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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Obsessed with British 70s sex comedies at the minute, what ones do you guys recommend that aren't from the "Confessions of..." or "Adventures of...." series? I know "Come Play With Me" is supposedly a must get.


I just watched one called "Rentadick", which was quite good. Written by John Cleese supposedly. He wrote it, but once he saw the film, he disowned it. Odd. Wanted his name taken off the picture. Richard Briers was in it and supposedly got mad whenever somebody mentioned he starred in it. From 1972.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Obsessed with British 70s sex comedies at the minute, what ones do you guys recommend that aren't from the "Confessions of..." or "Adventures of...." series? I know "Come Play With Me" is supposedly a must get.


I just watched one called "Rentadick", which was quite good. Written by John Cleese supposedly. From 1972.


"Come Play with Me" is beyond awful — don't touch anything associated with David Sullivan until he started churning out real weirdo stuff, after Mary Millington died (or some before, but not involving her) — "Hellcats Mud Wrestling" and "Mary Millington's World Striptease Extravanganza" are extremely strange, to the point of being an interesting watch just to wonder at how they got into cinemas, and "Boys and Girls Together" is actually sort of interesting in a shitty way.
Martin Campbell ended up directing "Goldeneye" and "Casino Royale", along with other non-Bond big budgeters, but he started off with "The Sex Thief", which is very odd, and later made "Eskimo Nell", which is pretty wonderful. He was also in on "Intimate Games", which is pretty bewildering, although not a comedy.
On a similar non-comedy tip, "Erotic Inferno" is sexy and fascinating, and you'll get to see Eric Pollard and Mr. Bronson from "Grange Hill", along with the stormin' Heather Deeley, who apparently ended up stripping around Soho.
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Yeah, David Sullivan supposedly made "Confessions from the David Galaxy Affair", which I remember watching on Sky Movies in about 1995. Even then I found that film to be bloody shit awful.


"Come Play With Me" DVD has a nice documentary regarding the life of Mary Millington, which was why I bought the DVD. I believe that doc might have been on Channel 4 back in the day.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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I feel like they hoped to get Diana Dors to appear, even briefly, because she was married to Alan Lake, and they were close to Mary Millington. But yeah, "Confessions from the David Galaxy Affair" might be the worst film from Roldvale — it's not quite shit enough to be as entertainingly unwatchable as "Emmanuelle in Soho" or the Marysploitation stuff, but it's in no way good.

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Just watched VHS 2. It was about on par with the original. The Gareth Evans segment was really good, as was the one with the zombies. The rest of it was bollocks though. That includes the connecting story, which was just as pointless as first time round.

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Spot on, as ever, D to the M-Com.

Whatever that Tape 49 segment was? No cunt could act.


Watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for the umpteenth time last night. Never gets old, and still as funny and fresh as it was when I saw it in the flicks and it's a shame it didn't do the bidnizz, as a sequel with Donwey, Kilmer and Shane Black would be dynamite.

The audio commentary is a hoot, too.

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Aftershock could have been so good. The final scene was interesting but the rest was just pointless.


Today I have indulged in age of dinosaurs ( asylum shite but fun), sharknado 2 which was more of the same but with a Benjy Bronk cameo, stage fright that had a classic song about being gay, all cheerleaders die which I was very disappointed in after Lucky McGees previous outings, and am just about to watch the Raid 2. Joys of being home alone for the weekend.

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A pretty good thriller and Jason Statham puts in a solid lead performance, but I got the feeling it could have been much better and more could have been done with both the story and the characters. Ultimately, all the ideas in the film and the different sub-plots fail to mesh or come together to make a convincing or coherent finished product.



A strange film that is pretty much 80-minutes of one man in his car driving from Birmingham to London, while making phone calls to his family and work colleagues. Tom Hardy is very good in the lead role of Ivan Locke, but there is not really too much to the film on the whole. There is no suspense or tension and it is not compelling or interesting enough (and it is certainly not “nail-biting”, “extraordinary” or “riveting” like some of the reviews of the film have said). A commendable attempt to do something a little different, but not a really successful one (in fact Buried does the idea of one actor in a single place for the duration of the film much better than Locke manages to do).

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Last couple of days I've done Cabin Fever 3. Same old people get a disease and bits fall off. Good effects, and not much cgi which makes a nice change, but nothing really new. The same can be said for Joyride 3. Entertaining claptrap with quite good non cgi blood n guts.


Godzilla. Trots along quite nicely, but a bit shit that they don't show the initial fight, and he trashing of a famous town (can't name it for spoiler reasons).

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