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Is TNA worth a watch live tonight purely on the fact that chances are they haven't paid there production team who may wanna get their own back and have a bit of a fuck around with things live tonight?

Edited by seanz25
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Butch shakes his head in pure disgust.


Edit: I'm genuinely surprised by this, I thought they'd be dead certs for being part of the GFW backstage team or something.

Edited by PunkStep
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As I mentioned in the podcast thread, Corgan was on Jericho's show this week talking about his vision for TNA. Very interesting stuff and he came off a lot better than you might expect. Seems as though his role will involve creative, talent development and recruitment, and overall brand development. He sounded passionate and full of ideas. We'll see how it works out. Actually tempted to watch this week's show after listening to him (haven't watched since the first Destination America show). 

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Meltzer reckons Destination America have "buyer's regret" over their decision to pick up TNA and have already given up on them. The honeymoon period is well and truly over.



EDIT: Also, I'm reading that MVP used the N-word and Magnus told to someone to fuck off in a backstage segment. Did both of these actually happen and if so, what's the point? 

Edited by Jizzlobber
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I hope TNA can get past all this negativity, they've managed to get a new TV deal which is more than many people thought they would. They've got great talent who know what to do when given the right tools. We live in hope, especially as wrestling fans.

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There were reports floating around that TNA are also one of three groups negotiating with the Young Bucks (I assume the others were GFW and New Japan). TNA have let themselves get into a bidding war for two lads they already under contract a short time ago, why didn't they tie them down then

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Christ the ratings are down to less than 500k (including the replay).


That's after various articles about Billy Corgan (online and in print) and the special guest buzz which they tried to create online.


DA executives will be going through the contract looking for a way out soon (if they haven't already).

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