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That's a brilliant little video Chest, it can be as confusing as fuck for anyone that isn't familiar with the city. I've now become a registered voter for the city as our company is entitled to a few voters. I haven't a clue what/who/why I'll be voting for, though.

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This is a depersonalised, non-signed in search. This is what Google thinks the entity "tory" is. Google doesn't really seem to understand "tory" in the modern use in the UK. It seems to think it's a historic reference.


If I try "tory party is" it wants to convert it to "conservative".


This means the landscape is open for someone to write a heinous blog article about the "tories", connote it with "conservatives", fire a bunch of links at it and get it ranking pretty sharpish.


That's a great explanation, however surely the word Labour could mean more that one thing, not just the political party. Lib dems and SNP, then yes I fully get your point. Maybe I've misinterpreted what you're actually pointing out.

Not sure if it matters, but I used Google.com rather than co.uk. I noticed you used the latter.


Ps - I lifted the initial post directly from a Facebook post. The person in question does love a good conspiracy.


For those who didn't try it, simply typing in 'Labour are' brings up terms such as finished, a joke, Scum etc, like wise for SNP, lib dems etc, where as typing in 'conservatives are' comes back with zero suggestions.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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I just moved from (London Borrough of Havering) Romford to Bas Vegas (the don't have but do have a "Hollywood" sign and have found the pace of life much slower then there (or Edgware Road where I work) and the people more friendly/chatty. I put that down to the east end migration as well actually.



Also we have a West Ham shop. I support West Ham. We also have a Taco Bell here

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That's a great explanation, however surely the word Labour could mean more that one thing, not just the political party. Lib dems and SNP, then yes I fully get your point. Maybe I've misinterpreted what you're actually pointing out.


When you put "labour are" over "labour is" then it's unambiguous.


Not sure if it matters, but I used Google.com rather than co.uk. I noticed you used the latter.

Google determined that on my behalf. I mentioned earlier about Google using your location as an override.

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I know we've all gone slightly off topic, but just wanted to add that I grew up in Hounslow (London borough, T-dub representing) but would never describe myself as coming from London...At a push, South West London, but mostly used to just say "slightly outside London"


Lolz at the earlier Winchester in London bit

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Two things I've learned here are Watfords not in London (Walford is though right?) and we have Taco fucking Bells on these shores?



Yeah, 3 I think, all in Essex area...More mind blowing is that we still have a Spud-u-like about 15 minutes from me...

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Two things I've learned here are Watfords not in London (Walford is though right?) and we have Taco fucking Bells on these shores?



Yeah, 3 I think, all in Essex area...More mind blowing is that we still have a Spud-u-like about 15 minutes from me...

Edited by Tommy!
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Ha, I've never been able to bring myself to pay £5 for a potato. Taco Bell makes me contemplate leaving North Wales though.

More than I thought, I've never been in the UK but have in states. Chipotle is pretty similar right?



Chipotle is different. It's like a standard burrito joint. Taco bell is Mexican style fast food.

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