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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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My pots were gone - the likes of which they hadn't been since Argo - when

she wrapped the wee lad in the carpet and your man had him in the back of the pickup


Personally, I think Brie Larson is the best actress in Hollywood at the moment, with Amy Adams just sniffing her stout-pipe. She is an absolute virtuoso at every genre, at every turn.


I felt the exact same way. So tense.

what got me was it was so early on in the film that i was expecting something else to happen. I think it is respect to the author/screenwriter and director to have spent so much time on the fall out as that is what you rarely see


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Brie Larson is my ideal woman...seriously she is something special. You need to check a film I saw late night on BBC2 recently called Short Term

12. She plays a supervisor at a home for troubled teens, and has her own issues.

Not a comedy as you can imagine but a great little film and her performance is as always flawless.

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Someone start a thread of crazy low budget old trailers please. Seeing Dollman brought back so many memories.


I felt like there was a time where I saw the trailer for The First Power on every film I rented. I miss the old quid-a-week shelves at Hollywood Video — go down there on a saturday, get 3-4 films, and knock them off over the course of a week.

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Ceasefire starring Don Johnson, A Gnome Called Gnorm and Lemon Popsicle were flicks that stuck out in my head as always sedentary in the 5 for 3 pound weekly rental bin in Temptations in Donaghmede Shopping Center.

Ceasefire didn't have a plastic cover. It was a cardboard slidey one...

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I genuinely miss going to video shops. The guy that ran it used to rent them out of the back of his car as well as from his shop but there was nothing better than having a wander round the shop and having a sly look at the cases for the horrors / mucky vids. Video boxes like Scanners, The Stuff and The Entity have stuck with me for years and had more impact on me than the actual films ever did.


The £1 a week offers were a goldmine during the summer holidays: Project X, Space Camp, Goonies, Short Circuit, Vice Versa and at least one Police Academy film were always included.

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I genuinely miss going to video shops. The guy that ran it used to rent them out of the back of his car as well


This. To the point where, if asked, I'd have gladly listed it as a hobby.  I could browse the shelves for hours, mesmerised by cover art.  Even as recently as 6 or 7 years ago, I lived on a long road with a Blockbuster, two Choices and about 7 or 8 second hand shops, and would spend an entire Saturday, like a pub crawl going to each one looking for bargains.


Fond memories of thinking Sex Lies and Videotape must be the filthiest film ever made because it had the word Sex in the title, and the guy that used to rent tapes from the back of a van.  I was like a coiled spring Thursday nights waiting to for the *beep beep* from outside, sprinting to the back like a man possessed to see what he had that week.


I'm too scared to look, think the whole collection will be moldy now, as it's been stored out in the garage for nearly six years, but I did have a little tidy up out there last year, and this was about a third of my collection.




Sometimes, I make myself giggle, cos when I opened the ottoman to get started.  This was waiting for me... I'd obviously left it that way as a little treat ready for the next time I went out there.



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You're a great man, Matrix. Next time I'm back at my parents house, I'm going to dig out the meager collection of VHS I have — I don't know if I've hung on to any of my own, but when one of my auntie's cleaning customers passed away, he left her his VHS tapes, which she passed on to me. I don't know what I was expecting, probably the usual stuff, but it about about 80% Commando Leopard-level Italian and Filipino war films.

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Drunken Tai Chi!


I saw that in the cinema with no subtitles. We were given a flyer with the outline of the plot on it.


It was the first time I'd seen Donnie Yen and was super impressed. The next film I saw with him in was (the wonderfully titled) Holy Virgin vs The Evil Dead, which was slightly less impressive.

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Fanks boys. 


I posted those pics to twitter at the time.  Here was some of my other favourite finds...


Classic VHS'age.








A four hour tape with episodes of Tim Vine's Whittle recoded on long play.







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Fanks boys. 


I posted those pics to twitter at the time.  Here was some of my other favourite finds...


Classic VHS'age.






I've still got a load of films I recorded off ITV with the bad editing jobs on them, I really should get them uploaded to a computer and rewatched. Aliens just isn't the same without the word 'Freakin' dubbed in over all the swears

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Fanks boys. 


I posted those pics to twitter at the time.  Here was some of my other favourite finds...


Classic VHS'age.






I've still got a load of films I recorded off ITV with the bad editing jobs on them, I really should get them uploaded to a computer and rewatched. Aliens just isn't the same without the word 'Freakin' dubbed in over all the swears



I can't link it from here, YouTube not opening for some reason, but there's a great compilation of the Robocop tea-time edit out there.


"One time, I even called him.....airhead".

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