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If the Harris Boys are involved I really can't see Jarrett and Russo not being too far behind.

As in 'merge' GFW and TNA as Jeff can't find a tv deal for love nor money?
I've said this a bunch of times, but I've ALWAYS thought all Jeff ever intended GFW to be was a new skin for TNA when the time was right.


All the other stuff has just been marking time.

Edited by Statto
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Why would anyone buy TNA? What's it worth? They have no assets. They have no stars under contract that would be worth buying.


They have a TV spot, but it's shit, doing 300,000 viewers on a terrible channel whose executives were counting on the wrestling doing 1.5 million.


They have a film library, but they have no means and no idea how to monetise it.


Ronnie & Donnie never seemed like the smartest chaps, but even they must see there is absolutely nothing that can be rescued here.

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Why would anyone buy TNA? What's it worth? They have no assets. They have no stars under contract that would be worth buying.


They have a TV spot, but it's shit, doing 300,000 viewers on a terrible channel whose executives were counting on the wrestling doing 1.5 million.


They have a film library, but they have no means and no idea how to monetise it.


Exactly. Why would anyone want to buy something that is losing money? It's not like the name even has any value. And the TV deal doesn't even cover the cost of their tapings. So why are they even in business anymore to just run at a loss? Knock it on the head & try to sell your library to WWE. That's the only real option TNA has here unless some moron is dumb enough to buy it.

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PWInsider is saying that this company has been paying the bills at TNA for months, with Dixie paying them back in full at a later date. Which is why the deal is said to be close, because terms of the deal are if the money isnt paid back to them by Wednesday, they assume majority control of TNA.

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The future of TNA, long and short-term, has been a major topic of discussion over the last few weeks. With this week's Impact Wrestling tapings set for Universal Studios Florida, here is where things currently stand.

Since January 2016, TNA has been working with Aroluxe, a marketing and production company based in Tennessee that has taken over TNA's production as part of a deal that, according to multiple sources, sees Aroluxe handle all of the expenditures for TNA tapings and then sees TNA reimburse them for expenses as well as pay them for their services. Aroluxe is the company that former pro wrestlers Ron and Don Harris (then known as The Bruise Brothers) have been involved with. It provides TV Production, social media management, media buying, web management and other services to clients.

The word that has made the way around TNA performers in the past week is that a payment to Aroluxe is due imminently (one version of the story is that the payment is due today, another is that it is due Wednesday) and that based on TNA's contract with Aroluxe, if the payment is not made, Aroluxe would then be able to claim majority ownership of TNA Wrestling, leaving Dixie Carter a minority owner. We have not been able to 100% confirm that but that version of the story has made it's way around a big portion of the company's roster over the last seven days.

PWInsider reached out to a number of sources within TNA and none of them would be willing to discuss the situation, much less confirm what we have heard. One person told me that if anyone should comment on the situation, it should be Dixie Carter and no one else. PWInsider.com reached out to Carter this afternoon.

For those wondering where Panda Energy stands on the chess board, Panda completely divested themselves of TNA a long time ago and hasn't put money into the company dating back 4-5 years. They no longer have any ownership. Once Dixie Carter bought out Jeff Jarrett from his shares last year, she was the one and only stockholder. That may change later this week if reports we are hearing are correct.

In recent months, Ron and Don Harris have been regularly seen at the TNA offices and have been meeting with different areas of the company to the point that should Aroluxe take over, there likely wouldn't a blip since they are already familiar and integrated into how the company operates.

So, where things stand based on what we have heard appear to be going in one of two directions - TNA reimburses Aroluxe and things remain at their status quo or Aroluxe takes over the reigns of the company. It would appear that should the latter happen, Dixie Carter would remain in some capacity, although what this would mean for the remainder of the TNA officials, staff, roster, etc. remains up in the air.

Unless something unforeseen happens, such as Carter finding another buyer for the company who completely buys out herself and takes care of the Aroluxe issue, it's going to be a very interesting few days in Nashville before TNA gets to TV in Florida.

It should be noted that there have been others interested in TNA in the past and even in recent weeks, there's been talk of multiple interested parties), but Carter has previously turned down all sale offers. Depending on how the week goes, she may no longer be in that position. Time will tell but we may be on the cusp of a new chapter for TNA Wrestling.
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All joking aside, I would honestly piss my pants if I had to deal with the Harris Twins on a daily basis. This is a business filled with gamers and nerds. They arent used to dealing with the likes of this pair. I imagine the PR is "say anything bad about the company and you'll be found in skip somewhere."

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Vince Russo ✔ ‎@THEVinceRusso

@cowboysteel6 Thanks, Cowboy. Harris Boys have been my boys since day ONE. Love them like brothers.


8:38 PM - 18 Apr 2016 · Denver, CO, United States

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