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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I've heard that it's decent; I've never seen it. I'm willing to believe that though, because I like Will Smith when he's being funny but not when he's being serious.


Give it a go.  Even if you don't like it, Eva Mendes' wonderful tits make it worthwhile.


Chalk me down for a liker of Hitch. Shit, I didn't even mind Here Comes the Boom. I think with these types of comedies it depends what sort of mood you're in when you watch them.


Yeah I quite liked that too.  I went to see it in the cinema on my own because I got stood up.  It made a rather depressing night quite enjoyable.

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Just finished watching 'Husbands' (1970) in which Peter Falk, Ben Gazzara and John Cassevettes go out on a massive bender after a funeral. An odd film, semi improv, yet very watchable. Anyone else seen this?


The missus wants us to watch 'Magic Island' next because it is apparently 'a proper portion of shite'.

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War Book, starring Ben Chaplin and Sophie Okenendo. Decent little '12 Angry Men' style film about a Whitehall Nuclear 'What If' Scenario. Ben Chaplin is in full on Lecherous 'Matthew' mode as an Alistair Campbellesque Spin Doctor type, playing PM as part of an exercise. There aren't too many cliches and the film would work brilliantly as a play too. Worth a watch

War Book, starring Ben Chaplin and Sophie Okenendo. Decent little '12 Angry Men' style film about a Whitehall Nuclear 'What If' Scenario. Ben Chaplin is in full on Lecherous 'Matthew' mode as an Alistair Campbellesque Spin Doctor type, playing PM as part of an exercise. There aren't too many cliches and the film would work brilliantly as a play too. Worth a watch

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Straight Outta Compton – Fucking brilliant. Obnoxiously energetic and at points, goosebump inducing. Probably the most entertaining biopic I’ve ever seen. The only thing that annoyed me is they made Eazy E look a cunt who had little or no career post NWA, and a few things which might have put Dr.Dre in a bad light are skipped over (Dee Barnes), but mother of all fuck, the energy that comes off the screen!

O’Shea Jackson Jr is frightening at points in nailing his oul lad, especially during the concert scenes. Everything from how he hunches his shoulders slightly to the tone of his voice.

And bravo to F.Gary Gray for the casting of Tupac. Fucking image of him. Absolute image of him!

I’m still buzzing after it. Bravo, all around.


Fantastic Four – Oh dear. Where was the third act? Poor Miles Teller too. I’m sure somebody told him “Don’t worry about making a cunt of yourself there squire with your jiggling and wobbling of limbs and facial expressions, we’ll sort this in post production” but never fulfilled their promise.

What a fucking awful movie. And did I miss something or did Sue actually not turn herself invisible?


Cop Car – Started fucking brilliantly and went to sawdust by the end. Again, another flick that missed a third act. I don’t know what it is, but no cunt can end a movie these days.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I didn't think so. I've seen worse third acts (like the two mentioned above), but definitely doesn't fall apart. More slows down, because in truth there was no other way to end it really.

Film of the year for me so far, and the No Vaseline scene has to be seen to be believed.



Cool. I genuinely can't wait. I love NWA, Ice Cube and my LA Raiders reversible jacket circa 1992 more than anything.  No Vaseline is brutal.

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My daughter treated me to a marathon of films featuring blokes she can drool over at the weekend.


The Maze Runner

I saw the trailer for this in the cinema and thought it looked arse. It just looked like a generic CGI filled Michael Bay-lite bit of nothing.

Now, there are a few bits of CGI stupidity, where gravity and realistic physics take a back seat, but overall it was a lot better than I ever expected it to be. It's by no means brilliant, but it wasn't overly predictable and kept me wondering what was going on and where things would end up.


Guardians of the Galaxy

Lots of fun, likeable characters (even Groot and Rocket) with good chemistry between them. Gets a bit daft at times, but for the most part it works.


Jurassic World

Nope, not too fussed. From the opening where a guy takes a 25 foot fall onto his spine and doesn't even get winded, to the good dino vs bad dino fight at the end. Some of the CGI was less convincing than in the original Jurassic Park.

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Straight Outta Compton – Fucking brilliant. Obnoxiously energetic and at points, goosebump inducing. Probably the most entertaining biopic I’ve ever seen. The only thing that annoyed me is they made Eazy E look a cunt who had little or no career post NWA, and a few things which might have put Dr.Dre in a bad light are skipped over (Dee Barnes), but mother of all fuck, the energy that comes off the screen!

O’Shea Jackson Jr is frightening at points in nailing his oul lad, especially during the concert scenes. Everything from how he hunches his shoulders slightly to the tone of his voice.

And bravo to F.Gary Gray for the casting of Tupac. Fucking image of him. Absolute image of him!

I’m still buzzing after it. Bravo, all around.

I honestly don't give it a shit if the whole film is gash; as long as it rocks this as the theme tune, all is good in the motherfuckin' hood.


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Genuinely loved Straight Outta Compton. I was so worried it was going to be shit despite looking good in the trailers and I'm happy it was great. Ice Cube's son was the star of the movie for me, absolutely gigantic performance from him. They were all great though. Can't wait to watch it back when it's out on DVD.


Inside Out was pretty special for a kiddies film too. I thought it was fantastic and very cleverly done. Highly recommend it if you've got some kiddies or if you're a sucker for those sort of films.

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Ah Bellers, no no no, please no! Sad face. Pixar are a wonderful mob for the most part. Besides Cars 2, Brave and Wall-E, I find their films to be wonderfully heartwarming and enlighting.

Toy Story 3 is my favourite of all the Toy Story flicks though. Spanish Buzz is an absolute hero, and I had a fierce lump in my throat come the end when you thought the jig was up for them all.


Have to agree with Sam there also. Phenomenal performance by wee Cube! Here, I keep shiting on about it, but are you still thinking of the No Vaseline bit like I am?
Going to see it again as a paying customer the day it's released, by fuck!

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Ah Bellers, no no no, please no! Sad face. Pixar are a wonderful mob for the most part. Besides Cars 2, Brave and Wall-E, I find their films to be wonderfully heartwarming and enlighting.

Toy Story 3 is my favourite of all the Toy Story flicks though. Spanish Buzz is an absolute hero, and I had a fierce lump in my throat come the end when you thought the jig was up for them all.

I loved Toy Story 3 when I saw it at the Cinema, I went with 2 other guys and none of us could believe how good it was but when I thought about it later I started to hate it. Yeah it's surprisingly good but it's supposed to be a film for kids and a group of toys bravely facing their death with dignity would've been way too intense for me as a 4 year old, I'm not one for censorship or anything but fucking hell. Up is even worse, it's way too depressing to be enjoyable for kids at the start then gets way too silly for adults halfway through.


For me The Lego Movie is much more successful than any Pixar film when it comes to being heartwarming, inspiring and suitable for adults and kids alike.

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