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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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Tried to listen to it but was far too irritating with everyone taking over each other 90% of the time. Jericho trying to tell his crap jokes about his time in japan was like a kid in school sucking up to a group of bullies.

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Hallway through the regal one on Tuesday night jaw, and barely left blackpool yet. Could honestly listen to him for days, just grabs your attention in an engaging way. And all credit to smallman he is just sitting back and listening

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Hurricane Helms on Jericho's show is a good listen. I had preconceived notions that he was a prick, but he actually seems like a nice lad. Some good little Vince stories too.

came here to post this, laughed a lot during this, he's actually funny as fuck and I liked hearing about the evolution of the Hurricane character + what made being squashed by Taker on a random Smackdown one of his favourite/most fondly remembered matches

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Been delving into the PWO PTBN feeds of late. Some fun stuff there-you have really in depth long podcasts on wrestling history and the like, fun up-to-date discussions, and then things like the Dangerous Alliance and Brainbuster podcasts that have a quiz/game element to them. Enjoying a 6 hour Between the Sheets 'best of' at the moment which, one hour in, has some awesome Memphis stories!

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Sabu is on this weeks Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana. Could be worth a listen if he puts the effort in


I'm a gigantic Sabu fan, but I won't get my hopes up. His shoot interview track record over the last 10 years is less than exemplary.  :unsure:

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Sabu on colt was alright. No over exagerations, or claims to be greater than he is. Just acceptance really that he is in it for the long haul

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