind-I've got your arm over my shoulder-you've elbowed me in the head-I'm back on your shoulders" sequence they did a million times. Considering Taker & Punk did a similar thing a couple of times with a chokeslam set-up rather than the Rock Bottom, it was a bit much. Again, would have made total sense - Cena showing he's used his shit year to improve & come out better and stronger, yet with a hint of cocky bastard that could be used in the future.


A decent show but yes, hampered by pacing problems. As has been said, main event just came out of nowhere. More than the usual in terms of technical problems too which, although minor, do hurt it a bit for me as we're so used to WWE presentation, particularly at Mania, being so slick & polished. Some of the pyro for the early entrances was piss weak too which, considering how much charge they let off all told, was odd. Poor old Ryback finally got actual pyro instead of a piped-in "bang", and it was like that roman candle you always get rid of first from your

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Some tit from my facebooks review of the show.



"ICW fucking raped Wrestlemania

Match 1. Shite but am happy shelid won

Match 2. Could have been better

Match 3. Shite

Match 4. Was a great match punk had nearly got the there but at the same time am glad the streak never ended and have great respect 4 both CM Punk and taker

Match 5. shite I wish del rio was still heel bcuz he sucks cock as face and i wish ziggler cashed in.

match. 6 HHH vs Leanar was amazing best of the night.

Match 7. Rock vs Cena was the most PG thing i have ever seen


Wrestlemania 29 was utter shite hands down."


Now I fucking hate John Cena and the current child-friendly direction but this made even me want to slit my wrists.

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They really peaked with Punk/Taker. Arguably the most predictable match on the show was the most fun, everything from the entrances to the final pin was brilliant and got me hyped.


I think this was a good Mania, but not great. I can see this being a buildup Mania for next year, like 27 felt for 28.

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The amount of stuff that was kicked out of in that main....it was like watching ROH

...except people were actually there watching.


Moment of ego here - could anyone read my sign during the main event? It said 'The Rock is a MASSIVE bender' but only the bits I've highlighted were bolded text and so I think it may just've looked like 'The Rock Massive'. :(

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Im kind of in different to WM, Punk vs Taker MOTN even tho the result was never in doubt.


The ending to main event was funny as fuck, 2 years ago people called it. 80,000 people booing it was even better. Cena and his shit eating smile will be hard to face on raw. I really dont see where he goes from here.


Them standing together at the top of the ramp.. well.....erm.....yeah. They even turned the music off so you could hear the live crowd shit on it


I know last time i posted this i was slated but really how much longer can they keep dragging back the old guard to save mania? HHH HBK ,Taker, Rock. Take them out and look at the card.

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Had a grand old time tonight... The skies opened briefly during the pre-show and it looked like it was going to throw down with rain. It happened moments before Miz won the IC title so the sound of nearly 80,000 people going 'Oh for fuck's sake...' might have lessened the impact a little. Aside from that it was bastard cold all night, the wind coming through Metlife had teeth.


Weird atmosphere during the main event. Felt like most in attendance wanted Cena to lose a lot more than they wanted Rock to win as neither of them received a warm welcome. Reminded me very much of 'Mania 25 where the show peaked with the Undertaker match with the two subsequent bouts struggling to follow it.


I really enjoyed the six man opener. Good fun with plenty of action and a great finishing sequence. Also liked the tag title match, particularly tickled by the call back to last year's world title match with AJ's good luck kiss.

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Ok i take it back this mania was awesome.


I found some other forums and the bile and hate is some of the best stuff ive ever read.


Gents i give you a Sig from the "why do we watch this crap" thread








AJ Styles vs Austin Aries happens ON TV[]

TNA sign the Briscoes[]

TNA host a ppv in NY or NJ[]

Velvet Sky and Angelina Love reunite[X]

a new TNA game is announced[]

Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe happens 1 more time[X]

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I'm not saying they can't create new stars but if you look at the front cover of this N64 classic from 1999:




All of them appeared on the show in some capacity and 3 of them were in main event matches.

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i actually really enjoyed it in places,thought the early matches were fine for what they were.


much like most others,favourite match was taker vs punk.....very good match with some cracking spots.


admittedly the last 2 matches felt very anti-climatic,HHH/Lesnar was a bit slow early on,and Cena/Rock felt a bit rushed from start to finish.


Also,think that the agents in WWE need to re-assess the difference between a false-finish and a near-fall.....near-falls are fine when the match is built properly,but they certainly need to use false-finishes more sparingly.


i would be most interested to watch this ppv again with some crowd noise dubbed on,i dont think the acoustics and/or crowd indifference to some things helped at all.i certainly think some of the things that are getting shat on would have been viewed as good by the iwc if a stronger crowd reaction had come over through the tv (sounds fickle,but its true...lets face it,some wrestling fans check internet opinion post-show before broadcasting their own).


also very much enjoyed the pre-show,thought the panel sections were very "NFL" and really gave a big game feel pre-show....would love to see these kept for big ppv's.

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