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According to PW Insider, TNA are OK financially if they just plod along as they are, but they need outside funding to grow the business. But the thing is, how can they grow?

I can't think of a big name free agent they could go after (Goldberg at a push, and would only wrestle one match I suppose) and they've tried going live every week etc.

I may be naive here, but aren't they better off just staying as they are and carrying on with the decent to good telly they've been producing since Christmas? That's the only way they'll recover and get some goodwill back on board surely?

Edited by garynysmon
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According to PW Insider, TNA are OK financially if they just plod along as they are, but they need outside funding to grow the business. But the thing is, how can they grow?

I can't think of a big name free agent they could go after (Goldberg at a push, and would only wrestle one match I suppose) and they've tried going live every week etc.

I may be naive here, but aren't they better off just staying as they are and carrying on with the decent to good telly they've been producing since Christmas? That's the only way they'll recover and get some goodwill back on board surely?

Eh, you say "decent" but it seems the same old shite to me, but that's just my opinion.


For them to expand, personally I'd say slow/steady is the best way to take it. Complete overhaul of talent, get some decent free agents who've never been in the big time before, sack off everybody who's a former "WWE" guy apart from maybe Jeff Hardy, and beef up all the relevant divisions. Sack of the Legends/global/TV/King of whatever belt, as its just stupid. Also replace that giant stupid looking world title belt, as it looks cheap.


Possibley complete rebrand as well.......or just close down. But then again, i've not liked TNA for a long time.

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I like this Galloway/Bennett stuff, feels fresh to me, I like Galloway, he's a massive cheese ball but I kind of like it.


I continue to enjoy the EC3/Hardy/Spud feud, I think TNA gets a bad rap at times, some of the stuff is absolute shit, when they are bad they are very very bad, I am sick to death of Abyss hardcore matches and the X-Division is just dead as fuck, but I think they should be commended for putting together logical shit, Spud fucking over EC3 is logical, it's real life, the little guy was pissed on, and waited for the opportune time to get his payback.


I think a re-branding would be fantastic, what damage can it actually do, just announce it, new logo, the lot, go for it. 2 things I'd love to see, change the name, something fresh, they have nothing to lose, and 2. Just sort the fucking X-Division out, because Tigre Uno needs to go away, Trevor Lee is bloody good, he had a 1hr 45 minute match at an indie show last week that is supposedly unbelievable, let him go out there and have a longer match than 6 minutes. They need 3 or 4 credible threats to him, and some kind of character development, not just spotty wanky stuff. My 2 cents worth.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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Another really enjoyable show this week the spud promo was great ec3 looked like a Star and even the Drew Bennett match was decent


Angle was a very worrying shade of purple the sooner he's retired the better


On the negative the commentary again it's just awful there is really no reason they continue with josh Matthews

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What do you do with TNA? I see no suggestions that would make much of a difference. As long as they're on channels like Destination America and Pop TV, its almost impossible to grow. They had a big title match and the Lockdown stuff last week and it drew the lowest viewership on the channel. TNA is going to do what it is going to do on the channel. Some people will watch more weeks than others, but its still the same people watching. Once they lost Spike, they've been swimming upstream.


Please tell me what they can do to actually restructure the business, but as far as I can see there's very little they can do with the reach they have.

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A working arrangement with Lucha Underground is all I can think of. I'm not sure what TNA could offer THEM but if they could get Cage, Pentagon Jr, Mil Muertes, Prince Puma and some of the pussy it would make Impact a hell of a lot more interesting.

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A working arrangement with Lucha Underground is all I can think of. I'm not sure what TNA could offer THEM but if they could get Cage, Pentagon Jr, Mil Muertes, Prince Puma and some of the pussy it would make Impact a hell of a lot more interesting.

Don't know who any of those are but will take your word for it that they're good. Two part-time promotions being able to offer better combined contracts I suppose?

Edited by garynysmon
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Maybe LU would be tempted by the possibility of putting on a one off cross promotion PPV show? Get Mexico involved aswell.


I dont know why but I always think of that Heros MMA show that Lesnar had his first bout on at the LA Sportatorium/Colloseum whatever it was called. Massive place. I'd have it be completely free to attend. No tickets, just turn up, first in get the best seats. Anyone not able to make it to LA would probably get the PPV. It's not free publicity but I bet it could be funded by various sponsors and obviously if the card is shit hot, the PPV buys. I would think the attention that it would garner in the west coast press would be worth it. Can't see any other way to mass market POP and El Rey.

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Getting a name like Goldberg isn't going to sort them out. Fuck, even if Cena went there it'd be more a case of Cena becoming damaged goods than TNA suddenly becoming competition. So long as they play WWE-lite, they're going nowhere.


They'd need to take a big risk and change their identity and aesthetics. NXT has the other part of the market sorted at the moment. The best they can hope is to find their own niche, and the best way of doing that is to create their own stars and somehow find a way of stopping them going to WWE. Frankly, regardless of if WWE are under-performing, they're not seriously competing with anyone else in America. They're trying to expand themselves and compete against other entertainment - it's true.


If TNA can get a Saudi prince to buy it and poach WWE's top guys and people who know about wrestling, then they have a chance. And even then, WCW.

Edited by Sphinx
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Tna doing there next set of tapings from Orlando with a live broadcast on 15th March http://www.pwmania.com/tna-airing-a-live-impact-wrestling-from-orlando-tapings-updates-talents-waiting-on-pay-checks

Do you even read what you post?


Right now TNA is looking at broadcasting Impact Wrestling live on Tuesday, March 15th.


With the tapings less than two weeks away, it’s worth noting that some TNA talents still haven’t received travel information.


There's no confirmation regarding this. They've given their talent no notice of whether they can rearrage their bookings during that time, so they can make a few quid. Its ridiculous that they still havent announced a taping schedule yet.

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Attendance 18,340 (3,674 actual paid)[1] Total gate $2,545,590 Buyrate 35,000[2]


Figures from that 2006 MMA show. Capacity is 93,000 or something ridiculous but it shows you get 15,000 odd freebies in. Figure you could haul a shit ton worth of merch.

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TNA need to burn everything and start again. The TNA will keep them where they are. They really should have listened to Hogoff a few years ago and went all the way with the rebrand. Forget the Russo shaped scarlet letter around their neck, the name means Tits n arse to most.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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