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It was said somewhere on here that DLo is a 'Pool fan. Someone posted a pic of a shirt with his name on the back. That's where they got it from. Although Bully Ray is a big PremierLeague fan too from all accounts.


It's on page 37 of this very thread, along with Ian mentioning the reason behind it. :)

Edited by NorthSeaTiger
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Even after all this years when Hogan hulks up I still mark out like a little kid. I must be going senile early aswell because every time Hernandez walks up the ramp to do Air Mexico I always assume he's walking out on Chavo and turning heel.

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I'd like to see them give Hernandez a go as a face, give him a main event. He's not getting any younger, but he's going through one of his purple periods right now were he seems the real deal and the fans are behind him.


I'm aware that these patches tend to coinside with him tagging with a partner who knows what he's doing, but still...

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I'd really like to see Hernandez have a face run. He's one of TNA's homegrown stars similar to AJ Styles and James Storm. It'd be a breath of fresh air to see him towards the Main Event, he certainly has the look, good style in the ring but he isn't too brilliant on the stick. He hasn't botched anything for a while either which is a good sign. I don't actually know if Chavo is the reason why Hernandez is over at the moment, I just think the real crowds reflect the product much better than those 900 idiots at the Impact Zone. I'd like to say hes over for his style as he does have a unique style in the ring.

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I thought Sting and Hogan were on the outs. Is it all Riggs and Murtaugh again? I love it when they do that buddy shit.

Lets hope so.


Hogan was in the ring about to get his arse kicked by Aces & Eights, then the lights went out and when they came back on the Stinger was there with his trusty bat. After teasing beating up the Hulkster (with Bully Ray grinning like a great Bond villain), Sting starts battering the Aces & Eights with Hogan. It was glorious. After clearing the ring the Stinger pointed his bat at Hogan, then made an exit up the ramp as Hogan looked on all bemused.


TNA have killed their young babyfaces a bit, but Sting and Hogan are excellent, especially when they're working together.

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Is Hogan going to beat Bully Ray for the World Title, i am getting very scared about this as i read it on a couple of sites about a month ago, and then low and behold we have them getting physical on Impact.


Please don't let this happen.

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I hope it happens. I hope he wins the X title as well, and brings in Brutus to win the tag titles. 2 hours of Terry's Nonstop Action every week would be great viewing.


If these young guys can't step up, they should step off.

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