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Pretty decent Impact there, SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

somewhat of a shame Taryn and Gail's feud isn't for the KO Title, and I enjoyed the main event even if its setup was more than a bit contrived. I enjoy the Joker's Wild Tag Tourney, so thought that was something of a waste of it.

Out of interest, why is Anderson the only Aces & 8s member to actually wrestle? Surely they could at least cobble together a tag team or let Brisco or Bischoff stink up the X-Division?

Edited by Captain Wolf
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Genuinely enjoyed this week's episode of mostly ring-action, which was more than fine with me. I love the Bound for Glory series which creates pretty fresh programming.

I am also looking forward to Chris Sabin v Bully Ray at next week's Destination X after that little skit to close the show. Sabin came over pretty strong, which probably means he'll be battered by Bully.

Edited by garynysmon
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I checked out the Ladder match from Hardcore Justice and thought it was alright. It was just the bleak atmosphere made it seem not worth my time watching. I do hate the horrible ladders TNA use as they look like they're made out of plastic and then coated in rubber. I'm not the biggest Young Bucks fan but it was nice to see them back in TNA for the night. I'd have liked to see them brought in throughout the year.


The whole idea of using guys for one night is a perfect solution for TNA at the moment. I really hope they continue to invest in this idea in the future.

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Hardy, Magnus, Styles and Joe look the obvious final four. Bobby Roode hasn't got a point yet, which isn't that surprising. He isn't a main eventer anymore. He's the bloke you set up to fail when you are pushing someone else. I dont know what you would do with Bobby Roode at the minute. He's done everything in TNA. He's wrestled all the singles and tag wrestlers. He's overstayed his welcome in the tag ranks and he had a year long title run not to long ago. He's really stuck in limbo at the minute. TNA has so many fish to fly right now, I cant see Roode getting a look in for ages. Mr Anderson gets more TV time than Roode these days.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He'll get a half arsed boring push at some point like AJ Styles gets every now and then for being loyal. At least I assume that's why Styles gets them. I know he's a good hand and all that but sometimes whoever's booking must look at the roster and think "fuck, I've gotta do something with AJ?" He's done everything at least three times hasn't he?

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Very true.


I know he shifts loads of merchandise and is well liked by a certain demographic (so they'd never can him), but I can't stand Jeff Hardy and would love him to fuck off to WWE asap. He's just wasting a spot at the top of the card as far as i'm concerned.


Hardy, Magnus, Styles and Joe look the obvious final four. Bobby Roode hasn't got a point yet, which isn't that surprising. He isn't a main eventer anymore. He's the bloke you set up to fail when you are pushing someone else. I dont know what you would do with Bobby Roode at the minute. He's done everything in TNA. He's wrestled all the singles and tag wrestlers.


They're teasing a programme between Bad Influence and Aries and Roode at the moment, so that's the only thing I can think of. TNA have managed to turn Chris Daniels, who I used to hate, and turn him into one of my favourite parts of the show. So kudos for that.

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I really enjoyed Hardcore Justice apart from the repetition of spots in the gauntlet match and the stupid rubber guard rail that Funaki used. Are people really that upset that Taz wasn't there to piss over the show or to demean ODB who, in my view, is a completely different and underused talent.


TNA showed how they can sometimes suck dick on the last Impact. Following the final tag bout Daniels and Kazarian bout they cut from a potential break up or trouble within what are a fantastic team to needlessly repeat the finish - which I thought was brilliantly done - whilst wittering on like Les Dawson and Roy Barroclough. Then when they cut back and Daniels was raising Kaz's arm not one word was proffered. That is fucking pathetic.


Same as the ladder match at Hardcore Justice for that matter. Kazarian earned his pay with what looked like a series of painful bumps and, as someone said earlier, this was barely covered by the commentary team.



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Tara would be a good one for their developmental system in Florida I reckon. She's been an unofficial Master Splinter type for the women since she was in OVW back in 2001. Nobody has more respect than her, so wouldn't knock me over if they gave her a ring to learn the girls.

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