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I find the current group of WWE ringside regulars very interesting too. Brock Lesnar Guy, white suit Cena fan, beardy bloke with trophy wife & creepy kid, etc.


Is 'dude in the bright pink shirt' still attending events? No clue who he is, but remember seeing him at a stack of events over the years.

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The guy who wore the bright pink shellsuit and his wife who wore the luminous yellow shell suit still appear from time to time at shows around the Ohio area, but they aren't the hardcore ringside ppv attendees they once were.

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I was recently playing the TNA Impact ipad game (forgot I even downloaded it to be honest) and it was quite apparent how rubbish the current roster is to the one that they had in 2010 or so. With guys like Mick Foley, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Tommy Dreamer etc on the active roster, would it be easier to sell Impact as a touring show as opposed to what it's become today?

Is there a valid argument that they pulled the trigger too late on leaving the Impact Zone?

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With guys like Mick Foley, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Tommy Dreamer etc on the active roster, would it be easier to sell Impact as a touring show as opposed to what it's become today?

No, because its not the people on the card who is at fault for the ticket sales being down. At certain stages, TNA has drew 300 people with Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle main eventing it. And this was in 2010. The structure of the company is why they dont draw. They dont know how to promote, advertise or paper the town. Which is pretty bad when your job is to promote. Hardy and Hogan are bigger stars than any of those mentioned, but they recently drew 1600 people in Little Rock. Hogan can get that for an autograph signing alone when its independently run by someone else. And that is with charging $75 a ticket. How is it even possible to draw 1600 for a TV taping featuring all these big names?


They should have got out of the Impact Zone if they had a plan on how to make this a viable venture. When we all heard "TNA is going on the road" I dont think any of us thought they'd be running WWE sized venues and paying the exorbitant fees on the rent on the building. That's why I never got why WWE wanted to get an exclusive deal on the buildings. You'd think they'd want TNA to run all of their venues just to see him lose their arse even more.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I know they speak Yankanese but what AJ said on Xplosion is poor for either side of the Atlantic "I think she's about to be in the Guiness book of World Record for most consecutively mistakes made by a person with the authority"


Oh dear :(

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Apparently BFG will air on PPV in India, and according to "news sites" its the first ever Wrestling PPV that will air in India


Interesting as I know that WWE has made PR efforts in India. Great Khali has done work in the past, and Ryback was there the other week.


I assumed India enjoyed what the UK did for many years - "free" PPV's on the TV channel WWE presumably has a deal with.

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I know they speak Yankanese but what AJ said on Xplosion is poor for either side of the Atlantic "I think she's about to be in the Guiness book of World Record for most consecutively mistakes made by a person with the authority"


Oh dear :(

Sounds like they should be putting AJ Styles in the Guinness Book of Records!

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That's why I never got why WWE wanted to get an exclusive deal on the buildings. You'd think they'd want TNA to run all of their venues just to see him lose their arse even more.

It's the same reason why promoters don't want shitarses running shows at their venues over here. If someone goes to a wrestling show with stars like Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy and it's a load of shit, they might not be as inclined to go to a wrestling show with John Cena and Randy Orton next time the arena's advertising one. WWE brand name and all that, but WWE doesn't want people having a bad taste in their mouths when it comes to big arena wrestling shows in the town. Although the end of Battleground suggests they don't give a fuck about that really.

Edited by King Pitcos
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The current OVW Heavyweight champion Jamin Olivencia challenges Kurt Angle:



So, does this mean Kurt is going down to OVW to shake off some ring rust or is this somehow leading to Olivencia in TNA?

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The current OVW Heavyweight champion Jamin Olivencia challenges Kurt Angle:



So, does this mean Kurt is going down to OVW to shake off some ring rust or is this somehow leading to Olivencia in TNA?



Clean over Kurt at Bound For Glory. And then build up Kurt as either a heel or a big "Back up to full strength" storyline.

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They really should bring him up to the TNA roster. They need new faces. And he sounds good on the mic and looks good. Impact is begging for some new talent at the minute. It would improve the shows no end with some new blood on the show. I always liked Derrick Bateman, and he was rarely seen on TV so doesn't have that WWE reject stink about him. So he's a decent addition. Shame they had Jay Bradley do a thousand jobs in that BFG series, because he should have been someone they built up and established. Its not like there is nobody out there. You could easy freshen this roster up.

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So, it turns out Derrick Bateman/Ethan's full TNA name is going to be Ethan Carter The III (EC3). Does this mean he's going to be revealed as a relative of Dixie's? If indeed so, that's quite the vote of confidence in him. Hope he can deliver.



Also, how great was last night's Roode Hall of Fame thing? Just fun stuff all-around. And we got Roode/Angle out of it, which should be a cracking match at BFG.


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Have TNA laid off the entire creative department or are they just allowed to phone it in. This is what they've come up with for the big show of the year. including matches announced on this and next week's TV:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler



The world champ against a tournament winner. (The storyline is about the tournament winner and the owner, rather than any rivalry with the champ.)

Magnus vs Sting in a match with an actual story.

Angle vs Roode in what's effectively returning Angle vs the only spare heel

All the tag teams in a match with the winner facing the champs.

All the women in a match.

All the X Division guys in a match.




[close spoiler]



And that's after having four months since the last proper PPV to build to this show.

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