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Crimson was established as nothing in TNA, unfortunately. It would have took more effort than they were capable of to drag him out of it. I'll never get those Matt Morgan vs Crimson matches out of my head. They'll always be there. Thing is, they debuted him when he was so green he couldn't do anything and couldn't cut a promo. He started cutting some really good promos near the end of his run and they shipped him off to OVW for a year. Then released him. They did the bloke a massive disservice pushing him when he wasn't ready and then blaming him for not being over. At the time of his release he was a decent worker, a very good promo (for that level anyway) and got the one ingredient everyone needs: a ring jacket.


Shame he's torn his knee out (probably a 12 monther, that), because I could see WWE snapping him up for sure. People like Crimson should be in developmental for 18 months and then brought in with a storyline. Bringing him up as a green rookie and giving him a winning streak where he lost a load of times by DQ is up there with the worst things you should do with a new wrestler. Especially one who couldn't walk and scratch his face at the same time. Its why young wrestlers dont want to go to TNA. Imagine if Sheamus would have signed for TNA? Imagine what they'd have done with him?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The reason everyone shit on him was the whole streak thing/being a natural heel.


Really? I can't speak for everyone, but I shat on him as he was actually quite bad at the whole wrestling lark other than having a good look. He shouldn't have been anywhere near TV when he was.

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Ah yeah I remember how green he was now at the start, but by the time he became heel I thought he was ace (so I retract the natural heel part and wil chalk that up to more experience.) Being put with Morgan is pretty much a career killer for anyone not already really established.


But yeah, if you watch his last TNA match he was really really good

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TNA Spin patrol out in full force. From PWI.


Since Jesse Sorensen announced on Monday that he had been released from his TNA contract, there's been a lot of outrage and resentment towards TNA for releasing someone who had suffered a broken neck working for the company. That negative response to Sorensen's release certainly amplified the #askdixie Twitter madness that took place over the course of the week when TNA President Dixie Carter began requesting questions from fans for her to answer. That request, obviously, came with the worst possible timing for the online audience.


Over the course of the last week, a number of people within TNA have discussed the circumstances leading to the decision to release Sorensen, so here are the confirmed details from the TNA side of things.


As previously noted, Sorensen release was made from a financial perspective, as the company is re-evaluating just about every employee and seeing where they can streamline things financially to better reflect the financial realities of taking TNA and turning Impact Wrestling into a full-time touring road show, instead of something based out of one location.


Sorensen was being paid a wage much higher than someone in his usual position as a production assistant would have received. This was TNA trying to help Sorensen as he recovered from his broken neck. At the time of the injury, he was on a TNA deal that paid him per appearance. TNA later signed him to a monthly guarantee where he paid no matter what and he was paid during his recovery period without being asked to do anything.


When TNA went on the road, the decision was made that Sorensen would then put to work as a PA, basically making sure everyone who was needed for the taping had signed in and confirmed they were present, then bringing talents to different areas they were needed for filming of promos, vignettes, etc. So, he was being paid a good salary for 2-3 days' work a month. The mindset behind that, we were told, was to give Sorensen the chance to learn some additional production skills that he could take elsewhere and have some additional work under him.


When the financial cutbacks began, TNA found themselves in a position where they began cutting staff - wrestlers and otherwise It is an across the board situation - wrestlers, office, production, etc. are all in the process of being reviewed with some being let go and others being given more responsibility.


Sources indicate that when Sorensen came up for review, he was in a position where he was making more than the average TNA staffer that could also handle the responsibilities, but wasn't working full-time. So, it was a case of the company being stuck with a choice of cutting someone who could handle more for less or someone who was being paid a lot more to do very little. From a bottom line perspective, TNA's hands were tied. They were not in a position where they could afford, right not, to keep anyone who they couldn't prove was pulling his weight. In his position, Sorensen wasn't, not in comparison to others who would be cut in his place.


Some have asked why Sorensen wasn't just given a different deal or asked to do more. Sorensen wanting to return to the ring was another factor that strongly worked against him while the company was reviewing him. There was a feeling within the company that despite the fact they were assisting him and helping him move on to whatever the next stage of his life would be, Sorensen was still pushing TNA to allow him to take independent wrestling dates and even let him back in a TNA ring. So, the company was trying to help him and assist him and he was more interested in getting back in the ring and potentially hurting himself, as opposed to learning more about the production aspect of the company.


