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(even stick that Sting match on a DVD for a laugh)


It's definitely going on my DVD. Probably accompanied by E&C as talking heads bringing up that they'd wrestled full twenty minute matches with Jeff in the same state on dozens of occasions, "that's just Jeff" and then Hardy himself showing up grinning maniacally and simply saying "Japes!!"

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You got some good Sting matches, good Angle matches, and if you ever wanted to sign Roode, Bully, or any of their other top guys, then you'd have lots to do DVDs about them. But, yeah, mainly Sting and Angle.


I wasn't implying that were no good Sting matches from TNA, but if WWE were to put out a DVD set of his 'best' matches, I imagine would be from the NWA/WCW libraries they already own.

Its similar to when we talked about them hypothetically buying the ROH library. You would be buying it to use for a handful of guys at most, the rest is owning it because they can.

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  • Paid Members
(even stick that Sting match on a DVD for a laugh)


It's definitely going on my DVD. Probably accompanied by E&C as talking heads bringing up that they'd wrestled full twenty minute matches with Jeff in the same state on dozens of occasions, "that's just Jeff" and then Hardy himself showing up grinning maniacally and simply saying "Japes!!"

Personally I'd have a cut in of cm punk, shaking his head and grinning "told you so!"

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There's plenty for a two or three-discer out of Angle's WWE matches if he ever got unblacklisted enough for a DVD set. And unless Sting actually does a wrestling stint in WWE, I think they'd just be happy enough ending his DVD in 2001. TNA's library would have to be dirt cheap for it to really be worth buying.

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The TNA stuff simply isn't relevant to Sting's history in the grand scheme of things. Can anyone imagine them having talking heads of Josh Matthews or the Brooklyn Brawler discussing the time Sting passed the Torch to AJ Styles at Bound For Glory or when Kurt Angle turned on him in the Main Event Mafia. JBL: "I was stunned when Matt Morgan joined the group. A truly earth shattering defection". They'll do what they did with Jeff Hardy. Sting retires in WCW and says "I went to TNA for a couple of years because the schedule appealed to me, but when the offer came to wrestle the Undertaker ..." etc. WWE's documentaries dont need the full story. Sting had that bodybuilding group with Rick Bassman and the Warrior and then he went to Memphis and the the UWF and then WCW and if there is a WWE run, you do a bit on that. Sting had a good 13 years as one of WCW's star acts. I'd say thats the DVD.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I can't see why the TNA library would be any interest to WWE whatsoever. It's not like with ECW, WCW or all the other territories whose libraries they bought up where their histories are intertwined and a number of top stars of the time worked both camps during their careers. WWE don't have any 'TNA guys' on their roster. It's a sad fact that in ten years they haven't produced a single star worth the effort of poaching. Kurt, Sting and Hardy are the only ones that you could see WWE ever being interested in doing DVDs for in the future if they come to work for Vince and that's entirely because of what they did in the business before they ever went to TNA.

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It's a sad fact that in ten years they haven't produced a single star worth the effort of poaching.


Well, they gave Monty Brown, Kazarian and Chris Harris chances, however briefly.

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They were high on all three as well. Harris turned up looking like he worked on Brush Strokes (there's no excuse showing up to WWE in that condition) so that went tits up, Monty Brown should have spent a lot of time in developmental and then jacked it in. Monty Brown was like Albert. They signed him thinking they were going to do all sorts with him and then it fizzled out. And Kaz was a pain in the arse who left when they were big into him. They wanted Beer Money in 2009 as well, but that was back when TNA were able to compete for their signatures and they stayed put. There's a few people in TNA, they've wanted.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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TNA has cancelled the Impact Wrestling tapings that were scheduled for December 5th in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the McKenzie Arena. There has been no new announcement as to where those tapings will be held or what TNA plans to do to fill those two weeks of Impact shows

Read more at http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/tna/TNA_Ca...FLWdqIqtT8lD.99

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Ouch on the empty seat front.


RE the TNA library, WWE could use it for the Dudleys, Angle, Hardy, Christian, Hogan, Foley, Flair, Nash... as stated above, not as any sort of main focal point, but just as a visual aid to a small segment or two on the documentary side of things / roundtable discussions etc.

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Observer says they are jacking the on the road tapings in:

TNA no longer lists tapings dates for Dec. 5 or Dec. 19 on it schedule. The Dec. 5 date was scheduled for Chattanooga and the Dec. 19 date may have never been reported publicly but it was scheduled for Arlington, TX.


In addition, the Nov. 21 taping in Baltimore reportedly has no tickets for sale by PW Insider even though we had been told earlier today that the advance was terrible for the show. Their report said that people who called asking about tickets were told to try again next week, even though the event had not been canceled.


The Dec. 27 taping in Philaelphia is still on the schedule.


There are meetings going on this coming week regarding what is next but the belief is they are going to go back to a single location for tapings.

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In other TNA news, John Morrison says he's been talking with TNA lately:


"Wrestling is a business. TNA is like a really cool startup company. I've talked to several people in their organization, and I’m looking forward to hearing more about what they have to say. It’s business, brother. If they got some cool ideas and some cool stuff going on, of course I’m going to hear what they have to say."

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