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Cena calling Vicky 'fat'.


Especially with the Be A Star stuff they do which is totally at odds with it.


I think him and sheamus have done enough work to disprove that.

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I can only imagine some of the secrets Vince McMahon has if you really start digging.


Absolutely, the guy has been on the road for the vast majority of his life, I'd put money on him having far more stories and having seen far more shit than any of us could ever imagine.

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The men on women implied violence thing is a weird one. Another of those that falls under bizarre wrestling logic for me and how it makes me feel. I'm rarely offended by it or feel uncomfortable, but some I do and some I don't and I don't know why and what makes the circumstances different. Part of me thinks maybe it's who's taking the bump. I'm with Cleetus on the Benoit-Steph head-butt. Maybe I always knew what he capable of or something. Or maybe it's just how the angle plays out and the crowds reaction, as with that headbutt, the crowd were fucking stunned by it too. No cheering whatsoever even though it was Stephanie, it looked vicious as fuck. But her taken a rock bottom, peoples elbow? No problem. Trish Stratus took an almighty chokeslam from Kane once, that didn't make me feel uncomfortable but looked like it must've been brutal. He slammed her into the mat with some serious force. It looked amazing though, possibly the best looking chokeslam I've ever seen. It made me wince a little but I was feeling more 'Fucking hell, fair play on taking that Trish'.


When I first saw Rhino piledriving Francine through a table off the apron, that blew my mind a little. Mainly because i'd never seen anything like that before and was pretty shocked on how far ECW would push it. Austin battering Lita with the chair I can understand the uncomfortable feeling and it probably should have made me feel that way but I got that sense that Lita was well up for putting herself up for that and her and The Hardys loved to be a part of such an angle with such guys. Stacy Kiebler always felt like someone who shouldn't be taking bumps. Seeing her get stunnered and RKO'd always felt just so unnecessary. Yet Mae Young getting fucking powerbombed off a stage just blew my mind again rather than thinking 'too fucking much'. Odd.


The Aries thing though, I thought that was a great on the fly heel reaction to be honest. That's exactly what Austin Aries would do, it fit. I probably wouldn't be able to resit shoving my crotch in Hemmes face either to be fair.

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Bobby Roode was there as well and he didn't do anything towards her. Roode's reaction was a true heel reaction. Nobody would have remember the screw up if he'd have just turned it into a joke and made her redo the announcement. Pushing her into the corner was uncalled for in a real sense and in the show itself. Aries was just being a bully and took advantage of someone by doing something completely unplanned. And he bitched about it and tried to play the victim on twitter afterwards which completely exposed him as being a dickhead with thin skin. Aries role on the show is a tag team comedy heel. He should have ran with someone getting his name wrong, instead of breaking character and getting angry. If Kaz and Daniels would been in their situation, you can guarantee they'd have played it for laughs and probably got weeks of material out of it. If he'd have done that in WWE, he'd have been sacked. If he'd have done that in Ring of Honor, he'd have at least been made to apologise immediately. TNA gave it a week and were forced to act by the head of their network. Which isn't surprising when you have Dave Lagana and Bruce Prichard running things.



TNA are worrying at the minute. Especially since Spike has changed the direction of their programming and now TNA has been moved away from Bellator. All this shit adds up.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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While fully acknowledging that it was a rather silly thing to do (and deserving of some type of punishment) I don't think Aries "broke character" at all. I agree with ShortOrderCook, it felt entirely in-character and exactly what a guy like A Double would do.He's not a "comedy heel" like Santino, he's a smug, self-centred prick of a heel - and reacted exactly as an asshole, prick-heel would.Doesn't stop him form being a silly boy, obviously.If it had been Bully Ray in that situation he probably would have backed her into the corner and given her a serious verbal ass-kicking. That would have been totally fitting for his character too.It's only the "crotch-in-face" aspects that have Aries in trouble - he went too far, no doubt. The general reaction was natural and heelish though.

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it felt entirely in-character and exactly what a guy like A Double would do.

