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The Wolves are the new tag champs indeed - I presume it was done because of the Wrestle-1/TNA show in Japan coming up and they would just look better as champions over there, or there was an injury in the match.

Edited by Psygnosis
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I assumed they switched the titles to grab some attention the night lots of people are interested in wrestling, ie a WWE PPV night.


So when folk searched something like "wrestling" on twitter or went on a wrestling news site they'd grab some attention.

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Also, maybe it is an attempt to boost attendance numbers.? Didn't WWE start doing some title switches etc at house shows, when their numbers were dropping (obviously no where near TNA's awful numbers, but still...)? Sort of like 'anything can happen when you go to a WWE/TNA live show!'. I seem to remember them showing house show footage on RAW and SD as well- Eddies' s mum or nan having a heart attack springs to mind.

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So, this TNA One Night Only show is being taped this weekend in Japan:


1. Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne

2. Yoshihiro Takayama vs. Abyss

3. Minoru Tanaka & Koji Kanemoto vs. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

4. Masakatsu Funaki vs. Bobby Roode

5. Keiji Muto, Rob Terry & ? vs. Samoa Joe, Rene Dupree & Masayuki Kono

6. TNA X-Division Title: Austin Aries

Edited by pgi86
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It's funny seeing Dupree on the card as I was wondering if he'd turn up in TNA or Jarrett's new promotion at some point. I appreciate this isn't the same thing but no doubt an opportunity for him to network if he wanted to get back to North America.

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Agreed. Caught them on last night's Xplosion, which was a good little show. Archive match was Angle and Anderson's Lockdown bout and the contemporary one was 'Daniels Boy Smith' vs Bad Bones from the UK tour, which was a very enjoyable.

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Caught the last Impact yesterday. Have to agree, the build for the title match was excellent. TNA can produce some great stuff when they can be arsed. It's a pity they didn't start earlier with Gunner rather than waiting until a fortnight before they pulled the plug.


His story is so good and so easy to tell that I think they've missed a trick running this story when he couldn't go over. It deserved a WrestleMania build up.


Fuck knows why Storm turned on him. Bit of a turn for the sake of it that one. Not sure on the timing. They've got a heel World Champion, one credible challenger and one fresh face.

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I'm quite glad Storm turned - he was boring and I used to really like him. Also it means Beer Money....


I'm guessing EC3 is turning face soon based on last weeks show with Storm turning, Magnus not getting on with him, and Roode being team captain for Lockdown


Which, from memory, leaves Joe, Aries, Gunner, EC3 as top faces with MVP and the wolves knocking around. And Hardy I assume will return as a face.


Are Angle & Anderson faces as well? I'm losing track but there's enough there to build on.

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