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More on it from Pro Wrestling Sheet with comments from Corgan side.



Pro Wrestling Sheet has learned Billy Corgan has lost his fight against TNA Wrestling for control of the company, but the war isn’t over … this according to recently filed documents.



The judge ruled Monday saying Billy was unable to prove the company had become insolvent and the pledge agreement he made with TNA was not enforceable under Tennessee law.


However, the lawsuit will continue on. And if Billy is able to present more evidence moving forward, the outcome of the lawsuit could change in his favor.


The court also ruled saying Dixie keeping Billy out of the loop on discussions with WWE doesn’t necessarily mean she breached their contract — explaining, “The parties have submitted competing and disputed versions of these facts such that the proof is not clear.”


Billy release a statement saying, “For those asking, I’m in no way disappointed in the judges ruling regarding TNA. Rather, I’m grateful the judge considered the case. It’s important to note is these proceedings have brought forth facts which illuminate business practices I have fought against for a reason. And I suggest that a careful reading on the judge’s ruling supports there can be no claim of victory by anyone in a position of authority.”


We’ll update the post shortly with the full ruling below.



I said before the company was surviving either way but thinking about it now, there's surely no way they survive much longer - it's not like Billy is going anywhere here. I can see him continuing to be an obstruction (and rightly so). They'll kill themselves eventually.

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Another report said the deadline to pay Corgan back $1.8 million is due tomorrow or he can turn it into equity which would give him 36% of the company.


Likely outcome. Fight Network pay him of and take majority ownership from Dixie

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Another win for Dixie. She's as indestructible as a cockroach. Losing their UK deal should be a killer for them, but we've said that before and they just keep turning the life support machine back on.

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From January Challenge will not longer be showing TNA http://www.challenge.co.uk/tna-news/?platform=hootsuite



That is a massive blow on top of everything else going on, they will be hard pushed to find another UK network willing to take them on now given their troubles


Challenge was always an odd fit when 95% of their content was Gameshow re-runs. However it was a win for TNA being on freeview I doubt they will find a new home that gives them the coverage, or as good a deal now as they have, The end is the begining is the end as someone maybe chortling today

Edited by Nick Soapdish
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Maybe they'll end up on that new channel Blaze? BT Sport? Channel 5? ITV depending on how well received the World Of Sport taping goes?

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Maybe they'll end up on that new channel Blaze? BT Sport? Channel 5? ITV depending on how well received the World Of Sport taping goes?

I dont think BT Sport need or would want it. Why would anyone want to but the rights to a company who cannot guarantee they can provide all the required content?

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BT would be a rubber stamp that its the TNA of sports networks, Channel 5 have been there, done that with wrestling and ITV wouldn't stand for Ditzie's bullshit. Dont know what Blaze is but I can't see how it will help them out in anyway going from a highly viewed freeview channel to an obscure one

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Well, if no UK Tour wasn't an indicator of things for them over here, this certainly is. Well. It's been 6 good years. Though on the subject of the tours, you have to wonder people complaining why they were always so short, when unlike WWE, the demand isn't as big for them. WWE can consistently deliver 2 major tours a year that always sells well. Whereas TNA could only do a 4 or 5 date tour at best. Supply and demand at the end of the day. And I think it's fair to say the "It's more than their house shows would get." rebuttal doesn't wash off. If people really cared. They'd make an effort to go, surely? Simply a case of Muhammed has accept the mountain can't always come to him. Though it wouldn't surprise me if it's a sold tour where they get a flat fee for coming from the promotor. So they're making a guaranteed sum if 1,000 or 10,000 show up.

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I guess they'll be sticking episodes of Impact on Youtube? Assuming they end up in a position to make new episodes of Impact. ITV could hide it away on ITV4 alongside Bond movies, darts and Pawn Stars reruns. TNA used to do reasonable numbers over here. They used to love crowing about how they were the most viewed wrestling show in the UK, I'd be surprised if some startup channel didn't try and cut some kind of deal in order to try and get a few more eyes on their network. I can't say I've watched Blaze personally, but looking through their program listings it strikes me as being almost like Destination America in terms of content.



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The India deal & this were literally their only money makers. Pop doesn't pay them anything, just nonexistent ad revenue. They're fucked.


Edit for TNA spin:



Edited by Benno
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