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TNA spent years showing me that Bully Ray, Austin Aries, AJ Styles, Kaz and Daniels were stars that were worth watching, then lose them all in about a year.  The reason I don't watch TNA any more is that I think I'd be too sad to see where it's got to.  Plus, the WWE is on such an upswing at the moment, after about a decade of being in the doldrums.


I speak as someone who persevered with TNA when most people preferred to mock it rather than try it, or claim it was going out of business when there was no risk of it.  But they really ARE on their arse now, there's no point in pretending.  They may have filmed their last ever tv show.  Jeff Wrestling has more shows lined up.


I'm happy to hear Roode is champ again, but when it's in such a diminished company... it doesn't mean as much.

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I feel the exact same way. I'm desperate for Roode to get into WWE, he has far too much talent and the right look to be left on independent scene or waiting on JJ to call. WWE needs some fresh faces IMO, dump the dead weight like Ryder, Khali, RTruth and bring in guys like Roode, Storm etc. give them somewhere to make a proper name for themselves.

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Will be interesting to see the attendances on the UK tour. Seems to be no problem at the moment getting decent tickets or fan interaction so looks to be selling a lot slower than in the past.


If it doesn't sell well enough to warrant another arena tour there must be a risk of SJM kicking them into touch.

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I think Roode, Storm and Joe would fit into the current WWE better than at any previous time.   Joe's going to look decent up against a Rollins or an Ambrose.  And Roode's the full package anyway.


Has WWE never expressed any interest in Styles since he's been available?

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He did look better with his long hair and/or his shorter look with the robe. But he is still the total package for a wrestler for me. The technique, look, mannerisms, selling...everything is perfect. He is wasted in TNA. Would love to see Joe vs Rollins in the big stage.

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Will be interesting to see the attendances on the UK tour. Seems to be no problem at the moment getting decent tickets or fan interaction so looks to be selling a lot slower than in the past.


If it doesn't sell well enough to warrant another arena tour there must be a risk of SJM kicking them into touch.


I've been for the past 4 years to the Manchester shows but I will save any decision on how the company (if any) is looking at that time. 

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TNA still have a shockingly decent roster considering. They've got the foundations on which to build a really good product. Unfortunately they are 12 years into their development. If you were building and 12 years into the project you were back to just solid foundations then something would have to have gone drastically wrong.


Psygnosis posts are hilarious. He's buried his head between Dixie Carter's pissflaps and refuses to accept the true picture. Nobody is talking about TNA's in-ring product. Because no-one is watching. So there's no point crying about posts relating to their imminent death with "well the show is still vaguely watchable". Just making a tit of yourself.


Oh fuck off, I've no idea about TNA's future neither does anyone else, I hope they stick around the stuff they've put out since the summer has been good, I'm not allowed to say that?

Edited by Psygnosis
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Oh fuck off, I've no idea about TNA's future neither does anyone else, I hope they stick around the stuff they've put out since the summer has been good, I'm not allowed to say that?

Well just say that then you mug instead of posting some bitter reply everytime Ian posts a news update.

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