But he wasn't "in character". The other person didn't know he was going to do it and the network which can shut TNA down if it throws them off the air were disgusted by it to the point of publicly calling it "sexual harassment". Fuck the character. He went off script and pissed off the television station and took advantage of a ring announcer who wasn't clued up. If this was Jim Ross he did it to, people would have claimed bullying. But since its a woman in a short dress "its in character, mate" because wrestling and its fanbase is such a boys club. For me its bullshit. This is fake wrestling. If you can't get over doing something other than going off script, then he should go back to Evolve or work in Wilkinsons or something. Its why wrestling is fucked these days. The fan base takes fuck all seriously because they champion wrestlers getting cheap pops at the expense of non-wrestlers as opposed to getting heat from actual wrestlers. Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Ian, whats the deal with Lagana and Prichard you alluded to? I've seen you mention them a couple of times while talking about this Aries/Hemme thing. Also, what is the Kevin Thorn picture referring to there?


Sorry if this is all common knowledge, I'm way out of the loop with TNA so I don't get some of the references.

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Every second that Aries is on screen he's "In character", and the dick heel character that he plays would have done exactly what he did. Wrestlers go "off script" all the time, because part of their job is to adapt to the situation they find themselves in and go with the flow. If someone fucks their lines - you mock them.


Wrestling is semi-improvised. Aries made a stupid decision in one split-second. I'm not defending his actions and if Hemme was pissed off she has every right to be. He hardly went mental and started ranting at her though, did he - he just heeled it up and ended up going to far.

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Every second that Aries is on screen he's "In character", and the dick heel character that he plays would have done exactly what he did. Wrestlers go "off script" all the time, because part of their job is to adapt to the situation they find themselves in and go with the flow. If someone fucks their lines - you mock them.


Wrestling is semi-improvised. Aries made a stupid decision in one split-second. I'm not defending his actions and if Hemme was pissed off she has every right to be. He hardly went mental and started ranting at her though, did he - he just heeled it up and ended up going to far.

Fucking hell. There's going off script and then there's putting your dick in a married womans face who then COMPLAINS ABOUT IT TO MANAGEMENT. So obviously he did something that was in breach of some form of moral code, be it in TNA or when it comes to the network. If someone fucks their lines, up you should mock them within the context of what you do on the show. You don't do what he did, because its not allowed. How are you not seeing this? Wrestling is semi-improvised in regards to moves and promos. Hemme hasn't got anything to do with a storyline they were involved in and they aren't building up a program between them. He forced her into a corner of the ring. That's a bullshit thing to do. What heels do that, may I ask? Off script of course. If she agreed to it before hand, there is nothing wrong with it. But that isn't the issue. If he does it off script that isn't a "heel move". That's a little midget thinking he's above the promotion.


Ian, whats the deal with Lagana and Prichard you alluded to? I've seen you mention them a couple of times while talking about this Aries/Hemme thing. Also, what is the Kevin Thorn picture referring to there?


Sorry if this is all common knowledge, I'm way out of the loop with TNA so I don't get some of the references.

According several wrestlers, the reason Lagana was sacked out of the blue the weekend of a big PPV was because he wanted a blowjob off Kevin Thorn in exchange for a push, Thorn told the Undertaker and Undertaker spoke up about it leading to Lagana getting the sack. London and Kendrick lol'd about it on their shoot interview so its fairly common knowledge. Bruce Prichards a legendary pest. He got Ryan Shamrock the sack because she wouldn't sort him out.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If any announcer called the wrong team in that manner and were heel i'd expect them to make a little bit out of it, whether they were male or female. I'd hate them to just ignore it and act like nothing happened and be all 'hey, we all make mistakes, that's why pencils have erasers.' Wrestlers are supposed to be larger than life, full of ego and self-importance. It can be a lot more fun to watch sometimes when that sort of stuff happens. Not that i'm condoning Aries as such here, I can understand Christys gripes and feeling intimidated. It's the world she's involved in though and that's what wrestlers do, right or wrong. I don't particularly agree that he'd get fired if he was in WWE either if he was in as prominent a position there. Maybe today he would with all the hoo-ha that's come of it and the anti-bullying stuff, but there's been far worse go on there that's been overlooked.

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The Lagana thing seems to be more likely than not, utter bollocks. Have heard Court Bauer a couple of times when asked say he's never seen or heard anything about Lagana approaching wrestlers or even being gay, and Court hates Laganas guts.

Edited by Benno
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