It should be noted that Sorensen's recovery is nothing short of miraculous as he was initially expected to be a permanent quadriplegic. Within days, however, he began being able to walk again and all accounts are that he can do anything he wants physically - but cannot take the physical punishment that comes with contact sports or an activity like pro wrestling. Sorensen, however, has pushed himself to return to the ring and has, at times, trained to return inside the ring we are told. This led to issues with TNA. There were numerous occasions where Sorensen was told he could not take dates without getting himself medically cleared, which just wasn't going to happen given the reality his circumstances. We are told that Sorensen pushing to be allowed to wrestle during the same time that he was being paid higher than normal rates to do very little certainly worked against him.


TNA sources also noted that when Sorensen was first injured, the company did everything in their power to assist him financially and with his medical bills, as well as flying in and paying for his mother to remain with him as he recovered, then signed him to a guaranteed deal in order to make sure he had money coming in.


The Sorensen release, by all accounts, was one that TNA did struggle with, especially considering the circumstances. He was well liked personally and TNA sources indicate that they wanted to help him all they could, but they were in a situation where they had to make hard choices, and one of those choices was that Sorensen needed to be released from his contract - especially when he was pushing for things the company wasn't willing to allow him to do.


It should be noted that Sorensen has been soliciting bookings on his Twitter account, so it would appear he is still planning to pursue a return to the ring. So, while he has not publicly stated he would be wrestling, he is certainly looking to make appearances, something that a few people in TNA have expressed concern about privately.

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"TNA sources" are usually spin doctors when it comes to PWInsider. They are the only ones who phone into their conference calls. Their TNA sources are probably Jeremy Borash or Bob Ryder. They can say what they like on this subject, but TNA sacking someone for being overpaid is so laughable. Most of their company is overpaid.


Also, they've throw out a new video, building up the signing of a new bloke. When in doubt "BIG SURPRISE" time.



Jesse Sorenson posted this the other week, interestingly enough. Its his original Gut Check (the ones before it came to TV) contract:



Wrestling is so scummy.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I'd love to know what sort of numbers we're talking about here, too, because it has to have been next to fuck all. PA is a low paid job, even if they were paying him double what they usually would, it must have been peanuts compared to what they throw at some people on their payroll. I bet Mr Anderson makes more for two tapings than Jesse would have done all year.

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"TNA sources" are usually spin doctors when it comes to PWInsider. They are the only ones who phone into their conference calls. Their TNA sources are probably Jeremy Borash or Bob Ryder. They can say what they like on this subject, but TNA sacking someone for being overpaid is so laughable. Most of their company is overpaid.


Also, they've throw out a new video, building up the signing of a new bloke. When in doubt "BIG SURPRISE" time.



Jesse Sorenson posted this the other week, interestingly enough. Its his original Gut Check (the ones before it came to TV) contract:


Bob Holly, calling it now.

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I'd love to know what sort of numbers we're talking about here, too, because it has to have been next to fuck all. PA is a low paid job, even if they were paying him double what they usually would, it must have been peanuts compared to what they throw at some people on their payroll. I bet Mr Anderson makes more for two tapings than Jesse would have done all year.



Per Meltzer, Hogan gets $35,000 a show. I'm pretty sure Jesse didn't even make that in a year.

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"TNA sources" are usually spin doctors when it comes to PWInsider. They are the only ones who phone into their conference calls. Their TNA sources are probably Jeremy Borash or Bob Ryder. They can say what they like on this subject, but TNA sacking someone for being overpaid is so laughable. Most of their company is overpaid.


Also, they've throw out a new video, building up the signing of a new bloke. When in doubt "BIG SURPRISE" time.



Jesse Sorenson posted this the other week, interestingly enough. Its his original Gut Check (the ones before it came to TV) contract:



Wrestling is so scummy.



TNA are scumbags, true. But why anyone would sign that is beyond me. Who wants to be on television THAT badly?

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They never hold up if you take them to court. They never do. WWE is different because they have the money to either pay you off or tie you up in court. But TNA never win. Imagine anyone with a moral standing looking at them contracts wrestlers are made to sign? Because there's little industry in wrestling, the wrestlers have to sign anything. R-Truth, Konnan and Daffney signed those TNA contracts as well. And they all got settlements. Its the same with the trademarks. The ones who fight it, get their names. A lot of people dont think its worth the hassle, though. Wrestlers sign them and worry about it later. "Circling the pussy before you get to the hole" is the way Brickhouse Brown describes it.

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